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#1 Grolli



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Posted 30 July 2018 - 05:53 PM

Ok..  I admit it..  I am old.  (50 is getting close...)


However, the people I work with (25 and younger) just don't seem to give a crap about the job. 


I am not "in charge".  


For example, I work on switch gear, programmed automation, generator systems, logic controls and such.  Another "tech" calls me up, and says "G..  the push-button to test the system dosen't test the system.  Can you come look at it?"  I drive across town, turn the key from "manual to automatic" and boom..  system works as advertised.  I could not even get the kid to look up from his phone long enough to show him what was wrong.


Is there no pride in your work anymore?


Do I expect too much?


Should I say no?  Stop helping?


Please..  any feedback is good..  what hair is have left is falling out.


Thank you.

#2 Mister Sympa

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Posted 31 July 2018 - 07:42 AM

I feel like it's generational bias. There are young people that don't give a shit and there are also older folks who do not give a shit. The people who care will likely advance and the people who don't will stagnate or leave. Or the people who care may leave and go on to something better.


Point is, yeah, people are apathetic, but don't let yourself be an old curmudgeon.  Lead by example.


#3 Grolli



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Posted 31 July 2018 - 05:48 PM

Old curmudgeon..  heh..  


Not yet, but I seem to be getting there.  There seems to be a "good old boy" promotion system, and I am not in that click.

#4 Affray


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Posted 31 July 2018 - 09:58 PM

It's becoming increasingly difficult to take pride in our work when so many employers insist on paying people like garbage and still expecting above and beyond performance. A great many businesses are taking shadier and sleazier steps to make increasingly larger profits an they're doing so at the expense of their workers. I'm sure there are other societal factors involved, but from what I've seen it seems to boil down to people being unhappy that they are unappreciated and underpaid for their time and talents.

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#5 The Robstar

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Posted 01 August 2018 - 01:08 AM

lol. Welcome to the Millennial Generation.


Millennials - Perceived as slackers, just extremely anti-social and awkward. Often comes up with unconventional and creative solutions to overcome obstacles. 


Yeah..... My generation (sorry guys) are pretty lazy. You're probably the same age as my father. Hard working (hands on).... us..... pushes a pen for a living. Moans consistently. 


#6 Grolli



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Posted 01 August 2018 - 05:26 AM

I can see the non pride.  But the where I work, its an even playing field.  Just doing something as simple as wiping the dust off a generator is considered above and beyond work in the eyes of the boss.



I'm not sure its a Millennial problem.  I think is a "how do I get you to care" or "tap some unknown potential" problem.  


IMO...  the Millennial is going to swing one of two ways..  either the absolute best multi taskers out there with the unconventional thinking, or focus on single point problems with little out side of the box thinking and struggle...  wait for someone else to fix it.  There is really no middle ground that I can see.


I am a Gen X'er.  We topped out with technology at microwave popcorn.  And ya...  I am hands on.  I have more scars on my hands than I can count.

#7 SpleenBeGone


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 06:56 AM

I think people just care about different things. I have the exact same issue with older generations in my line of work. I'll get called in for all kinds of random stuff by an old dude panicking that didn't take two minutes to make sure his laptop wasn't in airplane mode or something like that. I try to explain to them what went wrong and I know they don't listen because a week later I'll get a call for the exact same issue. 


#8 Mister Sympa

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Posted 01 August 2018 - 07:49 AM

You know, all y'all are right.


#9 Grolli



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Posted 01 August 2018 - 05:16 PM

I think people just care about different things. I have the exact same issue with older generations in my line of work. I'll get called in for all kinds of random stuff by an old dude panicking that didn't take two minutes to make sure his laptop wasn't in airplane mode or something like that. I try to explain to them what went wrong and I know they don't listen because a week later I'll get a call for the exact same issue. 


I can see that.  My complaint is similar.  I have to repeat myself many times to the younger guys.  I guess its not that they don't listen, apparently its just not important to them.

#10 Bowsette



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Posted 04 August 2018 - 08:04 PM

It's becoming increasingly difficult to take pride in our work when so many employers insist on paying people like garbage and still expecting above and beyond performance. A great many businesses are taking shadier and sleazier steps to make increasingly larger profits an they're doing so at the expense of their workers. I'm sure there are other societal factors involved, but from what I've seen it seems to boil down to people being unhappy that they are unappreciated and underpaid for their time and talents.

This. I'm constantly winding up with larger and larger workloads despite zero increase in pay. In addition, at least for me anyway, I work with the public. And it's really, really hard to bring myself to care about my job when I'm constantly treated like shit because of the fuckups management makes. I feel no pride in my work, because there is none. I don't get anything extra by going above and beyond; I don't even get a "thanks for helping out!" or a "you did good, well done!" As a result, it's much easier for me to be apathetic; If those above me don't care about me, why should I care about them?


An example; a couple of weeks ago, my town had a big, three-day weekend event going on. I worked every day of those three (one being my day off), two ten-hour shifts and an open-til-close shift (fifteen hours). We constantly ran out of products because we literally didn't have the manpower; we weren't assigned extra hands to help out, it was just two of us working. As a result, some things weren't done. And rather than thank us for doing the kind of shit we did, we got bitched out over things we couldn't change, precisely because we didn't have enough hands.


So, yeah. There's no point in caring about the work you do; you get treated like shit regardless, so it's easier not to care in the first place.


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#11 Grolli



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Posted 05 August 2018 - 06:47 AM

I understand recognizing hard work. Really. My issue is with the folks that are ok with doing a half assed job, and others (ok.. me) have to either fix or finish the job. Pay is the same. But the half assers are also the first to complain on any issue.

I say this is an isolated incident, but it's a daily occurrence. I hate to group it.. but it's also the same age group I started this thread about.

I guess its just different work ethics. But it really pisses me off that I have to continually help people out that don't give 2 shits about the work they do.. then bitch at me for not helping sooner.

#12 Cotton Candy Hot Tub

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Posted 06 August 2018 - 10:59 AM

Do any of you have temp services where you live?

Basically, how they work is they get paid through a company for your contract until the company hires you itself. This is how I got most of my jobs. I quit a lot of those jobs in the past because I wasn't getting enough hours.

There was one company that did give me enough hours. I worked extremely hard there and most of the people I worked with were were very good friends. Even closer to me than most of my own family members. I worked hard and made it to work on time for well over a year. I then contracted pneumonia from breathing all the dust in the place I worked in and because a lot of coworkers were sick. I couldn't move nearly as fast as I could before and the management would make fun of me for it behind my back. I started being late and someone from the temp service threatened to fire me every time that I was. I tried explaining that I was sick, but they didn't give a shit. I was in debt because of all my medical Bill's and I couldn't even afford the gas to get to work on.

I was very depressed and the only thing that could keep me going was my coworkers and one of my supervisors even said that if I could stick it out long enough, he would tell the management to make me a supervisor once he left in just a few more years. Ater two years of working there, they decided to not renew my contract and I was fired. I found out later that a lot of the hardest working people were also let go with no warning whatsoever. To my knowledge, the only people who still work there are the most stubborn lazy people who just goof off all day without hardly lifting a finger for their money in which was more than triple what I was making. I fail to understand the logic in that company and I'm probably never going to find a job that good again.

#13 Mister Sympa

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Posted 07 August 2018 - 07:07 AM

I understand recognizing hard work. Really. My issue is with the folks that are ok with doing a half assed job, and others (ok.. me) have to either fix or finish the job. Pay is the same. But the half assers are also the first to complain on any issue.

I say this is an isolated incident, but it's a daily occurrence. I hate to group it.. but it's also the same age group I started this thread about.

I guess its just different work ethics. But it really pisses me off that I have to continually help people out that don't give 2 shits about the work they do.. then bitch at me for not helping sooner.

I know that can feel totally degrading, but whose responsibility is it for the problems they call you to fix? If they're not doing their own work, that should reflect on them, but if they're fucking up how YOU look, then it's a real problem. If that's the case, I'd involve management or possibly keep a journal and start logging things. Maybe this is too extreme, though, I don't know.


#14 Mister Sympa

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Posted 07 August 2018 - 07:09 AM

CCHT - Wow. Wow, that sucks.


#15 Grolli



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Posted 07 August 2018 - 07:58 PM

CCHT..  Damn.  I have no words.


MS..  Management dosent seem to really want to be involved.  But..  I like the journal idea.

#16 Cotton Candy Hot Tub

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Posted 07 August 2018 - 09:37 PM

I just want to say that I really appreciate the people on this website who are understanding and take the time to read such a long story from a complete stranger. It's also a very true one. On the positive side, I do have plenty of other job opportunities around me and i still have ways to keep in contact with some of the people I used to work with there. I miss them like crazy, but it's nice to hear their voice every now and then. I'm also very fortunate to have a private place like this website to let it all out without anyone judging me or laughing while telling me I'm just a stupid guy who complains too much.

#17 Mister Sympa

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Posted 08 August 2018 - 07:14 AM

Yo, in my opinion, that's the whole point of the forum.


Hey, good for you. And no judgement here. If a situation sucks, it sucks. No shame in venting to a friend.


In fact, please do. Don't keep it bottled up, that ain't good.


#18 Cotton Candy Hot Tub

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Posted 09 August 2018 - 01:56 PM

Yo, in my opinion, that's the whole point of the forum.


Hey, good for you. And no judgement here. If a situation sucks, it sucks. No shame in venting to a friend.


In fact, please do. Don't keep it bottled up, that ain't good.


I can agree with that. I hope your anxiety situation gets better, homie. Mine will probably last at least until can find a job that's at least nearly as tolerable as my old one.

#19 Mister Sympa

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Posted 10 August 2018 - 07:03 AM

What a coincidence! Let's job hunt together!


#20 Cotton Candy Hot Tub

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Posted 12 August 2018 - 12:57 AM

Are you about to quit your job? What type of new job are you looking for?