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Moon Sedai

Member Since 23 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2015 12:47 AM

Topics I've Started

Nerd Beards

06 March 2015 - 07:32 PM

I'm Moon Sedai, a writer, blogger, and dreamer. 

And My website, Land of the Nerds, has started an awesome new web series called "nerd beards." 

Nerd Beards consists of two men, Anexandros and Captain Blackheart who like to look back on the cartoons of the 80s and 90s and discuss how awesome (or awful) they are, the origin of the shows, and how valuable they are today. 


Our first episode was about He-Man. Very Valuable stuff here. We recreated the opening sequence of He-Man 


Watch long enough and you'll see me, Moon Sedai, who knows everything, tell the boys about the history of He-Man. 


Here's a link to our first episode:



Coming soon is an episode on Thundercats. 

Quite nerdy

06 March 2015 - 07:27 PM



My name is "Moon Sedai," and I'm a nerd (Hi Moon!). 


My interests span a variety of television shows, video games, music, movies, and more. 
I'm a writer (Published author) and a blogger. 


I'm such a nerd that I run a website called Landofnerds.com (We do blogs, videos, and more). 


But I'm not here to pimp out my website (though visit if you like, it's freaking nerdtastic). 

I'm here to introduce myself. 


I like Dr Who (though not a fan of Tom Baker, prefer Pertwee and Tennant and am beginning to love Capaldi) and reading (Wheel of Time, yo!). 
I'm married to a self-proclaimed evil wizard (though he's more like a wizzard) and own two dire minischnauzers. 


I have a master's degree in history and know a whole lot about a lot of stuff.