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#72085 What's in your bucket list?

Posted by Akiyo on 08 June 2014 - 07:46 AM in Everything Else

I keep my bucket list on evernote to add things when needed. Its sort of become a list of long term goals rather than a bucket list so I'll cherry pick a bit and choose the ones I'd be really disappointed if I never achieved them in my life.

-Visit a lot of places, including Australia and New Zealand, London, Japan, Norway, and British Columbia.
-Meet Felicia Day, Brent Weeks, Nathan Fillion, and Hank and John Green
-See the world from above in a hot air balloon
-Send my parents to Paris maybe on a second honeymoon. I promised my mom I'd take her to Paris when my parents took out a loan that allowed me to go on the school's Europe trip. I never forgot about it and I'd actually love to send them both off on a romantic vacation in Paris instead.
-Publish a novel
-Settle down with someone I love and raise a kid together

Do let me know if you go to Norway xD

#75584 Morgan Freeman on Helium... again.

Posted by Akiyo on 27 July 2014 - 03:44 AM in Everything Else

Ha! Not that helium changed Morgan's voice as much as I was expecting actually, still funny. 


Why have I never seen that show Sethre :o DO YOU WATCH IT?

#75617 Morgan Freeman on Helium... again.

Posted by Akiyo on 27 July 2014 - 02:13 PM in Everything Else

What xD

#70655 So I opened wikipedia

Posted by Akiyo on 14 May 2014 - 05:23 AM in Everything Else

I'm so confused. I watched a re-run of the final on TV and saw him/her win. Not sure if I wanna know wether or not he/she has lady parts >_>;

#75582 I wanna do this.

Posted by Akiyo on 27 July 2014 - 03:00 AM in Everything Else

You can do that multiple times, cost less and you're in less danger of crashing into the ground with a defect parachute? xD


It looks cool :D

#70330 Color spectrum test

Posted by Akiyo on 08 May 2014 - 11:27 AM in Everything Else

I did two of them, but considering I had a headache before I started I told my comp to close window. Quickly. >_> Cool test though!

#74598 My dog tore the squeaker out of her toy moose

Posted by Akiyo on 11 July 2014 - 02:33 PM in Everything Else

The dog I had around here for about 4 months would make his toy squeak and look at me innocently. Any attempt of mine to approach him would cause him to move away and repeat his behaviour haha


If I didn't TRY to get it he'd get desperate and look sad. His facial expressions were prolly all in my head. Thing is I didn't usually go after it, but still it was funny xD


Dogs are awesome :D

#71449 Beatboxing Brilliance.

Posted by Akiyo on 01 June 2014 - 03:15 AM in Everything Else

OH MY GOODNESS! I went as far adopt his name on my steam <3