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Member Since 30 Dec 2022
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2023 12:10 PM

Topics I've Started


30 December 2022 - 02:11 PM

Nerd Life! Let me tell you a nerdy story…

My nootropic journey developed over the years and decades, probably like many people’s bodybuilding journeys. In ~2010 it began with a friend telling me about Piracetam while I was in graduate school for the second time. Within a year I was taking about 10 nootropic capsules daily. My research continued and more supplements with nootropic effects and minimal side effect profiles got added to my routine. While the results were stellar, the regiment was very expensive and cumbersome.

Shortly after grad school I started to cut down on expenses by buying bulk powder, like a lot of bodybuilders. This also allowed my friends and I to begin experimenting with different blends. Eventually we wanted to add a commercial encapsulation machine to our lab, along with the other tools used to produce top quality caps. We determined that the only way to afford these tools would be to begin selling our stack - NooIQ was born (https://nooiq.co).

A couple of years later NooIQ was doing well enough for me to leave my corporate data science career and open a brick-and-mortar vitamin shop, selling NooIQ, other nootropics, and reselling bodybuilding supplements from other vendors. Then COVID19 happened...

We had to close doors due to the pandemic. It was our darkest hour. The Small Business Administration spent a full year processing our COVID-relief loan and ultimately denied it on the basis of mis-calculating the age of the business. But... you can't keep a good supplement down! After resuming my work in ML / AI for a while I was able to restart the business in an online form, armed with new partners, better machines, and even a better recipe for NooIQ.

COVID and its destruction can die with 2022. Let's conquer the New Year together! Enjoy 7% off all NooIQ purchases from https://NooIQ.Co with code LIMITLESS23! Valid during the holiday season only.f4386fde71efb9d5b4c4df2b437a23bf.jpg

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Hi All

30 December 2022 - 01:57 PM

What’s up, nerds?

I’m Jason from Integrity Nootropics.

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