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Member Since 25 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 07 2015 07:36 PM

#71188 Tera Rising

Posted by steampunkgrrrl on 25 May 2014 - 05:08 PM

I want to play this as soon as we get a computer again.

Sent from my SM-T210R using Tapatalk

#70877 What is something weird that you do?

Posted by steampunkgrrrl on 19 May 2014 - 02:14 PM

The rules are you have to count each line as a seperate entity. No crossovers are counted. Also, sorry for the poor quality, but it's the best I could do on my tablet. Also I was kind of running out of space so some lines may be missing, which is ok because the finished product would be correct, but this is the gyst.


I find that really intriguing. Could you show us one of your patterns?


I'd like to see them too, if that's okay, they sound really cool.
I also bite my lips and pick around my fingers. I always feel weird if i eat the little flakes of lip skin (that sounded less weird in my head) so I try to avoid it.. I dunno, i just can't escape the voice that reminds me that I'm currently eating a part of my own body. #SelfCannibalism?

#70805 What is something weird that you do?

Posted by steampunkgrrrl on 17 May 2014 - 10:55 PM

Would you ever notice if someone added an extra line to the doodle?

Yes. Because then it wouldn't add up to an even number/eventually multiply out to 100 which would make me have to come up with another shape/pattern. Also, that would not be very nice.

#70289 Animated fights.

Posted by steampunkgrrrl on 07 May 2014 - 12:44 PM

Hey! I found this video on vimeo, it's pretty long but worth it. Enjoy!

bbcode hates me right now. :(

#70056 What's your dream job?

Posted by steampunkgrrrl on 04 May 2014 - 02:16 PM

Drafter. Art AND engineering? Sign me up.


Posted by steampunkgrrrl on 28 April 2014 - 03:38 PM

I thought I would post on here because I've been slipping into a deep depression and everyone I try to talk to just tells me it will get better soon and I don't know that answer just makes me angry. So about a month ago my boyfriend of two years (who I live with) decided to break up with me because "I'm not the kind of person he wants to have a family with" ... Who says that to someone? Can I be that horrible of a person? So I've tried to deal with it and move on but the major problem is that we still live together (our lease isn't up for another 2 months) and I hate seeing him living his stupid happy life when all I can think about it wanting to smother him in his sleep. I hate feeling uncomfortable in my own house.  Anyone have any tips on how to deal or should I just smother him??

oh murdering people in their sleep...I miss those days.

Anyway, is that when the depression began? If not, you can talk to a therapist even if it's just someone to talk to. People will say it will get better because they really don't know what else to say to you. You can kick him out if you're able to take care of rent and bills yourself, which is what I would do. Also, you can throw loud and obnoxious parties and generally annoy yhe piss out of him, which I also would do. I'm a bit of a bitch. But yeah, I would try to make the remaining twomonths ones he'll never forget.


Posted by steampunkgrrrl on 26 April 2014 - 01:59 PM

I am in treatment and have an online support group, which is cool, considering that this particular OCD made me suicidal. But, I am here and getting better.

What's really got me in a funk lately is the job situation. As one of my friends put it, why can't everyone else see how awesome I am? Hope springs eternal, it's just not always a gushing fountain. Also sometimes it feels like I'm becoming stagnant. Nothing's moving, nothing's changing, and sometimes that bothers me. Don't get me wrong, I'll pick up new things and the like, but I don't feel like I'm growing.

I think I'm too self aware for my own good.


Posted by steampunkgrrrl on 24 April 2014 - 01:33 PM

Hi! I'm an OCD sufferer and all the joy that brings in. Including depression. I have one of the rare forms that are religious/sexual orientation related. It really perks up during times of extreme stress, and so it's really beeb kicking in lately.

SO thanks for putting this thread here. ^-^

#68509 Rants!

Posted by steampunkgrrrl on 09 April 2014 - 10:07 AM

That's another rant!!!!! Let's talk about women's armor.

Take Ivy, for example. Awesome, well rounded character with an interesting story and great fighting style. What does she wear? Thread. Thread, I say!

I used to play a fighter class on an MMO called perfect world. The armor was a midriff, gartered stockings, greaves, and a loin cloth. Flying over a town was a free show for everyone.

I threw my hands up in the air when diablo III came out. I played a witch doctor, which I was hoping would be this swamp hag with stringy hair, thin as a rake, and saggy skin. What do I get? Naomi Campbell.

#68343 HELP me with a challenge

Posted by steampunkgrrrl on 06 April 2014 - 03:52 PM

I would write out the answer, then tell him that he needs better ways to spend his time. If all he can do is throw out riddles instead of teaching then he really needs to rethink his career choices.

You get one smartass teacher and it changes your whole perspective on them, lemmetellya.

ALSO, not to get on a rant here, BUT it is common courtesy to ask politely for help instead of saying Some nerd help me. If we're calling a spade a spade here, it was downright rude to have just jump into a group and DEMAND something of them just because they are classified under a certain label.

Ban the little troll.

#68262 Sexual Psychology and Other Fun Things

Posted by steampunkgrrrl on 05 April 2014 - 06:24 PM


*throws two pennies in*

I'm a married, heterosexual female. However, I have been attracted to women sometimes and different varieties of male (from the bishie to the raging testosterone kind). My husband can be effeminate at times and others not so much.

I really don't understand why some people don't understand sexual orientations different than their own. Not everyone is wired the same way. Fetishes, kinks, and turn-ons are not the same for everyone. I have actually stopped dead still to admire a man or woman walking past because of their attractiveness. The problem I have is when two people are together that obviously should not be.

That being said, I am extremely jealous of bisexuals. Instead of eating from one dish, they get to taste the whole buffet. ;)

And no, masturbation doesn't stop when you have a girlfriend. It doesn't even stop when you get married. Trust me.

#68184 The member photo album.

Posted by steampunkgrrrl on 04 April 2014 - 04:54 PM

Pictures? Pictures. You may have to turn your head sideways...for some reason it didn't upload correctly.


#14083 Women in nerd genres

Posted by steampunkgrrrl on 08 July 2012 - 01:54 PM

I am 100% for more strong females in the Geek/Nerd Genres! ...and also ones that are fully dressed. Coming from a female that has been in my fair share of scraps, I can tell ya, dental floss doesn't protect a darn thing.

Also, I am a feminist. I can hear the groans already, but like the lady says, there are extremists to everything. I am a feminist who believes in a completely equal playing field for both sexes. I had a friend tell me once that if women wanted to take on all the responsibilities of a man, then they could take on the bad stuff too. I told him to bring it. No person should ever use their gender as an excuse to do/not be able to do anything.

But, there's my two cents.

I approve this thread and bump it. I'll let my fiancee know, he's a good writer, he might contribute something. ^-^ Would you mind if it is slanted towards steampunk? Are there an genres you would want more than others? Does the writing style matter?


Posted by steampunkgrrrl on 02 July 2012 - 10:02 AM

It's the only thing I can beat my boyfriend at...besides Soul Calibur...and King of Fighters...*thinking* Ok, nevermind.

I love playing Scrabble, have since I was a teen. Let's leave it at that.

Incidentally, here are some other people who love playing Scrabble!

#13363 WWIII starts in 26 DAYS

Posted by steampunkgrrrl on 02 July 2012 - 09:58 AM

Guys! We're nerds! We can deal with trolls.

*rolls dice*

I roll a nat 20 on the attack with a sneak included (I play rogues, so Back Attacks get involved). That's 2d8's since I took the feat, included the twin scimitars enhanced with fire +2....So that's...*counting*...16+16 (x2 since crit is 18-20 = 32) +2 (weapon proficiency) + Fire Damage = 16+32+2 = 50 points of damage. He looks like a minor little shit, so I imagine this killed him off. I'll set fire to the remains so there's no chance of the little bastard mutating and sprouting minions.