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#110544 Hey.

Posted by drewseedot on 11 January 2019 - 05:40 PM in Introductions

I'm a nerd. I think that's obvious - I came here for a reason, you know - but nonetheless, I love computers. I own 2 computers, one that was bought new for exactly $1000, and another that I bought a few weeks ago at a pawn shop. I also love reading. I'm currently reading Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson and am less than 50 pages away from the end. Steve truly is idol material. I'm not necessarily into "tabletop games," but I am currently planning on getting a graphics card for my pawn shop PC and playing the honk out of Counter Strike Source and other older games. I've heard about the good community on those games and want to learn more, since I am an early teenager and am a bit more socially awkward than other kids. (excuse the cringe)