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Member Since 08 May 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 02 2014 02:27 PM

#70398 Awkward Confessions

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 09 May 2014 - 09:02 AM

Oh these are fun. Where do I begin?
At a very young age, I used to think the cartilage in my nose was a Lucky Charm marshmallow that got stuck up there... for some reason.
When I was 4, I had a crush on Red Fraggle.
In 2nd grade, there was this bully a grade above me, and one morning I felt some nausea coming on, so I walked over to him and puked on his face on purpose.
I got my first kiss at 19.
There was a girl I liked in elementary school who saw me at the grocery store, and I hid in the bottom basket of the cart... of course she saw me down there hiding from her.

So there are a few awkward confessions, but I have decades of the things, so more will surely arise when appropriate.