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Member Since 11 Aug 2014
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In Topic: Urban Legends

19 September 2014 - 03:55 AM

Okay, first of all - this isn´t exacly an "urban legend" it´s more like the typical european ghost story.


So, from 1618 - 1648 the "thirty years´War" http://en.wikipedia....irty_Years'_War raged in Germany and devastated wide areas. Like many others, the town where I grew up was completely depopulated. The special condition about my home town is the large system of red sandstone caves running all underneath it - those caves where used during wartimes as shelter for the population. During the thirty years´War, however they had been used as an amunition depot. The legend tells, that a huge amount of the stored ammuntion there went off, burying lots of people. After the war, the caves were forgotten for several centuries - until theyr rediscovery in the late 19th century. During WWII they were -once again- used as a shelter or bunker system. Many of the people seeking shelter during the last War told storys of strangly antiquated clothed people they saw in the caves wandering around and suddenly dissapear from one moment to the other. About 10 years ago, the caves were renovated and closed off parts were reopened for visitors. During the works a part was reopened, that apparently had been closed off during a large scaled structural collapse ... the workers didn´t believe their eyes when the found the remains of almost 60 corpses - all from the time of the thirty years´War.


Im sorry if my English might be a bit "shaky" in this post ^^

In Topic: First tattoo

09 September 2014 - 10:45 AM

And be sure to make some enquiries about the artist. Can't talk for other nations but my first tattoo ended up in a pretty nasty infection. Although the local reputation of the artist was pretty decent.

In Topic: The "What Are You Listening To?" Thread

06 September 2014 - 10:50 AM


In Topic: Post your current wallpaper here.

06 September 2014 - 10:46 AM


In Topic: I'm a little new to anime, any suggestions?

06 September 2014 - 09:22 AM

I would recommend Code Geass ... and once again I would feel ripped off, if I had bought the BluRay Boxes in Germany ... I paid 18 Pound for each season in the UK ... in Germany it would have been 75 Euros ...