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Member Since 07 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 22 2013 03:40 PM

Topics I've Started

Brandon Sanderson!

08 February 2013 - 09:08 AM

For all of you Rothfuss loving people, fantasy loving people, and people who just like things, you need to read anything and everything Brandon Sanderson has ever written. Start with Mistborn. My significant other and I go back and forth on a regular basis about which is better overall, Kingkiller Chronicles or Mistborn. My SO is in love with KKC and I with Mistborn. Don't get me wrong, Rothfuss is fucking amazing. His writing is better than Sanderson's. But I would argue that the overall story in Mistborn is better. They are just too different and too wonderful to compare in that way, really.

Sanderon has several other great books as well. I'd recommend Elantris and Warbreaker specifically. They are different stories entirely but similar and sort of matched in a lot of ways. Elantris is the night to Warbreaker's dawn. You'll know what I mean when you read them.

I am a bear.

07 February 2013 - 04:32 PM

I'm Kayti. I love bears. I'm 25, a double major in Biology and Psychology, a cosplayer, a lady.

I found this forum by random chance and I really like it so far.

Here is my nerd: Final Fantasy (VII, IV, V, III, VI, II, VIII, IX - in that order), Star Trek (TNG, Voy, and DS9), Supernatural, Lost Girl, The Kingkiller Chronicles, the human brain, bubble tea, psychology, biology, neuroscience, Skyrim, smoothies, Carl Sagan, cosplay, World of Warcraft (vanilla - WotLK), documentaries (all of them - I will watch any documentary), action figures, Dawn, maps (especially old maps), bellydance, Vampire Hunter D, Gordon Ramsay, The Dresden Files, The Vampire Chronicles, Scott Westerfeld, Everworld, dancing naked, candles, jewelry making, DIY anything, some other stuff I can't think of right now.

Once Upon A Time

07 February 2013 - 04:21 PM

It's silly and pretty and (despite the fact that the effects are kind of bad) I love it so much more than I thought I would.

Anyone else?

There should always be a Kingkiller Chronicles thread.

07 February 2013 - 04:19 PM

The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss is, hands down, the most well-written fantasy I've ever read. And, having worked in a bookstore for 8 years, I've done my fair share of reading. The story is just outstanding and compelling. And the writing is just...perfect.

If you haven't read it, I cannot recommend it highly enough.

If you have read it, join me in loving it.

The nature of light energy.

07 February 2013 - 03:54 PM

So I'm a Biology major and in a Botany class I'm taking this semester we were breaking down the processes behind photosynthesis. In doing this, my processor got to a point in which she said "And to continue any further, we must now examine the nature of light energy." First of all, the way she phrased me made me feel like an apprentice wizard, which is always a great feeling. Second of all, I learned that day that light and energy are amazing and fascinating things. The electromagnetic spectrum is just...so interesting! It made me think about a lot about the state of energy and matter and the bridge between the two and how they are really one in the same and whatnot.

The thing is, whenever I learn something that I find interesting I have the insatiable desire to tell my boyfriend and my closest friends about it. Upon recounting what I'd learned about light, my boyfriend gave me this ridiculous smirk and told me that I sounded like and adorable little hippie stoner.

Ya know, I can't help it if the natural world is the most fascinating and amazing thing ever. How can you not be totally amazed at the fact that we experience various frequencies of the same type of energy on a spectrum in different ways?