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Member Since 12 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active Apr 10 2017 05:57 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: League of Legends

13 March 2017 - 08:56 PM

I haven't played since last year, and never very seriously but you're right about the community, it's not the best around. I tend to go back and play a few games from time to time, but it just doesn't keep my interest anymore. I think I mentioned it somewhere earlier in the thread, but Xin and Blitz were who I enjoyed playing most. I got decent with Zac, Heimerdinger, and a few others though. 


I kind of played seriously for a while. Got really into it at a point, played almost daily, but that did not last for long. The community was the thing which seriously put me off. I did like Blitz a lot, as a support, though. I also thought it was quite funny that, whenever I had a really bad game and missed most of my hooks, if I land one really good hook at the end, everyone forgets all the bad stuff I've done. I have played Heimerdinger once or twice, not that much, but I did have a lot of fun with him.


And to be honest, playing league just doesn't keep my interest anymore either. Just can't bring myself to take it seriously now. It's really strange when I think about the fact that it seemed really important to me at a point in my life. Huh.

In Topic: Favorite mythical creature

13 March 2017 - 10:26 AM

While not exactly a mythological creature, a solomonar is my favourite thing, and it's from Romanian mythology. I like dragons, yes, which is part of why I like these guys.


You see, these guys are wizards who live high up in the sky and their main job is provide the proper amount of rain, control the weather, fight off the creatures of evil (which is quite a feat, considering the craziness which is Romanian mythology when it comes to monsters), and ride dragons. They mostly ride dragons, though, which has been my main dream in childhood.


Cool thing is - you can learn to be one of them, and therefore have the chance to ride your own cloud dragon and rain hail and rain on the poor mortals below. I don't have much information on how exactly you acquire these powers, but it usually involves some degree of special circumstances like being born while covered with a thin membrane. I have no idea what's with Eastern-European countries and membranes on newborns, but I will not go there. You have to be tall and red-haired, though. One could dye his hair, I believe, and height is relative, right?





In Topic: League of Legends

13 March 2017 - 10:07 AM

Wow, lots of people playing League.


I think I started playing some years ago, maybe two? Three? Mostly because of my friends, but I did stop sometimes last year, after failing three promotions in a row. I used to main support and mid, mostly went with babysitters like Janna or Lulu but I also liked the tankier let-me-carry-you supports like Braum or Leona. To be honest, I have no idea what's happening now in league. I've heard there've been a lot of changes, but I have yet to update my game and queue up for something, anything. Seeing all this talk about everything happening kind of made me wanna play. Still have placements this season.


Can't say I've missed the community, though. Had quite the number of bad experiences over the years, even in higher ranks.

In Topic: Man or girl?

13 March 2017 - 09:49 AM

Huh... Never tried to think about it, honestly. I think I usually make female characters in Skyrim or Dragon Age and such, but I have tried out male characters and that didn't put me off or anything. It's usually reflex to pick the female character though, so I have to specifically think of making a male one. But I guess I also resonate with the argument about obstructing the view. Most of my characters tend to be as small in bulk and size as possible.


Or go with the best design/outfit too.

In Topic: Hi!

13 March 2017 - 09:41 AM

Thank you very much! :)