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Member Since 26 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 02 2015 11:44 PM

#2400 League of Legends

Posted by K_N on 18 February 2012 - 10:14 PM

I used to play on EUW, now I'm leveling an account on NA. I just hit 20, add me if you like, name is IMKNhurrdurr.

I generally like to play AP or AD carry, main champs are Karthus, Ahri and Kayle. Learning how to play Master Yi recently, he's OP once you get fed a bit.

#1395 Coding. What is a C? What do the pluses mean?

Posted by K_N on 29 January 2012 - 05:29 PM

There's no reason to learn BASIC, at all. It's a dying language with no merit in the professional world.

Learn C# or Java if you want a job. C++ or C if you want to work in open source, that's pretty much the guide for that.

#1193 Fable 3 - Crap, or crappiest?

Posted by K_N on 26 January 2012 - 04:35 PM

Has anyone else played this steaming pile of boring? Girlfriend and I saw it suggested as "similar to borderlands" on Xbox Live... not only is it nothing even near the genre of Borderlands, it's the most boring, utterly thoughtless game I've ever played.

The story is the most derived, overdone thing I've ever heard - You're the brother of the king who's gone mad and have to lead a revolution blah blah.

The combat is utterly ridiculous - You get one button for magic, one for your sword and one for a gun. Mash them to win. No effort required.

There's absolutely no problem solving or trying to find anything in the game, no, a large sparkly trail leads you to each one of your goals, making the game as linear as possible and keeping you from getting sidetracked by the utterly boring environment around it.

Honestly, if you see this game on discount for $3 next to a home enema kit... get the enema kit, you'll have more fun.