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King Koi

Member Since 04 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 07 2014 05:39 PM

Topics I've Started

Satellite image map of Avatar world

05 October 2014 - 10:49 AM

I've always thought it'd be cool to create a map of the Avatar: The Last Airbender world like the kind of composite satellite image you see on Google Maps. I started this project a while ago then stopped, and I only recently started back up again. It is far from complete

Most of it was made by taking chunks of real Earth and pasting them onto the Avatar map, then editing them around to look nice. Recently, I've been trying out drawing it from scratch. The peninsula at the south coast of Chameleon Bay was made entirely from scratch (still working on it). Ba Sing Se was made mostly from scratch as well (still looks weird). The poles were made by drawing on pictures of Antarctica. I think they turned out quite nicely. The Shi Wong Desert is the Sahara and I can't remember where the northwestern Earth Kingdom came from. Perhaps western Canada or Europe.


Full size image: http://image.wikifou...deb434d851a0e50


I can't seem to get it to post right and Imgur is broken for me, so I just gave you the link instead. Sorry.

Problems with new Doctor Who episode

05 October 2014 - 09:52 AM

This post contains spoilers!!!


I've really been liking the Twelfth Doctor so far. However, I'm not so sure about some of the science of this season. They always seem to be late for something, wishing for time to relax, or worrying about missing a phone call, things that should not be an issue when you can travel through time. I found that the most recent episode, "Kill the Moon," is the worst one yet in this respect. Let me tell you why.


To begin with, the entire plot of the episode is based around the Moon getting heavier. The Moon is getting heavier because it is actually the egg of giant alien, who is growing. The problem with that is that eggs don't get heavier. Because of conservation of mass, a creature can't spontaneously add cells to its body from nothing. In the case of a creature in an egg, it digests yolk and, through synthesis, essentially builds new cells with it. The overall mass of the creature and its egg always stays the same.


The other thing that really popped out at me was the scene where the Earth's population votes by turning their lights on or off. This one might not be the fault of the writers, so much as the animators. First, how does everybody see this broadcast simultaneously? Are they all awake at midnight watching TV? Second, how does everybody know English? Last I checked, there is more than one language. I considered the possibility that there is some futuristic tech that alerts all people on Earth at once and translates it into whatever language they speak, but isn't this only 30-ish years in the future? Next, and I am not so sure about this one, why does the whole world seem to be dark? Perhaps the Moon just happens to be on the exact opposite side of the Sun when this happens? Finally, if you watch how the lights go out, there is definitely something wrong. The lights appear to go out speck by speck, as if each speck of light is a single house. New York City would look like a single speck, but their lights wouldn't go out all at once. Actually, the United States' lights seem to go out state by state. I found it funny that Florida was the last place in the world to turn off their lights.


Also, they have an issue with a person posting photos of their Moon adventures on Tumblr. This is a problem with time travel. They don't want the girl to post the photos, because they don't want people in 2014 to see them. If I mail a picture of a microwave to my friend, would I worry about people in 1893 seeing it and getting freaked out? Also, how does she get an internet connection in space? I can't even get one in my living room!


Finally, why did the TARDIS even land on a space shuttle? To be the first woman on the Moon, I think the Doctor would bring her to many years ago on the Moon. And why not go to the surface? You could  pop in and pop back out without an issue. Would the actual crew of the space shuttle even continue with the mission when they found strangers on their ship? Also, by the time Mexico is forming colonies on the Moon, you'd think they'd have at least one woman go there.


Of course, despite all these issues, the episode was fairly enjoyable and probably worth watching. Have any of you noticed any problems with this episode or another?

The most random things in the universe

04 October 2014 - 11:28 PM

Say something random. Then say something more random. Then blow up Saturn. Whoever says the most random thing forever and ever gets 55 points or else. Or else what? Or else random.

DMing tips?

04 October 2014 - 10:34 PM

My friends and I are all fairly new to D&D. We've played about 5-8 sessions each. We decided to start an online campaign using roll20.net and I was chosen as the DM. I haven't been able to get my hands on a 5e DM's Guide, but I do have a PHB. Lately I've been trying to memorize all the rules of play (with the PHB) and designing the world in which our adventures will take place.


Do any, more experienced players have some advice for me? Do I need a DM's Guide? What mistakes can I avoid making? Basically, is there anything I should know before I start?

The Chosen One Has Finally Arrived.

04 October 2014 - 10:11 PM

I am he who has been chosen. I am a genius and a nerd. I am the greatest person ever and I, above all else, am modest.


I have come to this land to spread enlightenment to my fellow nerds. We are here for one, single purpose. And that purpose will be revealed, right after this commercial break.