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What happened to this genre?

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#1 CmdrShep2183



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Posted 09 November 2015 - 11:44 PM

Back in the in the 90s and early 2000s we had a glut of space operas like Babylon 5, Star Trek, Firefly, and Battlestar Galactica. I used to see a lot of commercials promoting the Battlestar Galactica TV series back in 2004-05. Unfortunately I did not get into the genre until early 2014 when I played the first Mass Effect under the recommendation of a friend. I thought the Battle for the Citadel scene was epic. I was captivated. I craved more space adventure, politics, intrigue, science, and laser battles. Did the network execs decide the genre was dead? Considered too intellectual by the general population? Should this genre be revived? Ever since Battlestar Galactic ended its run back in 2009 there was no TV show, on any network, featuring people on spaceships.

It was long thought that fantasy was a genre once thought reserved for geeks but Game of Thrones has garnered a huge audience. Perhaps a well written space opera with a huge budget could appeal to a diverse audience. Perhaps the success of LOTR and Harry Potter also contributed to fantasy becoming mainstream. I hope an space opera equivalent of LOTR and/or Harry Potter to be successful at the box office.

I want an high quality epic space opera to become the sci fi equivalent of GOT! I want something that will make the genre mainstream!

#2 Affray


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Posted 10 November 2015 - 12:59 PM

The genre is mainstream.

That is how you and everyone knows about it and shows like you mentioned.

Most of the most popular cult television shows in history are space related science fiction.

The problem is that we exhausted the premise and need to take a break and let some other stuff have some spotlight for a while.

Space will be back.

Space always comes back.

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#3 Bestmand902



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Posted 10 November 2015 - 01:31 PM

Space always comes back.



#4 EmeraldPhysics



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Posted 15 November 2015 - 12:03 PM

I Guess your right. Now society has changed and left Sci-Fi nerd's like us for dead. its all changed. Its more about action or romance nowaday's    :(  

#5 Affray


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Posted 15 November 2015 - 02:51 PM

Space related movies are still around, and actually kicking the shit out of the box offices for the most part.

I also heard that they are planning another Star Trek series.

So there is that.

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#6 Big_T



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Posted 16 November 2015 - 11:31 AM

Ever since Battlestar Galactic ended its run back in 2009 there was no TV show, on any network, featuring people on spaceships.

Stargate Universe ran from 2009 - 2011. It was an awful show so you might have thought the people were travelling through dreams in rusty cardboard boxes, therefore not being Sci-Fi. All good.


Have you heard of Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome? That aired back in 2012 I think.


Also, Dark Matter might be of interest,check it out. It came out this year apparently, I've only seen a few episodes from season 1. The people wake up from stasis in a space in ... so on.


There have been a heap of Sci-Fi shows that haven't been plot around people travelling through space. I liked Terra Nova, Continuum, Under The Dome, Orphan Black.


and ... what Affray said.

#7 Silver_rose



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Posted 16 November 2015 - 05:40 PM

Stargate Universe ran from 2009 - 2011. It was an awful show so you might have thought the people were travelling through dreams in rusty cardboard boxes, therefore not being Sci-Fi. All good.


Have you heard of Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome? That aired back in 2012 I think.


Also, Dark Matter might be of interest,check it out. It came out this year apparently, I've only seen a few episodes from season 1. The people wake up from stasis in a space in ... so on.


There have been a heap of Sci-Fi shows that haven't been plot around people travelling through space. I liked Terra Nova, Continuum, Under The Dome, Orphan Black.


and ... what Affray said.


I definitely recommend Dark Matter, I like it. It's a little to the left, or to the right from your typical sci-fi series and it does it well.


I would however like to see more, newer sci-fi series coming out.

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