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#1 Ice_



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Posted 15 March 2014 - 08:51 AM

If you have any rants you want to get off your chest post them here! Just post, post, post anything from science to TV show rants here!

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#2 Sethre



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Posted 15 March 2014 - 10:59 AM

I've been hagridden for almost a week and just want a good nights sleep

Melatonin is really nice and basically forces you into a deep sleep.


#3 Sethre



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Posted 15 March 2014 - 11:20 AM

Well I haven't had any problems getting to sleep, but when I do I constantly have crazy dreams about my old life, and when I wake up I feel just as tired as when I went to sleep.


I think it's just stress

It might not hurt to try, I know when I take Melatonin after a stressful day or anxiety filled day it puts me to sleep and I dont usually have any dreams.


#4 Affray


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Posted 15 March 2014 - 06:21 PM

Well I haven't had any problems getting to sleep, but when I do I constantly have crazy dreams about my old life, and when I wake up I feel just as tired as when I went to sleep.


I think it's just stress

You may be suffering from Durdens Syndrome.

You may want to set up some cameras and see if you are getting up after you fall asleep and starting fight clubs somewhere.

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#5 twa


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Posted 15 March 2014 - 08:23 PM

Constant circumstances have gotten in the way of my fapping sessions with the boyfriend. This makes me quite upset. 



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#6 Affray


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Posted 15 March 2014 - 08:42 PM

Constant circumstances have gotten in the way of my fapping sessions with the boyfriend. This makes me quite upset. 

Both of you take a few days off from your obligations, planned in advance obviously, and go somewhere nice that has a lot of hotels.

The rest writes itself.

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#7 No-Danico


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Posted 15 March 2014 - 10:15 PM

You may be suffering from Durdens Syndrome.

You may want to set up some cameras and see if you are getting up after you fall asleep and starting fight clubs somewhere.


I want this to be true sooo badly.


"You hear Jas started a fight club?"


"No, because of rule one, you dense motherfucker."


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#8 SushiKitten


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Posted 16 March 2014 - 05:28 AM

Here's a rant/complaint:


I sort of wish Bill Nye never started his crusade against creationism. It was interesting at first but I think it's a useless battle and it ruins the image many people had of him from the television show. I think he'd be more accepted if he kept with educating the public rather than accusing them of ignorance.

#9 Calvary



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Posted 16 March 2014 - 09:33 AM

Here's a rant/complaint:


I sort of wish Bill Nye never started his crusade against creationism. It was interesting at first but I think it's a useless battle and it ruins the image many people had of him from the television show. I think he'd be more accepted if he kept with educating the public rather than accusing them of ignorance.


I don't think he goes far enough, if people wanted to just be accepted no one would speak up against any wrong within society, be that creationism or the Khmer Rouge. People like Nye, Dawkins and *Hitchens* are doing a public service, imo.


*have done

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#10 fae



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Posted 16 March 2014 - 09:54 AM

I'm angry about a lot of things. mostly people and my lacking social skills. I just can't read situations which may end badly some day.

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#11 Affray


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Posted 16 March 2014 - 03:28 PM

Here's a rant/complaint:


I sort of wish Bill Nye never started his crusade against creationism. It was interesting at first but I think it's a useless battle and it ruins the image many people had of him from the television show. I think he'd be more accepted if he kept with educating the public rather than accusing them of ignorance.

The ignorance of certain groups in our society makes itself apparent, and people like Nye and company have a logical and moral obligation to do their very best to shed the light of science in said ignorance. They are nothing more than conduits for truth, and act as nothing more. I don't think being publicly adored is on their list of goals over educating everyone until we are all on an even playing field.


Nye was giving a speach at the University of Texas (I think) and when he said that moonlight was just the sun's light reflected off the surface of the moon and toward us a few people in the crowd spoke up and pointed out that in the bible it says that God placed two lights in the sky, one for night and one for day. He basically said yeah well that isn't what all this science we've been doing tells us, and was promptly booed. While at a scientific assembly, at a University, where he was speaking, about science, he was booed for talkig about proven logical science. That is exactly why he and others like him need to not let off the gas when they are pushed back by people who just blatently ignore the world around them. We are all so amazingly fucked if those people end up being the ones being listened to and teaching future generations about the workings of the universe.

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#12 Sethre



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Posted 16 March 2014 - 03:57 PM

What's funny about that, is that in my dreams I'm frequently fistfighting people 1 on 1, even we're both armed :lol:


But this might explain why my fists are so sore >,..>

Or maybe you're just jacking off in your sleep. 


#13 Calvary



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Posted 16 March 2014 - 04:36 PM

Just to punctuate what Affray said, if people like that get near power we are even more fucked. Look at the religious psychopaths who (I think in Oklahoma? Or some such southern state) tried to legalise discrimination against LGBTQ people by allowing shop keepers the right to turn away gay people. Like, that was something nearly written into state law. Only stopped by the state's senator(? - might have the term wrong).


It isn't just important Nye and Co. do what they do, it's vital. :)

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#14 Bowsette



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Posted 16 March 2014 - 04:49 PM

The problem there, is that those who cannot or will not learn, under no circumstances will change. So trying to teach them otherwise is an exercise in futility. If you look at how set some of us are in our belief in science, nothing will sway us from it. It's the same for them, but with religion in the place of science.


It all comes down to what you believe in, and true belief won't change, no matter how much people try to educate you. In fact, what Nye et al are doing will have the opposite effect. It just cements the anti-science beliefs because religions already have credos in place to counteract them. So no matter how much you try, you're just making it harder for yourself because you're adding fuel for their fire rather than your own.


A simple metaphor to me, is when people use their/they're/there incorrectly, and you point it out. In many cases, they still do it wrong, because of two reasons. The first is that it's ritualistic almost. They've done it for so long they don't know any different. The second is pride. Being told you're wrong is something nobody likes, and the most common reaction is indignation and denial. Both of them strengthen the belief rather than weaken it, and that's what Nye's crusade is doing. He's not helping people see the truth in science, he's just strengthening the core lies of religion.


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#15 Calvary



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Posted 16 March 2014 - 04:57 PM

That's bull shit. If people like Nye weren't doing what they were doing I'd still be Catholic.

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#16 Bowsette



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Posted 16 March 2014 - 05:05 PM

That sounds like an argument of one against many, to be honest. I'd wager far more religious people would not be swayed by scientific evidence and whatnot, than those who are swayed by it. Sadly that's kind of a tough thing to take statistics for.


Though to your statement itself, during the Nye/Ham debate, Ham was asked what, if anything, would change his mind. His answer? Nothing.


So that makes, that we have evidence of, one for, and one against.


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#17 Affray


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Posted 16 March 2014 - 05:25 PM

Those who firmly believe in the words written in a book over the factual evidence handed to them may very well be lost causes.

But their kids aren't, their grandkids aren't.

I am sure I had very religious ancestors who couldn't fathom the idea of the bible not being fact, yet here I am, as devoid of any religious beliefs as a person can come.

My dad is the same way.

Just because those who have some sort of faith won't be swayed in that belief, doesn't mean those who speak the word of science should give up on trying to change everyone else by bettering their understanding of themselves, their world, and their universe.

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#18 Calvary



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Posted 16 March 2014 - 05:34 PM

I think the growing percentage of atheism and irreligion is testament that their work is paying off, and that less and less people are buying the bull shit.

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#19 Bowsette



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Posted 16 March 2014 - 05:38 PM

Yes, betterment is a good thing. But I question whether that's the intention. Is it truly that they want to provide these people with a new way to look at things, or is it just an anti-religious crusade? I'm not religious. I used to be, but I moved away from it on my own. Indoctrination is the same regardless of what the topic is, and I'd honestly rather people decide on their own what they believe in, than to have it thrust upon them. Because just as forcing religion on a child and telling them science is wrong will lead to them holding bitter hatred of science, the same will happen when roles are reversed. If you force them to unquestioningly accept science without allowing them the freedom to think, you're no better. And they'll grow up with the bitter hatred of religion.


I find creationism to be a bit cuckoo, but if that's what somebody wants to believe, who am I to tell them differently?


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#20 Calvary



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Posted 16 March 2014 - 05:45 PM

If it starts getting in the way of how I'm allowed to live my life, if it's forced in my face then I have a right to complain and engage in a counter-movement.


You know religion has adverse effects, until the end of the month you can't get married to your girlfriend even if you wanted to because it's still mind-bendingly illegal.

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