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Member Since 17 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 13 2014 11:21 AM

Topics I've Started

I've created an alien language

06 January 2014 - 06:21 PM

Hello. I'm currently developing a sci-fi game for PC and mobile with an original universe, lore, and cast of alien races.  I'm a big fan of immersive storytelling and complex alien cultures, yadayadayda, so I thought it would be fun to create a unique language for one of my alien species.  I figured that it's a pretty nerdy thing to do, so I thought I'd put it up here so anyone interested can check it out.




This is a sample of the written language in its native form.  There is a Romanized writing as well, (think Romanji in Japanese) but I'll get to that later.

The four lines in the image from top to bottom read:

You are a warrior.  (Et seto kartake)

I am not happy.    (Ke-ko seto taret)

We need to be warriors and fight.   (Ket taretov-setov kartake ret kasetov)

Are you angry?   (Res-et takeret?)


Now that's all fine and dandy, but it's meaningless without a key.  Fortunately, I planned out the Rosetta stone of sorts from the beginning.

This language has 17 letters.  Romanized, they are Ka, Ke, K, R, S, E, Et, Ta, O, Ov, Od, Da, Ze, Fa, Dru, Ge, and Ho.

And, here is the key!




Of course, these symbols and their respective sounds are meaningless without a dictionary being created to give them meaning.  I've already made quite a few words in this language.  Here's a fun idea, if you are interested, why not make some new words for this language?  If I like any of them, I'll put them in the game.


Oh, one last cool thing I forgot to mention.  In the first image there where I have those 4 sentences; that is a screen from in-game.  I created an engine that converts the romanized language to symbols!  In the game, if your character does not know the language, you have to decode the specie's messages yourself.  This isn't required of course, but I think it could give the game a lot of personality and decoding the messages may lead you to some secrets!


So, that's the end of that.  Thanks for taking a look!    (By the way, I have like 0 bars of wi-fi so this took forever to write)


I'm making a game for Windows and Android, and there's a pre-alpha demo!

10 November 2013 - 07:12 PM

Hello, everyone.  I'm working on an economy themed board game for PC and Android phones.  In case anyone is interested, I have a playable pre-alpha demo for the purposes of testing and feedback from people.  If anyone would like to give it a try, you can go ahead and let me know what works and what doesn't.  Thanks!    



Please note that if there's something that looks like it doesn't do anything, it's probably because it it incomplete or hasn't been fully implemented yet.

My fandom drawing: simple outline

05 October 2013 - 01:09 AM

Hello, everyone.  I'm working on a drawing and I finished the basic outline.  I was hoping some of you might offer some criticism if anything should be changed before I start coloring. 


A short comic I made

27 September 2013 - 08:50 PM








Birthdays and getting old

24 September 2013 - 10:03 PM

I'm 20 years old today.  The last couple years have felt like a very weird period of feeling old and way too young at the same time.  I want to know how some of you have felt getting older.