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What kind of people do nerds end up marrying?

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#1 joelin02



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Posted 10 May 2015 - 01:39 AM

As a nerd myself, I've often felt different or isolated from society. The things that non-nerds enjoy and talk about just don't seem as appealing to me. On the flip side, the topics that I love to ramble about seem incredibly foreign to others. I often get blank stares from people who wonder why I can be so obsessed by nerdy things.


So that brings me to relationships. What kinds of people do nerds end up marrying? Do they find other nerds or non-nerds? Does it even matter? I've often felt that dating a non-nerd can often feeling a bit lonely as they don't quite understand you or why you enjoy the things you do. 

#2 The Seldom Seen Kid

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Posted 10 May 2015 - 01:49 AM

They usually end up marrying body pillows.

#3 Silver_rose



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Posted 10 May 2015 - 02:00 AM

At this stage of my life, I'm lucky to even find someone who wants to date me, let alone get into a relationship and marry me.


Honestly I think it just depends on who you're attracted to.

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#4 idk



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Posted 10 May 2015 - 05:14 AM

Many of the nerds I know just dont end up dating much at all. Those who do marry usually end up with other nerds though.


#5 Aster1391



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Posted 10 May 2015 - 06:27 AM

I don't think it's much a question of being nerds or non-nerds...in every relationship people should have some common interests, or at least they should be interested in what the other does. I wouldn't even choose to be with a person I have nothing at all in common with

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#6 Elfie



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Posted 10 May 2015 - 06:31 AM

I think I would need to date a nerd. There are things I like to do, that I would end up doing alone if I didn't (D&D, comic book stores, dressing up for movies, renfest, romantic memorabilia, if not a nerd I would at least need someone open to the things I enjoy.

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#7 Affray


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Posted 10 May 2015 - 07:59 AM

I have seen it go either way.

I have a few nerdy friends who ended up with relatively non-nerdy partners and they worked out fine.

They tend to have other common grounds, like sports or hobbies or lust.


I happen to be marrying a Sailor Moon, Doctor Who, Pokemon loving gamer, which is pretty kick ass.

Nerds do tend to gel better with other nerds, mostly because of the common obsession with all things nerdy, but at the end of the day people are just people.

Countless times I have seen big 400lb guys wearing Iron Man t-shirts walking around with petite smoking hot blondes on their arms.

I am sure some of those girls are nerdy as well, but at least a handful are not even close and like the guy because he is probably hilarious.


If I were you I wouldn't put too much pressure on yourself to find a mate and just keep doing your thing.

Sooner or later you are going to walk face first in to someone who is doing the same thing you are.

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#8 Big_T



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Posted 10 May 2015 - 04:02 PM

Out of all of the women I've dated/hooked-up-with/gotten-into-a-relationship-with in my life, and even the females that I currently have as friends, only one girl was an actual nerd. She was lovely, but I moved across the country so we obviously couldn't continue seeing each other.

The two relationships I've had as an adult, have been with girls who aren't in any way nerdy (although one liked Nintendo Wii).


I've never looked at it from the perspective that, because I am a nerd, I'm only interested in nerdy girls, or, only nerdy girls will be interested in me.

Everyone's different and if you get along with someone well enough to want to spend your time with them, and you both develop feeling for each other .... it doesn't matter whether they appreciate Star Wars, play Playstation, or read comics. Couples usually find some common-ground, and maybe they can teach/show you new things that you'll enjoy too!

'Nerdy' things become less of a priority as you get older, too. You should keep doing what you love, of course! But as you get older, and your lifestyle changes etc, you might one day feel the need for companionship greater than the need for a Pokédex (or whatever floats your boat).

#9 Grolli



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Posted 10 May 2015 - 08:05 PM

Well..  My degree is in electronic engineering, girl I started dating was in computer programming.  Found common ground, ended up marrying her.  Been together for 23 years now.


As my wife, she says "people they love, and ones that just fit.  Let them see you for who you are.  If they don't like the real you, /ragequit"

#10 No-Danico


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Posted 10 May 2015 - 09:55 PM

They usually end up marrying body pillows.



You're being such a non-pillow right now!


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#11 Calvary



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Posted 11 May 2015 - 01:19 PM


Ask for my discord/Insta/Tumblr if you want.

#12 SushiKitten


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 03:49 PM


You're being such a non-pillow right now!

The shitty art on that pillow makes it so much better.