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Member Since 15 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 12 2015 01:35 AM

Topics I've Started

Very proud of myself. haha ( College)

05 February 2014 - 09:08 PM

I finally narrowed it down to the college I want to go to and the majors I want to do. Most of you guys are already been through college, so what things should I expect and be wary of? I have a year until I graduate so I should start mentally prepping myself. lol

Having foreign friends suck.

15 January 2014 - 01:48 PM

Like I said, it sucks, but in a good, but bad way. We had a foreign exchange student at my school, she didn't make a lot of friends at all, but everyone had a crush on her. Not going to lie, even me. We became really good friends, we still are of course, but she had to go back home today. She left early this morning and I am still talking to her since she isn't home yet. Back to the point, it sucks because we became really good friends and she even said she considered me her "Best" American friend. Now she has to go home back to Czech. I will see her probably during the summer and at Christmas, but still I kind of feel like I lost someone even if we talk everyday like usual. I also don't really have a lot of friends since I am quiet, sooo I am just going to rant my feelings here. lol 

I am such a huge fail.

06 January 2014 - 10:56 AM

Right now I am trapped in an airport because of the storms and stuff and I was suppose to be home yesterday. I just got to my second destination and I had to check my carry-on in since there wasn't any room.... I forgot I had my money, glasses, phone charger all in the bag. I asked if I could get it, but it is going to my final destination and is on its way there now. I am starving, I have 4 hours till my next flight, my phone is on 4%.... Luckily I can keep my laptop alive with the charging area next to me.... I almost forgot to take my tickets out of my checked in bag also, but gladly I grabbed them out. Aish, this is so hard out here for a pimp like me, not to mention they keep changing my gate numbers. V.V

Bonjour! Hola! As-salamu alaykum! (Languages)

12 December 2013 - 09:58 PM

I was wondering if anyone else on this forum is really intrigued by languages. I mean, they are soo interesting. The only other person I really know who also finds the way people talk and cultures really cool is my sister haha, maybe since our parents had us travelling since we were really young. Does anyone else share this trait with me? I was wondering if you guys wanted to talk and stuff! Right now I speak English (Duh.) , and a bit of French. I really want to learn Farsi, Wolof, and Arabic. I study Korean alongside my French so I am going to focus on those for now though. lol

I need some motivation...

11 November 2013 - 02:08 PM

High School.. I can't even deal with it anymore. I know tons of people go through the same thing. I am going to be out of it really soon, 1 more school year after this one.. but I just can't stand it. It's not like I am bullied or anything bad happens there, it is just the most boring place ever. I get straight A grades, and all I do the entire time is sleep in class. My grades are slipping this quarter, but I still have 7 weeks to bring them up. I just can't anymore.. I LOVE to learn and get educated, but I hate school. My mom was going to home school me next year, but what's the point when I only have my last year left.

I just need some motivation to think of. Please help!