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That feeling when something flies really fast at your nuts...

near miss

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#1 SIlhouette



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Posted 17 February 2013 - 06:15 AM

That feeling when something flies at your balls and your whole body goes into DEFCON 1, the hair raises on your nuts, your body goes tense, you anticipate the pain that you are about to receive and you talk to god...

then the object misses and you still feel the pain...

If you are male and know what I am talking about then watch this near miss.

If you are female and have no idea what I mean then this is an example.

#2 Silver_rose



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Posted 17 February 2013 - 06:30 AM

Sweet fuck that is scary.

But uhhh, what is your point?... Did something fly at your balls or were you just freaking yourself out by thinking about it?

Because I can...

#3 SushiKitten


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Posted 17 February 2013 - 07:57 AM

Some people really like to live life on the edge. Or they're stupid.

Probably both

#4 Diabolical_Jazz



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Posted 17 February 2013 - 08:28 AM

At first I came into this thread like, "AHA! So you are male!"
And then I saw that second video.
Now I just want to curl up in a ball and hide under my blankets for while.
I don't think he needs to be immortal. I think all he needs to do is to write the right story. Because some stories do live forever.

#5 Fox The Cat

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Posted 17 February 2013 - 10:13 AM

I'm so confused >.> Trains and nuts aren't the same and the whole missing part is confusing. If it misses your area it doesn't hurt because it missed your area. So confused v.v

you innocent... fucking... fox... 

#6 Affray


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Posted 17 February 2013 - 10:29 AM

I'm so confused >.> Trains and nuts aren't the same and the whole missing part is confusing. If it misses your area it doesn't hurt because it missed your area. So confused v.v

I think the little car would me more like the nuts, and the train would be more like the train almost hitting the nuts.

It is almost the same as when you see someone get wrecked somehow and for an instant you feel their pain.
The same goes for dudes and their nuts.
If we see another guy get wailed in the nuts, a lot of the time we literally feel discomfort in our own just from witnessing the act.

Also, if a series of events occur that ammount to a man very nearly getting hit in the nuts, our brains anticipate the impact and our body goes into withdrawal mode. Often the pain in our nuts even when not hit, is from our body knowing what pain is coming and having the nut equivilant of Nam flashbacks from the last time we got hit in the beans.

Also also, our nuts have a habit of retreating within our body when in danger, and if this occurs suddenly without warning it can cause some trauma.
Nuts are not fast moving object, so when they do move fast we feel it.

It is perfectly acceptable to fear and admire a being you could not possibly understand.

#7 SpleenBeGone


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Posted 17 February 2013 - 10:54 AM

Those people are idiots.

#8 Fox The Cat

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Posted 17 February 2013 - 11:52 AM

I think the little car would me more like the nuts, and the train would be more like the train almost hitting the nuts.

It is almost the same as when you see someone get wrecked somehow and for an instant you feel their pain.
The same goes for dudes and their nuts.
If we see another guy get wailed in the nuts, a lot of the time we literally feel discomfort in our own just from witnessing the act.

Also, if a series of events occur that ammount to a man very nearly getting hit in the nuts, our brains anticipate the impact and our body goes into withdrawal mode. Often the pain in our nuts even when not hit, is from our body knowing what pain is coming and having the nut equivilant of Nam flashbacks from the last time we got hit in the beans.

Also also, our nuts have a habit of retreating within our body when in danger, and if this occurs suddenly without warning it can cause some trauma.
Nuts are not fast moving object, so when they do move fast we feel it.

I get it now ^-^ ....... Ouch!

you innocent... fucking... fox... 

#9 SIlhouette



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Posted 17 February 2013 - 12:47 PM

I think the little car would me more like the nuts, and the train would be more like the train almost hitting the nuts.

It is almost the same as when you see someone get wrecked somehow and for an instant you feel their pain.
The same goes for dudes and their nuts.
If we see another guy get wailed in the nuts, a lot of the time we literally feel discomfort in our own just from witnessing the act.

Also, if a series of events occur that ammount to a man very nearly getting hit in the nuts, our brains anticipate the impact and our body goes into withdrawal mode. Often the pain in our nuts even when not hit, is from our body knowing what pain is coming and having the nut equivilant of Nam flashbacks from the last time we got hit in the beans.

Also also, our nuts have a habit of retreating within our body when in danger, and if this occurs suddenly without warning it can cause some trauma.
Nuts are not fast moving object, so when they do move fast we feel it.

Affray gets it completely.

seriously though, I was watching anime on Youtube and THAT was in the similar category, I was like WTF but couldn't help myself and watched it. Afterwards I went outside, had a cigarette and contemplated life for a couple hours.