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What type of Wizard would you be?

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#1 Timathor Aznerac

Timathor Aznerac


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Posted 01 July 2013 - 08:10 PM

Wizards are apart of every medieval fantasy game, book or movie. Each is different and most wizards are separated into different categories based on what type of magic they favor. What type of wizard are you? Are you the devious necromancer or the daring battlemage or a helpful cleric? You decide.

One man is judged not by his strength but by his intellectual strength.

#2 The Robstar

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Posted 02 July 2013 - 03:27 AM

I'd be a Slytherin. Me and Malfoy would come hustle some wizard coin out of ya, impregnate the girls and "FETUS DELETUS"




#3 LittleLioness



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 11:46 AM

I'd probably be like Hermione from Harry Potter, though I wouldn't mind the awesome dresses of Regina from Once upon a time.


If you had to judge my wizardness on social skills... I'd probably be Radagast the brown :lol:

#4 SpleenBeGone


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Posted 06 July 2013 - 10:54 AM

I've always been partial to the necromancer. I played one in Diablo, and had a mod for it in morrowind that was epic.


#5 Wolf



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Posted 06 July 2013 - 02:18 PM

Hemomancer, or Blood Mage


'cuz everything's made of blood, therefore if you control blood, you control everything.


Plus the DnD Blood Mages get Bloodwalk


 Once per day as a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, he can seamlessly enter any living creature (except an elemental, ooze, plant, undead, or other creature without blood or a similar fl uid) whose size equals or exceeds his own and pass any distance to another living creature on the same plane in a single round, regardless of the distance separating the two



I mean, how cool is that? :lol:



Close second is druids, 'cuz "Rawr imma bear!"

#6 Silver_rose



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Posted 07 July 2013 - 05:19 AM

Elemental mage

Or given the fact that I may not be allowed to command the four elements

Pyromage at the least

Because I can...

#7 HemoGoblin



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Posted 17 July 2013 - 10:01 PM

Necro basically wins for me. Once you eliminate your sense of smell, that is.

Here's my figuring. Its fuckin MAGIC, so I don't need bones or anything. I roll up on a Necrosaurus Rex, with an army of undead dinosaurs. I figure I can make a fortune ordering zombies to do work for me. Things with non-feasible manpower requirements suddenly are my specialty, and I can stop riots alone.


 Also, Phylacteries turn my kids into sons of liches......


#8 SpleenBeGone


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Posted 21 July 2013 - 12:45 PM


I never considered the smell.


#9 Wolf



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Posted 21 July 2013 - 06:47 PM

I never thought about zombies as free slave labor >.>


nevermind the smell, we live in the age of Febreeze

#10 SpleenBeGone


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 08:00 AM


Think of the things you could do with an army of zombies!


#11 HemoGoblin



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Posted 23 July 2013 - 04:43 PM

Construction of entire neighborhood in days....


#12 Mister Sympa

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Posted 13 August 2013 - 12:47 PM

Isn't that what America has illegal aliens for?


#13 Affray


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Posted 13 August 2013 - 12:54 PM

Everything great feat that mankind has ever accomplished was on the backs of slaves.

The Great Pyramids, the railroads, America.


I am not saying it is a good thing, just that slavery gets shit done.

It is perfectly acceptable to fear and admire a being you could not possibly understand.

#14 No-Danico


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Posted 13 August 2013 - 02:37 PM



The Jewish people of the time were mercenaries or something, I dunno. Also, we had the Chinese make our railroads, thank you very much. We just treated them like slaves. I can't argue the last one, America was built upon the bloody backs of some guys who crashed at our place and did some odd jobs around the plantation.  


Also, on the topic of zombie dinos: From book 7 of the Dresden Files (My favorite wizard/noir series), Dead Beat:




My first novel, Seeds of Magic- Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, Sony Store


#15 Affray


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Posted 13 August 2013 - 04:10 PM

Perhaps those entombed pyramid builders were management to the slaves?

Finding that they had organised graves for manula labourers doesn't mean that they weren't forced to work against their will.

Maybe the Egyptians just knew how to make a slave last by feeding him properly and not letting them just work themselves to death.

It is perfectly acceptable to fear and admire a being you could not possibly understand.

#16 HemoGoblin



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Posted 13 August 2013 - 04:49 PM

Slavery in Egypt's time was a different thing anyway. Most of the time it was a conquered enemy that was enslaved, or they sold themselves into slavery for a time to pay a debt. In Israel any indentured or enslaved workers were freed every 7th year, with some exceptions. 

Also, the US benefited from slave labor, but to state that we were built on their backs assumes many things that aren't true. Black slave labor wasn't that prominent as of the founding of the country, plantation culture came a good bit later. Indian enslavement took a chunk of time as well,  at least it took a long time to be a significant portion of the labor going on in the colonies. Even at that point it's not as if no one else worked, they just forced the worst onto the slaves. Plantation owners were a rich upper class, a great portion of the country had no slaves, or 1-2 house servants and the head of household still did the working. To boot, since the slaves were subjugated and prevented from education, basically all of the culture, technology and science of the time came from free men. 


#17 Mister Sympa

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Posted 13 August 2013 - 06:05 PM

On topic, I'm a very support-oriented person, so I'd probably be a healer or whatever. Casting stat-enhancing things so that my team could get shit done and not die.


#18 idk



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Posted 15 August 2013 - 07:28 AM

Hemomancer, or Blood Mage


'cuz everything's made of blood, therefore if you control blood, you control everything.


Plus the DnD Blood Mages get Bloodwalk




I mean, how cool is that? :lol:



Close second is druids, 'cuz "Rawr imma bear!"


Why stop at blood?


Water mage.

EVERYTHING has water in it. 


I've always been plenty partial to dark mages/necromancers though.


Hey Spleen, lets build an army!


#19 Wolf



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Posted 23 August 2013 - 08:50 AM

Why stop at blood?


Water mage.

EVERYTHING has water in it. 


I've always been plenty partial to dark mages/necromancers though.


Hey Spleen, lets build an army!

This is true, but a nifty thing about blood is the trace amounts of Iron in it.


and as Anime has taught me, anything made of Iron, even liquids, make very good weapons.


It'de be close to something like [Prototype]. I would be running around stabbing everyone with my blood. And it would be great.

#20 Scorpionking60164



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Posted 23 August 2013 - 09:31 AM

I think I would choose to go the way of the Necromancer. The ability to use death as a weapon just has a great appeal to me. 

It's the darkest of the dark arts and about as evil as you can get. The ability to summon an army of the undead to do ones bidding and able to command the darkest of forces is about as evil as you can get. Killing ones enemies and then forcing them to become soldiers in your army is possibly the best way to exact revenge on those who wish you harm. 


Life isn't so bad...If you only have to live it once - "The Real Folk Blues" by Mia Yamane and Shoelaces





