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Member Since 06 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 02 2015 03:30 AM

#88779 What's your ideal car?

Posted by seakingtheonixpected on 13 March 2015 - 01:52 AM


Preferably one with a hot tub in the middle.

#88375 Elfin Lied

Posted by seakingtheonixpected on 06 March 2015 - 11:54 PM

Here is a link to it: http://www.anime1.co...en-lied/special

Actually I've never heard of it. Would you recommend it?


Posted by seakingtheonixpected on 11 December 2014 - 05:39 PM

I got into my friend's zone, now we're engaged


Not really what we're talking about, but still.

Bow chicka wow wow


Posted by seakingtheonixpected on 11 December 2014 - 04:11 PM

I have to agree with everyone else, I have never once witnessed a 'friendzoning' that I would consider legitimate. It is always out of some sort of entitlement that the guy things he hold over the woman just because he spend some time with her or something.


No one owes you anything if you do something for them, unless you specifically entered into an agreement that they understand.

#71537 Pirates or Vikings?

Posted by seakingtheonixpected on 02 June 2014 - 09:51 AM

Definitely ninjas.

#70272 Just started watching Doctor Who. I think David Tennant was the best one.

Posted by seakingtheonixpected on 07 May 2014 - 12:40 AM

Almost all whovians who have only seen the new series. Of course of the three to pick from in the new series it is hardly competition. Especially with Moffat running the show into the ground.

#70124 Why aren't their many female nerds?

Posted by seakingtheonixpected on 05 May 2014 - 01:28 AM

The more I think about it the more I'm beginning to think she is just a troll. I mean coming on the forum with the name "NerdGirl11" is a pretty big red flag to begin with. Next, the fact that she continues to come here even though her experience has been nothing but a flame war the entire time is another big hint that it is probably intentional. Lastly, her spelling has gotten gradually worse over her time here, which really makes me think she is playing on that hard.


I think I'm done with this thread.

#70105 Why aren't their many female nerds?

Posted by seakingtheonixpected on 04 May 2014 - 07:24 PM

Who said anything about autism going away?


You really need to learn to quote people if you are talking to them. Half the time I have no idea who you are addressing.

#70059 Why aren't their many female nerds?

Posted by seakingtheonixpected on 04 May 2014 - 02:50 PM

I currently have two theories on Nerdgirl11. The first is of course that she is a troll... who actually managed to troll us.


The second is that she has a severe lack of understand when it comes to socialization. She mentioned her ex has aspergers and that she found more nerds in the autism community, which is making me wander if she might have some form of autism herself.


Which is great, because if either case is true getting into a fight with her is rather shameful on our part.

#69983 Why aren't their many female nerds?

Posted by seakingtheonixpected on 03 May 2014 - 02:02 PM

Who are you to tell them they aren't? Here is how this works. Let's say I meet someone saying they are nerdy. I then inquire what interests them, if none if it is stuff I have experience in I move on. It isn't my place to tell you that just because your favorite game is just dance that you don't belong. Just that just dance doesn't interest me and that we probably will have nothing too talk about. Me going "you dont play Zelda! Obviously since you don't like the same thing as me you are a phony!" This is an unrealistic standard.

#69976 Why aren't their many female nerds?

Posted by seakingtheonixpected on 03 May 2014 - 01:01 PM

I had graduated with a 4.00 in high school.I speak Hebrew ,Yiddish ,and Arabic.I taught myself HTML,Python,and JavaScript I read a couple of Shakespeare's books at 9.I read medical encyclopedias at the same age.Nerds earn their title not by by reading comic books,or wearing a super hero t-shirts ,but by hard work and hours of studying.I earned this title ,and others who think they can use the title just because they got into a popular book series ,or TV shows are just posers.

You obviously aren't intelligent enough to realize that it is impossible to know that someone has done these things in a normal context. How are you gauging whether or not someone has solved fermat's last theorem at the age of 12? Also, are you making the claim that anyone who wants to be an artist is automatically not intelligent? Who is to say that are not watching these TV shows to get ideas about writing theory?


Honestly I am beginning to doubt this whole canvas you are creating for yourself. At this point I am pretty convinced that you are just a troll. Probably the most successful troll I have seen on here though. So congratulations on that, guess it is another achievement you can add.

#69936 Why aren't their many female nerds?

Posted by seakingtheonixpected on 03 May 2014 - 01:18 AM

But what you guys aren't getting that nerds have to be intelligent,so counting everyone that is into Doctor Who ,or Pokemon as nerd but isn't  intelligent is not a nerd.And almost every nerdy guy friend I have has told me their is a lack of nerdy girls in the nerd culture.

gee, guys are telling you that all their girl friends that like Dr. Who are to stupid to be real nerds. Better believe them!


No possible sexism there.


EDIT: I suppose I should responde with some non-sarcastic remarks to clarify.


It is easy to limit the number of people included in a group my moving the goal post to make sure they are kept out. Guys tend to keep women out of the "nerdy" definition by making sure to claim that a nerd must have all these specific traits that women have been deprived of and thus many don't have.


Not having strong abilities in math or spacial reasoning has nothing to do with intelligence, unless you design your definition specifically to do so.


This whole seperation of nerd and geek is just a time waste designed to cause debates over something that means nothing.


It is like those people who claim they are the true born "real hardcore gamers" and anyone who plays casual games is just a poser. I guess it is just a coincidence that "casual games" are played mostly by women.

#68854 Shaq Fu sequel...

Posted by seakingtheonixpected on 17 April 2014 - 12:20 PM

I'm beginning to think Shaq is a hipster.

#68809 Kickstarter

Posted by seakingtheonixpected on 15 April 2014 - 10:05 PM

It isn't impossible to get funded without so kind of previous works, but it definitely a lot harder.


Kickstarter is mostly for people trying to cement themselves. Generally they have a small portfolio already or a degree to back them up, but don't have the funds to do something on a grand scale.


If you don't have a portfolio to back you up your going to need a lot of concept art and story snippits to get people on your side meaning that the artist you hire is going to have to do more work in order to get the project off the ground.


I'm not saying you couldn't pull it off, just saying that I've seen a lot of first time Kickstarters fail because they weren't aware of the kind of standards they were suppose to meet. You might want to go to the graphic novel section, look at some failing Kickstarters and figure out exactly what you can offer that they aren't, that is what I've been doing for the video game section.


Posted by seakingtheonixpected on 13 April 2014 - 10:26 AM

Of all the people in the world you are someone I interact with willingly.