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#1111 Skyrim

Posted by Aresem on 25 January 2012 - 12:58 AM in Video Games

I would keep playing it if it weren't for the whole hard drive thing.

T-T I miss my fancy games with my fancy 3D glasses.

#6 Welcome!

Posted by Aresem on 07 January 2012 - 10:42 PM in Introductions

Well helloooo there. I'm ol' Aresem, we all know that, and I'm a nerd (we also know that)

You can find me all over the pleasure end of the nerd spectrum, which is basically everything but academics.

My biggest, wink wink, nerd trait would have to be my love of the supernatural. I'm into superhero comics, paranormal sci-fi, and all the forms of fantasy flowing out of Tolkiens grave. I'm big into gaming, computer or tabletop, and the second you mention dice I'll be rolling up character sheets.

That's me in a nutshell, you'll figure the rest out as you go ;)

#591 First Anime you saw?

Posted by Aresem on 17 January 2012 - 08:43 PM in Anime

Pokemon, if that counts.

Ranma 1/2 if not.

#1328 Best old school console

Posted by Aresem on 28 January 2012 - 08:03 PM in Video Games

Old school is a pretty wide field.

I'd have to go with N64 or SNES. Basically, it went like this: Atari dominated it's time. Then Nintendo created the NES and made me believe it would be the king of gaming for all time. After many beautiful years, somebody made the Wii and PC offered to host my gaming while Nintendo had it's head up it's ass.

I think there was a 360 in there somewhere but that's just for Rocksmith now.

#404 New arcade system

Posted by Aresem on 15 January 2012 - 11:40 PM in Announcements

I'm gonna kick that game's ass so hard they need to invent new numbers for my high score.

#399 New arcade system

Posted by Aresem on 15 January 2012 - 11:22 PM in Announcements

Is it just me, or does our Donkey Kong seem slower than the real thing? Maybe I'm just crazy.

Anyway, we need Galaga! With a capital "NEEEED"

#406 I'm thinking about buying a console.

Posted by Aresem on 15 January 2012 - 11:49 PM in Video Games

Frankly, I'm not too much in to console gaming. But I have a 360, it's my favorite of this generation of consoles. I use it to get my Rocksmith on and play Call of Duty every so often.

Steam over anything.

#815 LARP: Looks stupid, feels awesome.

Posted by Aresem on 21 January 2012 - 02:52 AM in Fantasy

Oh, is that what they call it? I knew the swords were called boffers.

Well yeah, that's what I'm talking about, just beating the shit out of each other with foam weapons xD

Nobody will do it though. I have to take fencing lessons just to swordfight.

#948 LARP: Looks stupid, feels awesome.

Posted by Aresem on 22 January 2012 - 02:39 PM in Fantasy

I like their bows and fencing rapiers.

#410 LARP: Looks stupid, feels awesome.

Posted by Aresem on 16 January 2012 - 01:02 AM in Fantasy

I'm sure by now most people are familiar with LARP, if not just google it.

Anyway, here's where I stand: If the focus is primarily on combat, not so much on the actual roleplaying, it's fun as all hell.

Seriously, everybody wants to engage in melee combat. Don't lie to yourself. Ever since you first saw an axe and a sword in the same place, you wanted to have a bladefight.

And I mean, hell, you can even make/buy bows for that crap, with padded arrows. THIS IS THE LOGICAL NEXT STEP IN NERF, PEOPLE.


#414 LARP: Looks stupid, feels awesome.

Posted by Aresem on 16 January 2012 - 01:21 AM in Fantasy

I don't even bother with the armor, that crap is expensive. I did spring for a foam latex short sword though, and it was fun as hell until I accidentally left it in the sun and it melted xD

That's why I can't have nice things T-T

#892 LARP: Looks stupid, feels awesome.

Posted by Aresem on 21 January 2012 - 09:57 PM in Fantasy

See, that's what I meant by expensive :lol: It looks cool, and it'd feel cool using it, but in the end you'd still be out $150 for it <_<

...that leather grip sure is awesome though.

http://www.thinkgeek...lectibles/e847/ <-- Also relevant

#940 LARP: Looks stupid, feels awesome.

Posted by Aresem on 22 January 2012 - 02:31 PM in Fantasy

Naturally they had to make a Frostmourne. It's really cool though. Bet it cost a ton before going out of stock.

#3896 Minecraft SMP server

Posted by Aresem on 10 March 2012 - 05:38 PM in Video Games

Honestly, I couldn't tell you. But I do know a place with all the answers to your minecraft questions.


Good luck, let me know if you get something going :)

#3973 Minecraft SMP server

Posted by Aresem on 13 March 2012 - 05:51 PM in Video Games

If it was cheating, it wouldn't be half of the game's playable modes :| Seriously, I don't know where you guys keep getting this idea from. Did you have to win brutal street fights for your legos as a kid or something? :lol:

Also, I think the server is dead and gone... Hopefully Spleen figures out how servers are born. Otherwise I'm gonna have to actually bother.

#3899 Minecraft SMP server

Posted by Aresem on 10 March 2012 - 05:41 PM in Video Games

Question for anybody already on the whitelist, can you connect to the server? I keep getting "communication error" and "can't reach server" and I'm wondering if it went down while I was away...

#3892 Minecraft SMP server

Posted by Aresem on 10 March 2012 - 05:28 PM in Video Games

If you guys are still interested, I should have the two of you whitelisted soon. Just gotta get minecraft running on the new hard drive and I'll have you all set up :)

Sorry I was gone and missed the requests!

#831 Minecraft SMP server

Posted by Aresem on 21 January 2012 - 09:15 AM in Video Games

By breaking them.

Or if you want to play creative, type /gamemode Spleenbegone 1

Then press E to access your inventory.

Oh, the chat/command window is opened with the "t" button by default.

#588 Minecraft SMP server

Posted by Aresem on 17 January 2012 - 07:42 PM in Video Games

That'd be perfect, there's a serious demand for villainous players.

I mean, jesus christ, why build a fort if nobody is going to challenge it?

I'm practically being forced to become a villain and plant traps, but I know somebody would get all butthurt...

What's survival without conflict?

#566 Minecraft SMP server

Posted by Aresem on 17 January 2012 - 06:50 PM in Video Games

If you want on the whitelist let me know, but you gotta agree to some rules.

1. Don't fuck with people's shit, they worked hard on their holes and vertical towers.

2. Don't blow a bunch of shit up, some of the users lag out.

3. Don't spam spawn eggs anywhere, also causes lag for some of the less fortunate users.

So yeah. You should join our server if you play :) Just lemme know your username and I can whitelist you.

#590 Minecraft SMP server

Posted by Aresem on 17 January 2012 - 08:42 PM in Video Games

Well if you do, first thing I'm doing in response is erecting my glorious PvP arena.

If not I'll keep procrastinating and do it later xD Either way, eventually lava will flow from the ceiling.

#806 Minecraft SMP server

Posted by Aresem on 20 January 2012 - 07:46 PM in Video Games

From the main menu, hit multiplayer, add server, and punch in this IP:

Then send me your username and I'll add you to the whitelist, after which you'll be able to log in. If you're wondering about the server name field about the IP field, that's just whatever you wanna call it.

#888 Minecraft SMP server

Posted by Aresem on 21 January 2012 - 09:48 PM in Video Games

Sure, that would be fine. What's your username?

#860 Minecraft SMP server

Posted by Aresem on 21 January 2012 - 10:14 AM in Video Games

No problem :P

#935 Minecraft SMP server

Posted by Aresem on 22 January 2012 - 02:22 PM in Video Games

Kay, you're on the whitelist :)