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#107758 Dimension 404

Posted by Majestic on 18 May 2017 - 12:19 PM in Sci Fi

Not seen Twilight Zone.


I thought Black Mirror was excellent! Many of the concepts featured in the series don't seem that far fetched.


I'd have to say Stargate: Atlantis, were I asked what my favourite sci-fi series is. SG-1 takes second place, with Fringe at third and Star Trek: TNG taking fourth.


There are many other shows I've thoroughly enjoyed watching, but that'll do for now.

#107621 Poo Poo Smoothies

Posted by Majestic on 30 April 2017 - 05:05 PM in SCIENCE!

Have you seen the South Park episode where the town sets off the largest version of those things in the world in the town, as fireworks were illegal? Good episode.

#107620 I'm building an air gun

Posted by Majestic on 30 April 2017 - 05:00 PM in DIY

That's pretty cool. Have you recorded the muzzle velocity?


If you don't have a device to measure it, you can record it in slow mo on your phone (assuming your phone supports its) from the side, firing past a clearly marked board with strips exactly a centimetre thick. You can then review the footage, record how many frames it took for the projectile to pass a certain number of strips, and then knowing the number of frames per second, calculate its velocity.

#107600 Cheap Instant Downloadable Wall Art!

Posted by Majestic on 27 April 2017 - 02:27 PM in Shameless plugs

Welcome, dear spammer! The site administrator must be thrilled that your automated system deems his website suitable for spamming.

#107596 Your Drugs

Posted by Majestic on 26 April 2017 - 02:55 PM in Everything Else



I think most, but not all drugs should be legal. I mean, the government makes certain drugs illegal to protect its citizens. You would die at an extremely young age if hardcore drugs like bath salts, cocaine, or crystal meth were heavily abused.


I agree. Coke, Methamphetamine, Heroin - they're all are known to cause adverse effects from heavy use.


However, the are a number of other illegal substances which have been researched, studied and documented to have either no, or minimal adverse effect on mental health. I believe those should be decriminalised, and people to be educated on potential dangers and responsible use of these things.


And when the government stop wasting money trying to hunt down these "criminals", they can put the money into better addiction therapy support.


It doesn't really makes a difference if it's illegal or not, addicts gonna be addicts.

#107595 New to this website (and posting on forums in general)

Posted by Majestic on 26 April 2017 - 02:42 PM in Introductions

Welcome to the world of the weird and wonderful, Willie!

#107561 Your Drugs

Posted by Majestic on 24 April 2017 - 02:10 PM in Everything Else

Okay, so like, taking the word "need" out, it still stands. Why are mind-altering drugs/alcohol "fun"? Like, I don't get the appeal of not being in control.


Some people do indeed lose control when they drink or take drugs, and some people just don't like it. Those people are probably better off without it. However, many people don't lose control and enjoy it occasionally.


It can be incredibly fun. I was walking in the woods near my house with my friends one night on LSD, and it was like a whole new world. Looking back at my area from the top of a hill through the woods, it looked like a huge town all up the side of a really tall hill. At one point, me and my friend looked up at the clouds, and all of the clouds were rushing in towards a central point and wooshing up in a big vortex into the sky really fast above us - I'd never seen anything like it. I was once at a festival, and sat in a big tent, and for a moment, me and my friend both thought that we had shrunk really small and everything else around use was really big. There was once this pinky-purple fuzzy layer about a centimetre thick around everything in my garden - even over my friend. It was the most surreal thing. There'll be moments, someone will say a funny sounding word, and everyone will just crease up in laughter. 


I, personally, call that a whole lot of fun.


I'd also like to reiterate that I don't have a problem which other's choice to not like it, or simply not want to try it. I just honestly believe that the social stigma surrounding many hallucinogenics is gravely misplaced - and that frustrates. All evidence and research comes to the same conclusion as I.


I apologise if I got a bit intense at times. But you know, considering I feel strongly about this subject, and that it's a controversial subject. I'd say I've remained pretty civil. Just think of the comments section on a political post on Facebook.

#107538 Your Drugs

Posted by Majestic on 22 April 2017 - 01:16 AM in Everything Else

They are not hard to find in the U.S. Never bought any, but I have heard you definitely need to know the right person. I'm with Cait on this. There is a reason some drugs are illegal. Never understood why marijuana was illegal though. It's one that is actually good for you. I guess maybe it's just to cut down on obesity.

Read my last post before this one. And take a quick look at links off to two different papers on two different studies, and say that again. That is factual information right there.

This. This times a million.

How did anyone come to the assumption that people who enjoy it need it? I have had countless good times without this stuff.

#107518 Your Drugs

Posted by Majestic on 19 April 2017 - 03:57 PM in Everything Else

"I've said everything I want to say. You disagree, and that's fine."


Proceeds to make two more posts, both directed at the person he was finished with in a lame attempt to convince them he's right. Alright. Edit button, champ.


OT: I've had enough trouble with over-the-counter medication. I've never touched any kind of illegal drug, and I have no plans to in the future. If you need to completely rewrite your mind in order to enjoy yourself, then I pity you.


And as an aside, thanks for contributing money to criminals. I'm sure the world thanks you for such a selfless act.


Yes, that was premature of me to say that. I enjoy myself very much so when I see friends, I am very much in touch with the fact that there is more to life than this stuff. I just see it just another thing to experience and do, just like gorging on some chocolate occasionally, or going on holiday. It makes for a nice change from the normal way of life, and afterwards I come back to reality, rest for a day, and go back to work. Life goes on.


The problem here Majestic is the fact that you defend this drug with your misconstrued hypothesis, believing yourself to be a scholar on the subject simply because you indulge and partake in the consumption of an illicit (not to mention illegal and highly dangerous) substance and then go on to accuse us of being defensive because of the fact that we don't agree with your distorted point of view?  You sound really condescending and think us uneducated in the matter. To that I chuckle at thee.


Perhaps the only naive person is YOU by thinking that  you could convince a board full of bright minded individuals that LSD is all right, simply because you have had a good experience.


I gotta be honest, there are better ways of utilizing your time than trying to convince me that this drug is "not too bad"


No amount of your wikipedia research with your dissertation sized replies can convince me otherwise. 


You are correct, in retrospect that last bit was, indeed a tad condescending. Though, I promise that was not the intent. I apologise that I came across that way. I do get a little passionate when I get into conversation about various subjects.


I do not believe myself to be a scholar, nor an expert, just somebody who is informed. And Wikipedia is not at all the source from which I get my information.


Here is a paper (on US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health) that was published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology.


If you don't want to read it, here's an excerpt:

A recent large population study of 130,000 adults in the United States failed to find evidence for a link between psychedelic use (lysergic acid diethylamide, psilocybin or mescaline) and mental health problems. 


Here is another paper posted on the same scientific paper journal.


If you don't want to read it, here is an excerpt:

Classic psychedelic use may occasion lasting improvements in mental health


I am now presenting you with factual information from reliable sources that directly supports my belief.


Please explain to me how I am being naive, this is scientific research that I am linking you to. Please also read this article which gives some interesting insight into why the general opinion of society over stuff like this is so low.

#107510 My Toon Parts

Posted by Majestic on 19 April 2017 - 02:40 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Here it goes:

  • Ed, Edd and Eddy
  • The Simpsons
  • Tom and Jerry
  • Stargate: Atlantis (genuinely, used to watch it with my Mum, as she liked it too)
  • Johnny Test
  • The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy

There were probably others.


I actually watched all of Stargate SG-1 for the first time about 4 or 5 years ago. I rewatched it and Stargate: Atlantis again recently, liked it even more than I did before - I understood fully what was happening and the social interaction between characters. Gotta be my two top favourite shows.

#107508 Your Drugs

Posted by Majestic on 19 April 2017 - 11:53 AM in Everything Else

I'm going to be honest with you. Acid was shit. The high was very synthetic.


I didn't have a bad trip per se. I was drunk. Took half a tab. Forgot I took it, 45 minutes later I remember the bands guitars started spitting out colorful sparks and musical notes randomly. (I think back and have a laugh at how shocked I was) I was more surprised than anything. It was fine. Didn't flip out or anything. It was weird, i went from being drunk to not being drunk. The acid had completely overridden my intoxication. I remember being unimpressed by the high. I've had mushies before, and the acid felt very artificial. I remember thinking to myself, "well this is the true definition of a chemical romance" and being pissed off that I had to buy more beer. lol


Acids not for me, and I can't take anyone seriously who defend it. sorry. That shit will cause brain damage if you take it in large portions.  


Also, here is another bombshell I'd like to just drop here:


There is an inverse correlation between LSD use and the development of mental health issues.


I now quote the following conclusion drawn from several different scientific studies done on LSD use and mental health. Here's an article on those studies.

We failed to find any associations between lifetime use of psychedelics and past year serious psychological distress, receiving or needing mental health treatment, depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts or behavior in the past year. Rather, lifetime use of psychedelics was associated with decreased inpatient psychiatric treatment.


However, the same cannot be said for crack, heroin methamphetamine, and the other dirty drugs. And I've not gone anywhere near those, nor do I intend to.



I totally agree, I really enjoy life even the shitty times plus drugs can effect moods and mood swings. Effective thinking, problem solving, then there's addiction which to me is terrifying.


I don't have any issues solving problems, I work full-time as a professional full-stack web developer. Programming is basically pure problem solving, and I'm pretty good at it. To be quite frank, the stone-over from smoking weed makes it harder to concentrate than the effects LSD have on me the next day, and you smoke weed yourself! And weed is by far the most addictive, I couldn't do acid for days on end. Once every three or four months is quite enough for me. You said you take painkillers because they are relaxing, that's not really much worse than taking a small amount of coke.


I'm actually doing very well in my job, and my work has been praised by many people.




A lot of you are talking about these things as if you're knowledgable on the subject of what they do to you. And while I don't have a problem at all with the fact that many of you don't want to try these things - that's your choice, and that's fair enough. But I do have a problem with this judgemental attitude some of you have taken towards me and people who use these things.

#107506 Your Drugs

Posted by Majestic on 19 April 2017 - 07:27 AM in Everything Else

Hahaha. Yeah I'm kinda embarrassed I took it. Just being drunk and edgy I guess. Same reason why I'll never smoke crack. I value my brain too much. Probably why I'm 100% straight edge at the moment. (I don't even drink anymore) There's more to life than mind altering substances. I would love to have kids one day. For me, that's the next thrill to seek :D   

You've just compared two completely different things. I won't go near crack, heroin or any of the real dirty stuff.

#107505 Your Drugs

Posted by Majestic on 19 April 2017 - 07:16 AM in Everything Else

I'm going to be honest with you. Acid was shit. The high was very synthetic. I didn't have a bad trip per se. I was drunk. Took half a tab. Forgot I took it, 45 minutes later I remember the bands guitars started spitting out colorful sparks and musical notes randomly. (I think back and have a laugh at how shocked I was) I was more surprised than anything. It was fine. Didn't flip out or anything. It was weird, i went from being drunk to not being drunk. The acid had completely overridden my intoxication. I remember being unimpressed by the high. I've had mushies before, and the acid felt very artificial. I remember thinking to myself, "well this is the true definition of a chemical romance" and being pissed off that I had to buy more beer. lol Acids not for me, and I can't take anyone seriously who defend it. sorry. That shit will cause brain damage if you take it in large portions.


You probably didn't have very good stuff to be honest. You need to at least do a tab to get a full experience. But yeah, acid is not for everybody. Though to say you can't take someone else seriously because they had a good experience and you didn't is a bit naive. At the end of the day, it's something I enjoy occasionally, and thats my choice.

It probably felt synthetic because you were thinking it would be. Your trips and the way you feel depend on what your thinking or expecting. But just because something is synthetic doesn't mean it's bad. Synthesised alcohol molecules are physically indistinguishable from alcohol molecules that had formed through organic decomposition. Synthetic just means it was created by us. A lot of food you eat is synthetic. A packet of crisps, chewing gum, sweets, the flavour is all synthetic, but you don't think twice about eating them. Most pharmaceuticals are synthetic variants of naturally occurring compounds. The synthetic status I think is irrelevant here.

And, it is not certain that it will "cause" brain damage, that is a gross exaggeration. You wanted to make that point, research it before you say it. As I said before, if you have a history of metal disorders in the family, the probability of acid being a contributing factor increases, but remains very much an improbability.

If you look any any drugs site, it'll list a bunch of horrible sounding side effects, but those are worst case effects. But if you look at the actual scientific research, the results speak for themselves. If you look at the side effects of aspartame, stuff you consume in your fizzy drinks quite often, there are plenty of horrible sounding worst case side effects. But they're worse case, and affect a very small number of people, just like LSD.

Most of these pages listing side effects are designed to sound as intimidating as possible, because they are sites that don't advocate the use of drugs, and they can't be seen to be potentially supporting the use of such things by stating that it's unlikely to cause problems, because that's not much of an off-put is it?

Anything you take too much of will damage you in one way or another. And that is specifically why I don't take it all of the time. I've used it about five times in the past two years, and only twice have I had more than one tab, and even then my max was always two throughout an entire evening.

I can feel a thesis sized reply incoming detailing the critical analysis of drug usage. :P

Well that's me kiddies. I'm out before this thread turns messy.


Not sure there was a need for the passive aggressive tone there. Look, I've said everything I wanted to say. You disagree, and that's fine.

#107495 Your Drugs

Posted by Majestic on 18 April 2017 - 03:15 PM in Everything Else

I could just never justify the risk when it comes to the bigger stuff.

Yeah you might have some of the best experiences/feelings of your life, but there is the off chance that even if done safely and conscientiously you can die.

I prefer to have a consistently decent life than a super duper few years ending in a heart attack.


I didn't really make it clear, I'm not some fucking pill head that does this stuff all of the time. I don't actually like coke. I think I'm done with MDMA, it just fucks you up too much - I had a patch of anxiety and panic attacks when I was stupid and did too much one night, and though those effects have subsequently dissipated, I learned my lesson and haven't had such effects since. Another reason to be done with it is, as you say, that it greatly increases the risk of heart problems.


LSD, on the other hand, is widely misconceived to be the direct instigator of mental illnesses. Recent studies show that the risk to mental health is far lower than previously thought, and evidence suggests that used in the right way, it can be used to treat PTSD and anxiety.


If your family has a history of mental disorders such as schizophrenia, taking LSD can be a contributing factor in the development of such conditions. However, the probability and actual frequency of these events occurring is greatly exacerbated by stories of stars such as Syd Barrett. The reality is in most cases, is that they took too much - they pushed themselves too far.


Another point I'd like to mention, is that It doesn't put me in a funny mood for days whenever I take it, the comedown is far better than that of alcohol. In fact, I usually feel pretty centred for weeks after taking it.


Another thing - LSD is pretty much harmless to the body, with the exceptions of respiratory system damage from taking too much too often. To be quite frank, the damage it does to the large majority of people is far less than that of a night drinking too much.


MDMA, Coke, speed and other amphetamines, on the other hand, do put a lot of strain on the body and heart. LSD does not, hence my liking to it.


I saw a chart informing users of the dangers various drugs pose to the consumer, and LSD and Mushrooms were right at the bottom, with alcohol somewhere in the middle, and MDMA and other amphetamines at the top.


I just want to experience new things, new ways of thinking, new perspectives, and LSD is definitely one of the things that can help to do that. Once of my friends tried it for the first time recently with me, and he's not usually the kind of person to do this thing, but I had a feeling he might like it. I will also say that I did not pressure him, I asked him if he'd be up for trying a small amount, and he agreed. At first, he approached it with his usual skepticism, and he didn't like it so much. As the night went on, he came to understand how it works and how it affects your thinking, and he was very much enjoying it. And he said, "thanks for that tab man, it's given me some interesting insights, I've actually learned some stuff about myself". 


It's not really something that can be explained, only experienced. But although I doubt I'll ever convince you to try it, I just hope I can convince you of its grossly misplaced distrust.


Though, to be quite fair, the fact that you're worrying about what it'll do to your body is probably a sign you shouldn't take it. Taking this stuff with a paranoid voice in the back of your head telling you it's going to kill you will only end in more paranoia.

#107492 Favorite IDE?

Posted by Majestic on 18 April 2017 - 12:22 PM in Coding

Yes, it's one of a number of semi-creative account names I've used on various platforms before discovering that it's taken on others.


It's annoying when you think you've found a unique username, and then you find it's taken.


Your best bet is probably tying to search for any usernames you think of using into Google to see how popular they are. 

#107490 Your Drugs

Posted by Majestic on 18 April 2017 - 11:47 AM in Everything Else

How the fuck did you find DMT in England? I literally cannot get a hold of it anywhere.


It was a one-off from someone at a party.

#107477 Favorite IDE?

Posted by Majestic on 17 April 2017 - 11:00 AM in Coding

Agreed, I have no interest in using it again




Completely irrelevant, but was your username inspired by the word "hemoglobin"?

#107476 Your Drugs

Posted by Majestic on 17 April 2017 - 10:54 AM in Everything Else

I was probably the biggest stoner on these boards when I first joined. Probably why my early post we're really FUCKED UP!!!!!!!


I once took acid back in 2010. I kinda freaked out coz the band we went to see was doing the Scott Pilgrim where colorful musical notes we're emerging from their guitars


I sat in my seat grinding my teeth coz they felt like chalk. 


Don't do acid kids. 


Not every body has the mind for acid. You can't try and fight it or control it, any ego or resistance, or denial will only manifest itself in your trips. Just sit back, zoom out, and enjoy the altered state of consciousness. And most importantly, don't go off doing stupid amounts - that road is rocky.


I smoke weed, and I've tried other things like Shrooms, DMT, MD and Coke. Personally, LSD tops them all.


These things are controversial, but to be quite frank, I don't think they should be. Used in moderation and respect, it is highly unlikely any negative consequences will come of it. And I hasten to add, I've had some of the most incredible experiences of my life experimenting with these things.


I like to think outside the box, and there's nothing quite like an altered state of consciousness to achieve such a thing.


It's just important to know your limits, be with people you can trust, and don't let yourself become consumed by addiction.

#107474 Got a new toy

Posted by Majestic on 17 April 2017 - 10:39 AM in Software

Actually, they have a heatmapper, which is the only software I'd ever heard of from them, so when I said Ekahau that's what I meant.

That tool requires you to walk through the premises and takes data on available access points and WiFi strength etc


Oh, when I posted the following, it was in context with the OP, not your post. 


Oh that's cool. Other radio signals in the vicinity - usually neighbours' WiFi - can cause destructive interference, too. So unless it can factor that in some way, it won't be an accurate representation.


The moral of the story? Always quote the post you're replying to. :P

#107375 Motherfucking Magnets

Posted by Majestic on 09 April 2017 - 11:47 AM in Everything Else

I want to get a powerful neodymium magnet, just because they're cool.

#107374 Got a new toy

Posted by Majestic on 09 April 2017 - 10:40 AM in Software

That looks like a pretty cool system, but I don't think it's $3000 useful. 



I feel like it's a 2d representation of 3d information, sort of like a topographical map. It doesn't particularly matter if it shows height, as long as it shows the end signal strength after it's been reflected off of all surfaces too your location. 


He uses a 2D matrix to save computational complexity. Even then, in order to store the amount of information required to fully represent the data in memory would have been in excess of 60GB. He had to employ several techniques to reduce the computation complexity by a good 100 times, and also reduce the amount of memory required.


The method he uses breaks the floorplan down into a two-dimensional grid, each pixel representing a 1x1 cm block. The equation considers the four nearest neighbours of each point in the 2D grid.


A 3D grid would essentially exponentiate the amount of work required to simulate the wave propagation.


The full details of the working of this app can be seen on the developer's website, here.

#107367 Post your current wallpaper here.

Posted by Majestic on 09 April 2017 - 03:29 AM in Everything Else

Finally decided to go back to a dual monitor setup.




How you ever 'decided' to go back to a single-monitor solution is beyond me. :P

#107366 Got a new toy

Posted by Majestic on 09 April 2017 - 03:25 AM in Software

Well since it measures the strength/clarity of the received signal by the device, it's going to factor in anything that can affect communication between the device and the AP


This app runs a simulation, it says nowhere that it performs any actual measurements. It requires you to use a pre-determined image of a floor-plan, where the app uses edge-detection to automatically find the walls. You configure the materials, the location of the router, and it simulates away.


The demo simulation the page links to shows the propagation of waves from the router, towards the outskirts of the property. However, when the simulation first begins, there are no other waves depicted anywhere on the image until the radiation from the router propagates to the outside of the image. 


It says 1px maps to 1cm, so going by its recommended maximum image size of 500px, that gives us a max distance of five metres. It takes light approx. 17 nanoseconds (0.000000017 seconds) to travel that distance, so I'm not sure an android phone has enough time-resolution to make precise enough measurements to correctly determine how external radio sources will interfere.


Plus, it being a 2D simulation, there's an extra dimension being ignored. Radiation propagates spherically from the source, so waves will be reflecting off of the floor/ceiling and then interfering with itself.

#107343 Got a new toy

Posted by Majestic on 05 April 2017 - 03:07 PM in Software

Oh that's cool. Other radio signals in the vicinity - usually neighbours' WiFi - can cause destructive interference, too. So unless it can factor that in some way, it won't be an accurate representation.

#107334 Favorite IDE?

Posted by Majestic on 03 April 2017 - 01:11 PM in Coding

I don't think Eclipse is garbage, the fact that it is free makes it a huge presence, it's also what I learned on. But it's so ugly and so hard to learn that I can't imagine making the investment when I can get PHPStorm tutorials from the company and when some of their tools are designed to expose other tools, I think CTRL+O in the default control scheme pops a menu that allows you too look for a given tast/function/intent and even gives the key command for it so you can fire it directly next time.


Eclipse is slow, and as you say looks terrible. Personally, I find a horrible looking user interface distracting.