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Member Since 25 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active May 04 2015 05:14 PM

#82010 Comics Book Newbs

Posted by Shea on 02 December 2014 - 10:43 PM

I have a male friend of 20 years of age who has never embraced the comic book multiverse and now he is looking to me to introduce him. I want to present him with a great starter selection that will get him hooked.

The problem is I don't know such a selection myself because when I first started out, I was reading indie and he very much enjoys the Superhero realm.

I would like to know what you guys recommend as a killer superhero selection that is suitable for an impressive introduction toward comic books.

I'm looking for classics and/or on going series.

#82009 Comics Book Newbs

Posted by Shea on 02 December 2014 - 10:41 PM

I have a male friend of 20 years of age who has never embraced the comic book multiverse and now he is looking to me to introduce him. I want to present him with a great starter selection that will get him hooked.

The problem is I don't know such a selection myself because when I first started out, I was reading indie and he very much enjoys the Superhero realm.

I would like to know what you guys recommend as a killer superhero selection that is suitable for an impressive introduction toward comic books.

I'm looking for classics and/or on going series.

#81803 I'm a comedian

Posted by Shea on 27 November 2014 - 08:13 PM

Actually, I've always thought that rap and stand-up comedy were similar. They're both alternative forms of story-telling.
It's just that rap is usually braggadocios and stand-up comedy is usually based around self-deprecation.

I would agree. The big difference between the two is that rap is self praise and comedy is self humbling,  just listen to Eminem and Richard Lewis.