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Member Since 12 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 23 2012 02:32 PM

Topics I've Started

Hello Peoples!

12 July 2012 - 07:21 AM

whatsup I'm Tarik, 19 from the UK and uh... hi (◕_◕)

Things about me and stuff:

I like to read comics every now and then and sometimes I attempt to review them.

Skateboarding is pretty fun with mates...until we get kicked out of the area

I don't play games that often anymore but when I do, it's usually for hours and hours.

I watch films occasionally (though tickets aint cheap!) anime is cool too.

I'm not religious but I believe in things

American Dad > Family guy

I draw...like a lot

I'm taking a year off college, not sure if ill go back since it's overpriced in the UK

Travelling is awesome and Japan is my next stop (hooray... •_•)

Breakfast isn't breakfast without bacon

anyway nice to meet you all