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#108264 New to the forum.

Posted by comicsplash410 on 15 August 2017 - 07:48 PM in Introductions

Hiya! Im a 31 year old woman looking for ppl to chat to. Intrested in anything fantasy, some sci-fi ( trekky or star wars.) Big fan of potter books and lotr. Just feel my surroubdings are to stiff and are looking for relaxed like-minded ppl.

Hey there!  Welcome!  

#108263 Sinistre [SIN-EES-TRE] www.goo.gl/Kbqnnw

Posted by comicsplash410 on 15 August 2017 - 07:38 PM in Shameless plugs

Well we are on our way to being funded!  4 days left to pledge!

#108214 Sinistre [SIN-EES-TRE] www.goo.gl/Kbqnnw

Posted by comicsplash410 on 08 August 2017 - 12:39 PM in Shameless plugs

It looks really cool, I love the art style! Choose your own adventure stories are so fun to read too. I'm sorry I can't give any money (only 15 ^_^ ) but just wanted to say if you do publish this I'd buy it XD

Aww thank you Lostprincess!  I'd love to have you on this adventure!  Stay tuned we will publish soon  ;)

#108203 indie comics

Posted by comicsplash410 on 07 August 2017 - 07:48 PM in Comics, Books, and Graphic Novels

Are there any indie creators or readers in this forum?  "Indie" meaning not yet mainstream...

#108202 Sinistre [SIN-EES-TRE] www.goo.gl/Kbqnnw

Posted by comicsplash410 on 07 August 2017 - 07:33 PM in Shameless plugs

marquis on kickstarter small.jpg


The story is entitled "Sinistre" [SIN-EES-TRA] it is a fantasy, horror, adventure book.

The synopsis is as follows:
A trip to Africa quickly turns into a nightmare for the Sinistre
brothers who now have to face separate paths in which they must navigate through on their own. From embracing magical creatures and foreseeing unexplainable powers, the brothers will be tested, some more than their siblings. While embarking on what has turned from a trip to a life journey. Decisions must be made in which the existence of an entire village will depend on them. Choosing to be selfish or selfless will determine if their lives will forever be up in arms or if they find their way back home. Either way with each choice, each conversation, and each relationship made or severed they are creating their own destiny.
Again I appreciate your help!!

kickstarter link: 


Sinistre cover small.jpg

man v. monster MARQUIS (tag) logo.jpg



Attached Thumbnails

  • mask blue with siafu logo.jpg

#108201 Game of Thrones Season 7 [Spoilers]

Posted by comicsplash410 on 07 August 2017 - 07:21 PM in Fantasy

And the relief look in her face lol

#108199 Who writes?

Posted by comicsplash410 on 07 August 2017 - 04:21 PM in Comics, Books, and Graphic Novels

I am a writer! I write fantasy, suspense, horror books.  My current title "Sinistre" is on kickstarter 


check it out www.goo.gl/Kbqnnw

#108198 Game of Thrones Season 7 [Spoilers]

Posted by comicsplash410 on 07 August 2017 - 04:17 PM in Fantasy

I'd like to make this an open discussion thread, so you know, spoilers everywhere. 


First of all, holy shit that cold open. Arya is a tiny little revenge machine. 

Zombie giants, fuck yeah.

The Hound, now with 50% more one liners. I'm not sure how he became the comic relief of the show, but I approve. 

Sansa shutting down littlefinger

It's not looking good for the king of the friend zone.

The Dragonstone throne room looks badass as fuck. 

YES to everything you've said.  Did you catch Sansa's look when she found out Arya had a list...like "who else is on your list??"  I am loving Arya.  And Salute to Khaleesi!!