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#121 Guest_ElatedOwl_*

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Posted 06 December 2012 - 03:50 PM

New patch is alright. I haven't gotten a chance to play Singed yet but the mastery change and some of the new items really benefit him.

I think it scared everyone out of the jungle. :/ I main jungle so I don't mind. It's kind of funny though, I can 1v1 anyone at their red and almost always get first blood. (assuming my mid and top/bot aren't retarded and will chase their lanes)

#122 Bowsette



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Posted 06 December 2012 - 03:53 PM

I'm pretty bad at jungling in 5v5. I'm normally relegated to it on the 3v3 though, since my teammates are usually dicks with absolutely no capacity for speaking. That, or I get stuck with Germans, French, Spanish, even fucking Portuguese, what the hell.

Most people I've played with who actually speak don't like the newest patch, especially the changes they made to the store. For me, it's much more streamlined. Easier access to the items that work, imo.


“Shimatta! Bare… nan no koto kashira?”

#123 Guest_ElatedOwl_*

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Posted 06 December 2012 - 03:55 PM

When you queue a normal 3v3 on NA it's pretty rare to see a dedicated jungler. The store changes definitely messed with my mind the first few games but once I'm reacquainted I'm sure it'll be better off.

#124 Bowsette



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Posted 06 December 2012 - 04:01 PM

Half the time in 3v3 I see stupid champion choices. One match, my teammates instantly locked their choices as Sona and Soraka. I'm just like what why would you do that

I don't know all that much about builds and such, but I'm pretty sure neither of those are really capable of solo laning >.> especially Soraka. She's not at all designed for fighting, it seems.


“Shimatta! Bare… nan no koto kashira?”

#125 Guest_ElatedOwl_*

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Posted 06 December 2012 - 04:13 PM

I'm hoping you picked taric and fulfilled your destiny as triple support 3v3 master.

#126 Bowsette



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Posted 06 December 2012 - 04:28 PM

I picked Cho'Gath and hid in the jungle >>


“Shimatta! Bare… nan no koto kashira?”

#127 Wolf



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Posted 07 December 2012 - 10:07 AM

I wanna like the Statihk Shiv, I really do.

[but i've never even built an Avarice blade ._.]

#128 Guest_ElatedOwl_*

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Posted 07 December 2012 - 10:19 AM

I wanna like the Statihk Shiv, I really do.

[but i've never even built an Avarice blade ._.]

Posted Image
It's a mutha fuckin youmouu's ghostblade.
Do you know what it does?
It chops bitches.

#129 Wolf



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Posted 07 December 2012 - 10:23 AM

Posted Image
It's a mutha fuckin youmouu's ghostblade.
Do you know what it does?
It chops bitches.

Yeah, I've seen many a ADC get fucked by mistiming that Active.

I'll stick my PD, and enjoy my newfound "ignore unit collision"

That's right, you can't hide behind your minions anymore

Teemo is gonna pound dat asshole

[NEVER underestimate the power of the scout's code]

#130 Guest_ElatedOwl_*

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Posted 07 December 2012 - 10:43 AM

I wouldn't get youmuu on an ADC, it's bruisertown.

#131 Wolf



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Posted 07 December 2012 - 10:54 AM

I wouldn't get youmuu on an ADC, it's bruisertown.

What ISNT bruisertown after the last patch?

I'm hearing talk about dropping ADCs/APCs in team comp for another bruiser.

#132 Guest_ElatedOwl_*

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Posted 07 December 2012 - 01:39 PM

Nah bruiser itemization is pretty awkward atm. Right now if you can replace a bruiser top with an ADC or APC that can farm safely you're way better off.

#133 Wolf



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Posted 07 December 2012 - 04:52 PM

Idunno, we'll see. I'm just stating what I've heard on a few streams now.

Also, Ruby Sightstone is freakin OP, but as a support it's my new best friend.

#134 Bowsette



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Posted 08 December 2012 - 09:06 AM

I got Ahri. I caved and bought some RP, because her Foxfire skin is AMAZING >.> She's also a powerhouse. Lost my last PVP match, but I was 13/2/4 solo mid. My deaths came from a Wukong who REALLY knew what he was doing ._. And I got two doubles vs. the Karthus/Darius who were midding against me. Wtf double mid why would you do that

Neither of them are even junglers, are they? I know Karthus isn't, idk about Darius.

Edit: Ended up I was doing more ability power damage than regular on my skills xD Ended up with 355. Charm kicks ass.


“Shimatta! Bare… nan no koto kashira?”

#135 Wolf



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Posted 08 December 2012 - 10:22 AM

Carried a team as Sona.

We had a semi-fed Annie, who was too cool for school and constantly broke from group to get caught stealing blues. They had a fed Garus and a fed Caitlin, and I kited both multiple times for catches.

And by catches, I mean I dragged them into our base past all my teammates so they would GET THEIR SHIT IN GEAR AND ACTUALLY FIGHT SOME CAUGHT CHAMPS.

I was somewhere in the neighborhood of 4/5/19, but at the end there I wasn't worth any gold. Had to do an AP build just to make up for our Brand who obviously didn't know how to play [he would wander down lanes, and just autoattack... JUST autoattack]

I did Sona ambushes, Sona kites, Sona tanks, and Sona 1v1s.

I deserve a trophy, or an award or something.

#136 Bowsette



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Posted 08 December 2012 - 10:41 AM

Yeah fuck that >.> I can't play Sona to save my life.

Nami is out, and we faced one in the last game. We were doing well initially. Ahri (me) and Shyvana top, Fiddlesticks mid, and Ryze/Teemo bot. Then Teemo quit. Then Ryze quit. 3v5 was interesting, and we actually ended with more kills than the enemy team, though we still lost >.> Nami's heals are definitely overpowered. The level 1 Nami was healing Warwick for 120+. The same amount Sona heals with her level 5 heal >.> bs bs bs bs bs bs.

Also tried out Talon. He's...interesting. I'm crap with him, but he has potential for sure.


“Shimatta! Bare… nan no koto kashira?”

#137 Wolf



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Posted 08 December 2012 - 10:50 AM

Yeah, nami seems like a straightforward OP support. She's got an AoE stun and a nice knockup ult, now how these attacks scale with levels I've yet to see, but I'm seeing her really steamroll some lanes in high elo. Her bubble acts like a small Crescendo, and you can chain it into her ult for like, 5 seconds of stun and knockups.

Literally, she makes all the other full-time support look like shit, unless you're playing them in a situation that necessarily calls for them. I'm sure we'll still see Nunu and Blitz and the likes, but Nami just kinda bumped non-skilled Sona players off the map.

#138 Bowsette



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Posted 08 December 2012 - 11:22 AM

I think the only time you'll see Sona now is during the free rotations. With the nerfs she got, plus a new, better support/healer on the block, she's basically only going to get played by newbies, super-pros, and people who are massive Sona fans. Other than that, Nami will definitely be taking center stage.

Fortunately her attacks are pretty easy to avoid. The circle for bubble shows up pretty quickly, so if you haven't been slowed you can get out of the radius. Her tidal wave is...meh. I only got hit by it once, the rest of the times I was able to sidestep it.

I keep seeing unusual champions played now. Sejuani was in my last match, alongside Cassiopeia, Varus, and Fizz. That was an odd combination to fight against.


“Shimatta! Bare… nan no koto kashira?”

#139 Wolf



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Posted 08 December 2012 - 12:29 PM

Lots of people are playing unplayed champions to try new item builds, test procs, etc.

Meanwhile, on my smurf account...

Lets go Teemo ._.

#140 Bowsette



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Posted 08 December 2012 - 01:04 PM

In PVP I've had maybe 1 game where Teemo didn't feature on one or both sides >.> That hairy little bastard needs to die.


“Shimatta! Bare… nan no koto kashira?”