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11 Things Atheists Can't Do

atheism discrimination

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#1 Mister Sympa

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Posted 25 April 2014 - 06:32 PM

Someone shared this article, and I found it really interesting. As an atheist, I had been aware of quite a bit of the issues at hand, but the extents and depths were shocking.


...atheism proved the biggest negative influence on a hypothetical candidate's viability, with fewer respondents saying they would be willing to vote for an atheist than either a gay or a Muslim candidate.







#2 Calvary



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Posted 25 April 2014 - 06:57 PM

Man, I'm an atheist and fucking glad for it. The great thing about the UK is it's a predominantly secular society with most religious people being pretty damn moderate. What shocked me first on my trip around the U.S. was the billboards on motorways telling people they were murderers/ going to hell/ evil for having abortions. Fucking sickening.

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#3 Mister Sympa

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Posted 25 April 2014 - 07:01 PM

It really truly is. It's terrifying and disturbing.


#4 Affray


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Posted 25 April 2014 - 07:02 PM

We will see where all that stands once science and logic takes over as the dominant system of thought in the world.

Atheism is on the steady incline and I am afraid there isn't any stopping it.


I try not to take any belief system seriously that claims to preach peace and prosperity, when it is only that for a select group of people.


Love thy neighbour and respect your fellow man.

Unless he is a muslim, or atheist, or doesn't agree with your beilefs, or falls in to any other countless reasons for hatred to occur.

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#5 Calvary



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Posted 25 April 2014 - 07:33 PM

They're all as bad as each other; you can be a fucking infidel, a gentile or a pagan or whatever and if you are one then they're pretty much allowed to say or do whatever with you really. I mean, Atheists don't necessarily like religious people but I've never heard an Atheist say they want to wipe out believers. Hell even Dawkins isn't that bad.

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#6 Affray


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Posted 25 April 2014 - 08:41 PM

Most atheists share the same outlook that I do on religion.

It is generally an outdated practice that has gotten out of hand and lost its meaning.

I do not think any less of a person because of their beliefs, only if their beliefs cause them to do things that I do not see as decent.

I have every confidence that the vast majority of human beings would become non-religious if they stopped and really, really looked at the universe and its workings.


Also, atheists tend to be the most accepting people around.

Our divorce rates are generally lower than religious folk of many walks, we don't force our beliefs down people's throats, and we usually try not to hold the ignorance of overly religious zealots against them. For they know not what they say, and know not what they do.

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#7 The Seldom Seen Kid

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Posted 27 April 2014 - 04:22 AM

I saw an interview with Ricky Gervais that summed the purpose of atheism nicely: Religious believers have everything to die for where as atheists have everything to live for.


As an atheist I thought that was a pleasant summary that also wouldn't cause offense.

#8 Calvary



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Posted 27 April 2014 - 01:55 PM



I woke up and read this, what a way to start the day! :D

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#9 Coconut Man

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Posted 27 April 2014 - 05:30 PM

Of course, I'm still in school, so I don't see much of this, but I haven't really noticed discrimination against atheists. I live in a primarily Jewish community, though, so maybe it's just the Christians that can't accept that? Then again, the Christians I know (my family is primarily Christian) are accepting of my beliefs as I respect theirs.

People should respect each others' beliefs. It's not that complicated. 


#10 Calvary



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Posted 28 April 2014 - 02:08 AM

I will only respect other people's beliefs if they do not impose upon my life. If some religious group wants to establish a law that discriminates against me or negatively effects me I will let them know just what I think of them and their beliefs.

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#11 Big_Willie_Styles



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Posted 03 May 2014 - 10:28 PM

Someone shared this article, and I found it really interesting. As an atheist, I had been aware of quite a bit of the issues at hand, but the extents and depths were shocking.







First of all, the Puffington Host (inside joke, I won't bother explaining it) is not the most neutral source, but let's dive in:


Atheists don't really face discrimination per se. People make a judgment to like them or not.


Atheists are a minority. Less than 15% of the country or so, but more than certain ethnic and religious groups that have similar problems with discrimination (Asians and Jews, for instance,) atheists have certain issues in America and elsewhere. Unfortunately for this article, atheism is a profound conscious choice. Those raised Jewish, for instance, who become something else later in life were still raised under an embedded culture going back thousands of years (and a lot of discrimination, persecution, and genocide in that history.) Atheism isn't a culture. It's a difference. A difference people are allowed to voice their dislike for. This is why homosexuals are right to voice discrimination, as it's not a choice to them whom they love. But atheism is a choice, a profound life choice. One somebody makes as an adult generally. And since it is not considered a religion, it can't get religious protections either. The best similar thing I can compare it to is being a vegan or a vegetarian.


It doesn't help that the biggest "advocates" of atheism are all pretty much smug jerks.


I was raised Moravian and became Lutheran latter in life. I have a general "Let it ride" attitude on religion. Don't throw it in my face or try to convince me how great your religion (or lack thereof) is, and you and I will not have a problem.

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#12 Calvary



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Posted 04 May 2014 - 12:42 AM

Atheists don't really face discrimination per se. People make a judgment to like them or not.



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#13 SushiKitten


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Posted 04 May 2014 - 07:11 AM

Atheists don't really face discrimination per se. People make a judgment to like them or not.


Dude... that's the definition of discrimination.

#14 Affray


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Posted 04 May 2014 - 10:26 AM

First of all, the Puffington Host (inside joke, I won't bother explaining it) is not the most neutral source, but let's dive in:


Atheists don't really face discrimination per se. People make a judgment to like them or not.


Atheists are a minority. Less than 15% of the country or so, but more than certain ethnic and religious groups that have similar problems with discrimination (Asians and Jews, for instance,) atheists have certain issues in America and elsewhere. Unfortunately for this article, atheism is a profound conscious choice. Those raised Jewish, for instance, who become something else later in life were still raised under an embedded culture going back thousands of years (and a lot of discrimination, persecution, and genocide in that history.) Atheism isn't a culture. It's a difference. A difference people are allowed to voice their dislike for. This is why homosexuals are right to voice discrimination, as it's not a choice to them whom they love. But atheism is a choice, a profound life choice. One somebody makes as an adult generally. And since it is not considered a religion, it can't get religious protections either. The best similar thing I can compare it to is being a vegan or a vegetarian.


It doesn't help that the biggest "advocates" of atheism are all pretty much smug jerks.


I was raised Moravian and became Lutheran latter in life. I have a general "Let it ride" attitude on religion. Don't throw it in my face or try to convince me how great your religion (or lack thereof) is, and you and I will not have a problem.

Comparing Atheism to being vegan is pretty off base.

Choosing your diet is not the same as choosing how you perceive the workings of the universe.


Nearly every Atheist over the age of twenty I have ever met is the furthest thing from a smug jerk about what they believe, only the young naive people are assholes about it, but they are that way regardless of their beliefs.


A belief system is a belief system.

Atheism is not a "difference" any more than any religion out there is a difference from it's predecessors.

Calling it a difference is implying that it only exists to oppose the other options, and also suggests an aggressive stance.


Just because Atheism hasn't been a dominant belief system for thousands of years like many others doesn't mean it can just be cast aside as some "difference" to the others that shouldn't be taken seriously.


Speaking they way you do about Atheism is exactly the way you are claiming "smug Atheist jerks" speak regarding other religions.

You are entitled to any opinion you may have, but throwing half thought out, hypocritical crap about something that you clearly have very little knowledge of is not the way to be taken seriously.

It is perfectly acceptable to fear and admire a being you could not possibly understand.

#15 Calvary



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Posted 04 May 2014 - 11:59 AM

I waiting for the 'but Stalin and Mao were atheists' argument.

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#16 Coconut Man

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Posted 04 May 2014 - 12:30 PM

I always found it cool that Tony Stark met two gods and was still an atheist, and that Steve Rogers met two gods and was still Christian.

I think Light Yagami was atheist too, even though he met shinigami (gods of death).


#17 Big_Willie_Styles



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Posted 04 May 2014 - 06:56 PM

A belief system is a belief system.

Now, that's something a lot of atheists don't like to admit.


The most famous smug atheist is Richard Dawkins. Bill Maher comes to mind as well. And while I love him for most other things, Penn Jillette pisses me off whenever he goes on one of his anti-religion rants.


And deciding whether or not to like someone for a reason or reasons is a judgment call people make every day. Unless you're a complete douchebag, people will tolerate you but they don't have to be your friend or "like you."


I was just trying to explain why people might not like atheists. My best friend from college is a massive atheist, just not a smug one. As long as he didn't push it, we didn't have problems. Asked me to watch Religulous one time, but other than that, religion rarely came up. It's generally a good topic to avoid when an atheist and a Christian are friends.

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#18 Affray


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Posted 04 May 2014 - 08:45 PM

Now, that's something a lot of atheists don't like to admit.


The most famous smug atheist is Richard Dawkins. Bill Maher comes to mind as well. And while I love him for most other things, Penn Jillette pisses me off whenever he goes on one of his anti-religion rants.


And deciding whether or not to like someone for a reason or reasons is a judgment call people make every day. Unless you're a complete douchebag, people will tolerate you but they don't have to be your friend or "like you."


I was just trying to explain why people might not like atheists. My best friend from college is a massive atheist, just not a smug one. As long as he didn't push it, we didn't have problems. Asked me to watch Religulous one time, but other than that, religion rarely came up. It's generally a good topic to avoid when an atheist and a Christian are friends.

You are confusing Atheists with run of the mill loud mouth asshats.


I have religious friends and discussing religion with them is never a problem, and isn't something that should be avoided to preserve a friendship.

My fiance's brother is going through school to be a bloody pastor for (Lutheran) Christ's sake.

My goal with him is to make him the best damn pastor possible by debating with him.

If he can go toe to toe with me and talk shop and the ways of God, he will have no problems when he goes on and does the real deal in his own church.


We are all just piles of sentient meat flying though space on an organic space ship, and we should take things like who's God is tougher about as seriously as that statement sounds. If you believe in a higher power and you turn out to be a decent person, and the guy next to you ends up the same way by having no faith in anything but himself, then I call that a win win.

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#19 Calvary



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Posted 05 May 2014 - 12:51 AM

I'd also like to point out Bill Maher repeatedly states he's not a bloody atheist. The whole idea of Religilous was that he didn't know if there was or wasn't a god. He just went out there and made stupid people look stupid.


You know, like the inherently damaging religious telethons to line the pockets of the speakers and stuff.

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#20 SushiKitten


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 06:59 AM

Now, that's something a lot of atheists don't like to admit.
The most famous smug atheist is Richard Dawkins. Bill Maher comes to mind as well. And while I love him for most other things, Penn Jillette pisses me off whenever he goes on one of his anti-religion rants.
And deciding whether or not to like someone for a reason or reasons is a judgment call people make every day. Unless you're a complete douchebag, people will tolerate you but they don't have to be your friend or "like you."
I was just trying to explain why people might not like atheists. My best friend from college is a massive atheist, just not a smug one. As long as he didn't push it, we didn't have problems. Asked me to watch Religulous one time, but other than that, religion rarely came up. It's generally a good topic to avoid when an atheist and a Christian are friends.

A month or so ago, I mentioned on another thread that I disliked how Bill Nye was debating creationists. I thought it was pointless and he would be better off teaching those who were more open to learning. More than anything, i thought Nye's approach was aggressive, especially considering a certain YouTube video on BigThink. I was like you, I thought that many atheists were just arrogrant assholes. Gol and Affray made me realize that Nye's debating is necessary. A quote from Affray from that thread:

Nye was giving a speach at the University of Texas (I think) and when he said that moonlight was just the sun's light reflected off the surface of the moon and toward us a few people in the crowd spoke up and pointed out that in the bible it says that God placed two lights in the sky, one for night and one for day. He basically said yeah well that isn't what all this science we've been doing tells us, and was promptly booed. While at a scientific assembly, at a University, where he was speaking, about science, he was booed for talkig about proven logical science. That is exactly why he and others like him need to not let off the gas when they are pushed back by people who just blatently ignore the world around them. We are all so amazingly fucked if those people end up being the ones being listened to and teaching future generations about the workings of the universe.

I always thought that the US was very similar to Canada in its workings, but the US is much more religious. In more than one state, they're very close to teaching creationism in science classes alongside the theory of evolution. We need children to come out scientifically literate so that they can be the force that solves today's problems. They shouldn't come out confused and misinformed about our world because of the religious and conservative generation before them. We know so much about our world and our universe, so many things still blow my mind. But if people are going to deny it because that isn't what the Bible says, then how are we going to continue to evolve as a civilization? Already as it is, for some reason society has a deep mistrust of science and medicine. People are saying climate change isn't real, or that vaccines can cause autism. The vaccine one in particular: parents aren't taking their children to get vaccinated and as a result, diseases are viruses that were basically dead are making a comeback. How ridiculous is that?
Most atheists who act smug are arrogant 14 year olds who think they're smarter than everyone, and The Amazing Atheist on YouTube. If you take them and try to say all atheists are like that, that's the same as saying all Christians act like the Westboro Baptist Church does. 
And I don't know how to end this, so have a video of Neil deGrasse Tyson on the subject.