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Member Since 26 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 07 2013 03:57 AM

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Will you be my Guru?

26 March 2013 - 09:30 PM

I recently had to start dealing with MySQL and PHP, and that is slightly beyond the point where my nerdy friends can help me..

I sit here with my wooden spoon, hammering at concrete walls until they fall, and life would be so much simpler if I had someone who had a clue, who I could bother for help now and then.


Looking for someone to bother personally tho, not over the forums. I can be a mess when explaining, and a ton of people misreading does not always help ^_^ Ya know..

FB, TS, something.. 


I ramble on a lot, I often make little to no sense, and I ask the most amazingly stupid questions. 

Looking for a patient guru with a little time to spare now and then. <3