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Member Since 14 Aug 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 06 2016 12:14 PM

#94350 So this is the title, huh...

Posted by Dennis on 14 August 2015 - 12:58 PM

And now I have found the post! Okay, so I am going to write an introduction here, hmm... Never been good at that, Don't really know what to say. Well I am tired of having no person to talk about nerdy stuff with. I have been thinking all week to search for "nerd forum" on Google and I found this.


I like video games, retro and the current Nintendo, I don't like Xbox or Playstation, don't try to convert me, I just don't! I can respect them and there are good games on them but they lack what Nintendo has.


I don't know if I should say I like books. I do, but I rarely read. If I get a good book, I won't stop reading until I have reached the end! I have read all Harry Potter books, I have read some Stephen King, I have read almost every Narnia (I stopped reading when I found out that it was just a parody of the Bible. Or at least had some big similarities.) and I have read some books that aren't in a series, like WarGames. It is a book based on the movie. I recommend both.


Now to movies. I have seen all Harry Potter Movies, some Stephen King-based movies after I have read the book. I'm no fan of horror. I've seen the first and second Lord of the Rings, I've not been in the mood for watching the last one, and I didn't manage to read the books. I have seen some Kubrick movies, 2001, Full Metal Jacket. I have seen some Tarantino movies, Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Inglorious Basterds.


I like programming, it's fun. Don't know what else to say here...


I call myself a nerd, that is why I searched for a nerd forum, so I hope I can meet other nerds and make some nerd friends.



So, yeah, that's it. And tell me if you find a grammar error in one of my posts. I don't make those errors often but if you find one, tell me. I'd like to have a perfect English. But remember that my language isn't English. There can be some words I just can't think of, like in one of my sentences in this post. Is it called a grammar error? I couldn't come up with the word. Wait, why am I asking you this, you are probably not reading this much anyway. If you have, sorry for wasting your time. You could have just that time to do something meaningful, really!





And by the way:

When I write the words Think, Movie and some more words I don't remember, the first letter gets capitalized (Did I spell that right?). Is there somebody who can tell my why my computer does this? Thanks.


And thanks to you if read all of this! You will get a prize.


Here is your prize IF you read everything (the word Everything and the word Word also have that problem) above:

Dennis' Award For Wasting Time Reading Something You Did Not Have To Read And It Did Not Make That Big Impact On Your Life, Actually A Big Waste Of Time.




