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Member Since 28 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active Nov 30 2015 11:55 AM

Topics I've Started


28 November 2015 - 08:26 AM

Hello all, this is a bit of a repeat from my introduction post but here goes...


I began buying blind subscription boxes related to anything geeky, as a way to share my love for the culture with my kids, almost two years ago. 
It has been such a great experience that my eldest son, Sky, decided to share our unboxings with anyone willing to watch!
I was excited over his new endeavor and wasted no time getting him a youtube channel and all associated accounts.
'Revealing geeky awesomeness along with his mighty blade, Ankath'
Watch as Sky keeps things fresh by selecting new up and comers as well as the tried-and-true.  You'll see him rip through crates, boxes, caches & blocks alike.  Posting not only the cost of each sub, but the individual MSRP's (or as close as we can guess) for each item.  Showing you how much bang you get for your buck!
So, take a moment to check him out, see what your missing and drop a comment & like!!