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#161 Bowsette



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Posted 11 December 2012 - 03:53 PM

Maybe ranged/mage then. Good starting points would be Ryze (has skills to slow/stun) and Ashe (again, slow/stun) both very good for new players and are still good champs later on in life. Or you could try saving up 6300IP and picking up one of the top-tiers. I've been messing around with Syndra, and she's quite a powerhouse. Good AoE attacks, a slow, and a really powerful ult.

Alternatively you could save 3150 and get a champ like Sona if you want to play more support/healer style.


“Shimatta! Bare… nan no koto kashira?”

#162 Wolf



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Posted 11 December 2012 - 04:06 PM

Anything but tanking.

all the 450 IP champs are good starters, Ashe for Ranged ADC and Ryze for APC. Nunu is a good choice because he currently can play either jungle, support, off-tank, APC, etc etc rather well in low ranked matches.

the 1300 IP champs are hit or miss, notable champs are Jax, Teemo, ChoGath, Janna, Tyndamere, Twisted Fate, Taric, Warwick, Morgana, Malphite, Mundo, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, and Singed. All those listed champs are played at rank/tourney gameplay.

I never realized all the good 1300 champs O.o

#163 Bowsette



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Posted 11 December 2012 - 04:14 PM

Nunu fucks me up no matter what >.> It seems whoever I play against that uses him stacks armour or something, but my hits barely scratch him.


“Shimatta! Bare… nan no koto kashira?”

#164 Wolf



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Posted 11 December 2012 - 04:17 PM

He's naturally tanky, and if you build on it it works well.

Plus his Q does damage to a monster/minion and heals him, so he has good sustainability in lane.

His AP builds don't do too much damage though, except for his ulti.

Watch out for AP Nunu's ulti.

#165 Bowsette



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Posted 11 December 2012 - 04:20 PM

That's the thing with the big ring that slows and eventually does damage, right? I've never been hit by it because I run like fuck >.> Nunu hurts me a lot when he hits, so I try and stay away.


“Shimatta! Bare… nan no koto kashira?”

#166 Wolf



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Posted 11 December 2012 - 04:31 PM

Yeah, most people will walk out of it. But that's it's utility IMO. If I run into a teamfight and pop the ulti, the enemy team can either A. Disengage and run out of the ring. or B. Stay engaged and take a high-damage ulti, usually trying to melt me down.

Both are bad situations to be in.

Also, with high CDR I can use it to clear a big wave of creeps because it has a pretty quick cooldown.

#167 Guest_ElatedOwl_*

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 04:42 PM

I'm a pretty solid jungle nunu, I usually run exhaust/smite. It's pretty easy to clip most people with your ult, you can cancel it early for partial damage if someone low (or the last person) is about to run out of it. If you iceball someone close enough to you they won't have enough time to run out (without a cleanse or gap opener).

Pretty much if Nunu ults it should do significant damage to at least one target if they aren't bad.

He's quite the powerhouse, early on his damage from Q/E is insane and he doesn't need items to do well. Late game your dmg on q is meh and the dmg on e is alright, but your ult is where its at. Runspeed from bloodboil is great too, easy initiates/disengages.

#168 Wolf



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Posted 11 December 2012 - 05:00 PM

I like that E's damage is a 1:1 ratio with AP.

Makes for some pretty painful snowballs :lol:

I /can/ jungle Nunu, but I have too much fun with Warwick jungle.

Dat ulti gank... unblockable 3-4 second stun. With a half-decent team it's almost always a gank. I also love his 1v1 around midgame, especially now that life steal has become more expensive in general.

Although his lack of crowd control and teamfight damage make him fall off late game, if you have a decent team comp you can just roam for catches.

#169 Krankykoala



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Posted 14 December 2012 - 01:29 AM

currently in love with akali. must purchase her

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me-- and there was no one left to speak for me.

#170 Bowsette



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Posted 14 December 2012 - 04:33 AM

I like Akali. I'm not very good with her, but I like her.


“Shimatta! Bare… nan no koto kashira?”

#171 Wolf



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Posted 14 December 2012 - 09:17 AM

Akali's nice, I can't tell whether to build AD or AP on her. I usually go AD pen and a little AP for her passive.

Really, I'm just building black cleavers, you can't really go wrong with them until the patch drops.

So, is it just me, or does the new magic pen take alot of the power away from singed? I was running Abyssal-DFG with a little extra AP and only doing 50 dmg per tick in poison damage.

Maybe it's the new masteries, maybe I need some runes. Either way I was royally pissed off.

#172 Guest_ElatedOwl_*

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Posted 14 December 2012 - 09:39 AM

Build AP on akali. If you really enjoy her you should have a dedicated rune page with a mix of AD and AP to start with two stacks of your passive, but after that you should be going hextech revolver -> haunting guise, build path after that depends on lane opponent/enemy team comp.

As far as singed goes I find him to be a lot better after patch. You gotta keep in mind Singed isn't meant to be a mage, he's all about baiting you into bad situations and disrupting in team fights. (he's kinda dynamic in that, he can peel if your carries need the help or he can dunk on carries pretty hard)

Try starting boots, rush a Rod of Ages, get t2 boots then build a rylai's. Your lane phase is really rough but you'll catch up mid game if you solo push appropriately.

#173 Wolf



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Posted 14 December 2012 - 09:54 AM

But... but AP pen singed build used to do so much damage T_T I can't even get a kill from throwing people into tower, stickying them, and poisoning them on the way back to base. And as far as baiting or teamfights go, my level's still low, so absolutely no plays get made. At this point I'm still trying to prevent my team from feeding so hard it ruins my lane, so I'm gonna hold off on buying Singed.

Also, that's interesting, I didnt know Akali's passive stacked, I thought it was just incentive to get 20 AP and 30 AD. I'll try that build, though, it looks pretty familiar, I just wasn't sure if AD or AP worked better for her, so I defaulted to AD.

#174 Wolf



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Posted 15 December 2012 - 10:38 AM

"It's always worth it if you say "Worth it" afterwards" -Doublelift

#175 Wolf



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Posted 19 December 2012 - 09:54 AM

So, AP on Jax...

Late game for AD? Or just dedicated build?

I don't trust any guides after the last patch.

"Surpriiiiiiise. I'm back." - Jax

<3 Jax

#176 Guest_ElatedOwl_*

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Posted 19 December 2012 - 10:20 AM

Jax scales with AP but I'd still consider it a secondary stat on him. (making Sheen a very good choice on him)

I wouldn't be too surprised if I started seeing a Liandry's on him (but that's because the item is straight broken and Gunblade has always been meh) but for the most part rush triforce and the rest of your build depends on enemy team.

Updated guide on lolpro recommends Blade of the Ruined King and Zephyr (after TriForce).

Zephyr makes sense, Jax has a rough early lane phase so being able to get Tabi's instead of forced into merc treads helps out and the 50% AS is gonna make him dunkmaster after 6.

#177 Wolf



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Posted 19 December 2012 - 10:32 AM

Hmmm, I see.

Thanks for the help ^^

Also, is there a trick to jungling Jax that I'm not getting?

No matter what I seem to build, or how I start, I'm always slightly behind the lanes, and I have to recall alot. Once he hits 6 he flies through it, tho.

#178 Guest_ElatedOwl_*

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Posted 19 December 2012 - 10:39 AM

That's just Jax, his jungle is pretty mediocre pre-6. You should be slightly ahead of bottom, though. What route are you doing? I used to do it occasionally in normals but he doesn't fit too well from the jungle unless you have a solid tank/initiate top (or a leona bot).

#179 Wolf



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Posted 19 December 2012 - 10:54 AM

I've tried a couple different approaches, and none of them really work /well/, not as well as some of the better junglers at least.

I would start with buying Hunter's Machete or Cloth armor and a bunch of pots. I found that Counter was a better starter for wolves so I put a point in Counter, clear wolves, pot up, clear wraiths, get empower, then usually recall, clear golems and do a smite-blue run if I'm level 2 or 3 with a decent amount of health, by then wolves are up and I do it all again. Remember I have no runes so I'm at a slight disadvantage.

I usually have to run jungle in between holding lanes, though, at least Jax can usually 1v2 a lane [depending on the matchup]. Once I hit 6 jungle is super easy but the enemy will usually start pushing as they've had their ult, so I have to stop jungling to hold lanes even more. I'm usually a level or two behind at this point from all the lane swapping, but my team usually has high cs.

#180 Guest_ElatedOwl_*

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Posted 19 December 2012 - 11:02 AM

Yeah, not having runes really cripples your ability to jungle. ><
I start Machete but without armor runes you might need to start cloth armor.

You should be doing blue ASAP. I start wolves->blue (I can kill wolves before blue spawns) and your team should do some dmg to blue for you. (if you're blue side top should hit it a few times and mid should use an ability on it) If I'm on a strong jungler (olaf, for example) I'll go straight for red. If I feel like I need smite for red (nautilus) I'll go wolves->blue->wraiths->wolves (run towards them right after wraiths, they'll respawn right as you show up) -> red (smite back up) and then gank or do double gol if my lanes are in good shape (read: zoning out lane opponents) or ungankable (too pushed, enemy river and side bushes warded, etc.).