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#47514 The Walking Dead (and related zombology)

Posted by spock on 25 April 2013 - 02:57 PM in Fantasy

Have they opened the barn yet?


Yes, and the last I saw it seemed Dale was in a lot of trouble with the walkers.

#47506 The Walking Dead (and related zombology)

Posted by spock on 25 April 2013 - 01:58 PM in Fantasy

I admit this is a new topic, but someone has to reassure me of this. Season 2 gets better, right?

I just started watching TWD (I'd read the comics but...spoilers), and burnt through s1 in like, a day.

Season 2? Oh, man.

When does it get better? :(

#47211 What are you reading?

Posted by spock on 21 April 2013 - 07:21 AM in Comics, Books, and Graphic Novels

I feel kind of boring - I started re-reading the Harry Potter series last night, as it's one of my favourite books in the entire world.

Before that, though, I read 'Requiem' by Lauren Oliver, which was the last book in a trilogy about a dystopian universe - my favourite kind of book.

Oh, and I read The Book of Mormon for teh lulz. 

#47210 Star Trek or Star Wars?

Posted by spock on 21 April 2013 - 07:17 AM in Sci Fi

Star Trek! I think I started watching it when I was about 12, in preparation for the 2009 movie. 

I especially love the original series. Whereas I love serious business from time to time, the original is just so DAMN funny. And - unpopular opinion, I absolutely adore the animated series too. With the exception of possibly the Voyager series (in my opinion), there aren't any bad episodes, or movies. PLUS: Spock, Data and Crusher. What else do you need?

I haven't really seen much Star Wars, besides half of the first movie and Attack of the Clones, and they just bored me, if I'm being honest. Sorry, SW fans. :(

#47209 Howdy.

Posted by spock on 21 April 2013 - 07:04 AM in Introductions

Well, hey. Turns out I really suck at writing these. Hm.

My name's Molly, I'm 16 years old and I live in England, hooray.

I'm obsessed with sci-fi, superheroes and fantasy. My favourite things include Kick Ass, Star Trek, The Walking Dead, Harry Potter & Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

I also play World of Warcraft, The Elder Scrolls, Kingdom Hearts and, the best game in the world - Ratchet & Clank.

And that's all I came to say. I don't have many friends in real life, so it'd be cool to meet someone who likes the same stuff as me!!

So, yeah.

Live long & prosper.