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#104011 The member photo album.

Posted by Calvary on 14 October 2016 - 12:10 AM in Everything Else


#104034 The Bitching Thread

Posted by Calvary on 15 October 2016 - 02:49 AM in Everything Else

Was it Double Dash? >.>

#104035 why are you happy?

Posted by Calvary on 15 October 2016 - 02:53 AM in Everything Else

Man it is too fucking early for me to be tearing up TES. Fucking Russians, man, they good people.

#104056 why are you happy?

Posted by Calvary on 16 October 2016 - 01:08 AM in Everything Else

All Russians said that.

Very important you discern between politicians and people with these things. Not all Americans are myopic, corrupt cunts, for example. The politicians however....eh, p sure even Bernal Sandles bought himself a nice five bedroom cabin in Vermont with the proceeds of his campaign after he lost or some shit.

#104064 Mouth Candy

Posted by Calvary on 17 October 2016 - 05:40 AM in Everything Else


#104067 Mouth Candy

Posted by Calvary on 17 October 2016 - 06:51 AM in Everything Else

Fudge is actually gorgeous tho.

#104093 Mouth Candy

Posted by Calvary on 18 October 2016 - 12:10 AM in Everything Else

In England we call Werther's Originals, "nonce nuggets".

#104099 Mouth Candy

Posted by Calvary on 18 October 2016 - 08:44 AM in Everything Else

We call those Chocolate Tutankhamen Tomb Sticks.

#104103 Mouth Candy

Posted by Calvary on 18 October 2016 - 09:46 AM in Everything Else

That bear got some srs thicc thighs.

#104113 The Bitching Thread

Posted by Calvary on 19 October 2016 - 01:49 AM in Everything Else

I texted my boss this morning to say I wouldn't be in the office because I'm sick, but that I'd work from home. Admittedly I framed it as a question along the lines of, "do you mind if I work from home today because I don't feel well". Got a text back nearly two hours later, "I would prefer it if you went to site".




Okay mate let me bring my temperature down and see if I can stop my dizziness long enough to drive down there. Stupid cocksucker.


e: Nevermind, after phoning up and pretty much coughing down the fucking phone at him, "oh don't give me that, you're not on your last breath," he has ever so graciously decided to let me take the day at home.


You ever work for someone who is almost schizophrenic in their dealing with you? One minute they can be fine and understanding and the next minute it's like they don't trust you as far as they can throw you? That's my boss.

#104118 Mouth Candy

Posted by Calvary on 19 October 2016 - 06:48 AM in Everything Else

Guy, she's a he.

#104127 Weather

Posted by Calvary on 20 October 2016 - 12:51 AM in SCIENCE!

Why do you like me so much? It's the only reason I have as to why you keep changing your username to copy mine...

#104128 The Bitching Thread

Posted by Calvary on 20 October 2016 - 12:54 AM in Everything Else

Bbyyyy 👰

#104137 Ghosts

Posted by Calvary on 20 October 2016 - 10:04 AM in Everything Else


#104159 Weather

Posted by Calvary on 21 October 2016 - 04:24 AM in SCIENCE!

Right, I think what happened is you were looking for Mkhedruli Georgian script, didn't know what it was, so settled for something superficial. It's not hate. It's annoying and churlish.

#104170 Patch Ideas

Posted by Calvary on 21 October 2016 - 01:20 PM in Everything Else

Do some antifascist ones >.> I'd definitely buy one; been looking to get some antifa patches to sew into my Harrington Jacket but all the ones I've seen are shite.

#104172 Eye bleach.

Posted by Calvary on 21 October 2016 - 01:24 PM in Everything Else

gorgeous doggo

#104183 Patch Ideas

Posted by Calvary on 22 October 2016 - 02:13 PM in Everything Else

The anti fascist symbol (the one with the three arrows) would be sick. The red and black flag is the other one. The problem with the anti-swastika one is that some people still sometimes mistake it for just a genuine Nazi symbol lol.

#104213 U.S. presidential election 2016

Posted by Calvary on 24 October 2016 - 01:24 AM in Everything Else

Feel the Johnson.


Unfortunately the third and fourth party candidates are also shit. Johnson is an idiot without policy, Stein is an idiot with idiot policies. Meanwhile, Trump is just a despicable excuse for a human being and Clinton is a war criminal.

#104217 The Bitching Thread

Posted by Calvary on 24 October 2016 - 05:59 AM in Everything Else

That debt collector show literally epitomises scum. Debt collectors ought to be strung up by their necks if you ask me.


In terms of bitching, I'm halfway through day 2/6 of managing our firm on site by myself. Perpetual dread and anxiety is not fun.

#104218 U.S. presidential election 2016

Posted by Calvary on 24 October 2016 - 06:01 AM in Everything Else

You can trust Johnson to fuck the economy, but that's about it. The man is a plastic libertarian; using the guise of minarchy to push a pro-corporations agenda that would wipe away labour, environmental and human rights protections.

#104220 The Bitching Thread

Posted by Calvary on 24 October 2016 - 07:00 AM in Everything Else

Sure but they're smug cunts and you just know that they're rockin' at least semi every time they get to evict someone.


I've watched episodes where, for example, a family has been paying their rent to the landlord, who is in fact only an intermediary that pockets the money and doesn't pass it on to the housing association or whomever his boss is. Normally these sorts of people target immigrant families who have a poor grasp of English and are ignorant of the checks they should make when renting a property.


The result: these debt enforces come in, evict the family and literally leave them homeless. If the council offices are shut for the evening or the weekend then they can't even arrange emergency accommodation. That's a fundamental fucking failure of human rights at the most basic level if you ask me.


Needless to say, I'd be quite happy to see the lot of 'em made jobless.

#104222 U.S. presidential election 2016

Posted by Calvary on 24 October 2016 - 08:16 AM in Everything Else

The 'lesser evil', is Jill Stein, but she's polling around 2% and she's also thick as two short planks by the sounds of things.


Honestly if you want my opinion on what to do, (and in no way am I telling you whom to vote for, I wanna make that clear), Americans ought to close their eyes, clench their teeth and vote Clinton. Once they do this, they should hold her to account in terms of her foreign policy every single step of the way.


Really though, the more important question, one that goes above and beyond the presidency is this: what do you do to re-establish a Democrat majority in your Congress? If by some feat of 2016ism, Trump actually won the presidency, the Democrats would be absolutely fucked. They've been wiped out of Congress, wiped out of local government and their potential to retake the Senate is still not secured. It's great to have your (wo)man in the seat of power, but if you've got no one to back them up, it doesn't matter!

#104239 The Walking Dead (and related zombology)

Posted by Calvary on 25 October 2016 - 04:41 AM in Fantasy

Nope. Nope nope nope. NOPE. NOPE.


Fuck, I don't think a TV show has effected me like this before. It took literally the best part of a day and a half for me to loose the queasy feeling every time I recalled what happened.

#104240 Hello from Brazil!

Posted by Calvary on 25 October 2016 - 04:41 AM in Introductions

A belated hi-di-hi and welcome!