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Travelling experiences

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#1 AliceInTheHoleWithRabbits



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Posted 16 April 2015 - 08:49 PM

Hello! Don't think we have an actual topic about travelling, and since we're from different parts of this huge little world, I thought it would be fun to talk about places we've visited. Feel free to post photos  :lol:
I guess my only memorable travel was to Rio de Janeiro. It was amazing, and since I love gardens, visiting the Botanical Gardens was just my cup of tea.
Unfortunately, I couldn't see it all because it was huge and my friends and I got tired soon.

Some pics: http://i.imgur.com/rTnTS9U.png



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#2 idk



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Posted 16 April 2015 - 09:07 PM

I've almost entirely travelled exclusively in my province, though I did go to Detroit once for the auto show.



Going to Scotland this summer though,


#3 Calvary



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Posted 16 April 2015 - 11:21 PM

Oh boy I have a really good story for you kiddies, I'll have to tell it after work. It's called, The Time Gol Got Detained by US Border Security. It's a true story too.

Ask for my discord/Insta/Tumblr if you want.

#4 idk



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Posted 16 April 2015 - 11:29 PM

Oh boy I have a really good story for you kiddies, I'll have to tell it after work. It's called, The Time Gol Got Detained by US Border Security. It's a true story too.

See I warned you not to try and sneak stuff onto the plane in your ass.


#5 Calvary



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Posted 16 April 2015 - 11:34 PM

Wait. You said don't? Oh...

Ask for my discord/Insta/Tumblr if you want.

#6 Bestmand902



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Posted 16 April 2015 - 11:37 PM

I remember going to Florida a long while back for one of my birthdays. We visited Disneyworld, and the place we were staying at (we were staying with family) would sometimes get ibises on the front lawn and Geckoes on the front porch, so that was pretty cool. One of my fav. Memories is when, at Disneyworld, I tried to ask King Louie for an autograph, but I ended up just giving him a hug.


Good times, goooooood tiiiiimes.


#7 (V) (`m`) (V) ︵ ┻━┻

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Posted 17 April 2015 - 12:10 AM

My most memorable was definitely going to DC.
I went with a friend who was the whole super generic vegan/punk/I hate the world type person.

Somehow we wind up on a two day bus ride with communists.
And in the middle at some point she lost her mind and started calling the building across from us her "cawk".
There was gatorade, and drums, and singing involved..
It was all.. hahaha.. it went about as good as you can expect a bus ride full of communists to go.

Most beautiful was definitely France.
I wish I'd gotten to see more of Italy, I'm sure that would beat out France easily in that regard.

I have a want to travel many places, but there is only a small handful that I will try my hardest to see.



#8 AliceInTheHoleWithRabbits



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Posted 17 April 2015 - 01:07 PM

Tell us, Gol hahahaha 

I can sum up my plane experiences with my mum laughing so much she ended up crying, peanuts and Anderson Silva.

I have a want to travel many places, but there is only a small handful that I will try my hardest to see.

Same. I want to see all Seven Wonders, but I'm not sure if I'll have the guts to do it. Someday I hope I'll travel to Switzerland, France, England, India and South Korea. And somewhere where I can go scuba diving  ^_^

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#9 flcl_grim



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Posted 17 April 2015 - 04:52 PM

The other day, I left this room on a quest.  Up the stairs, I found this strange room with a menagerie of utilities stored within, but nothing could prepare me for the second revelation; the entire enclosure was dedicated to food.

It was a delectable trip; I encourage everyone to drop the keyboard immediately and pursue a similar voyage.

#10 The Robstar

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Posted 17 April 2015 - 11:18 PM

I've travelled quite a bit.


I've been to Australia a number of times.


I've visited Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast and lived in Perth. 


I've also travelled to the United States.


Visited San Francisco, Los Angeles and Las Vegas (Vegas was poo-tang lol)


Out of all my travels I enjoyed Yosimite Nation Park the most because it was beautiful. 


Oh yes, I live and travelled all over New Zealand :)


#11 Calvary



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Posted 18 April 2015 - 03:58 AM

Okay so here's my (slightly belated) story, hope you're all sitting comfortably kiddies!


So I was on a flight into St. Louis, interchanging at Chicago O'Hare (great fucking airport by the way). I landed and had about a 50 minute window to connect so I fucking ran to the border controls, scribbled out as much info as I could on the little sheet they gave me where you have to put where you're staying, your name, home address bla bla bla. Any way long story short, the information I gave was both insufficient and apparently shady. A border policemen dude guy bro who wanted to make it very clear he had a gun (for real, he wouldn't take his hand off his pistol holster, I'm like...guy I'm 18 what am I and the little Indian guy next to me going to do to you?) escorted me to a small room filled with non-English speaking foreigners and where the only sounds where those of people being interrogated, people crying and stern faced conservative news anchors on the one TV in the room. They cut my stay a month short which cost me £500 and made my miss my flight which cost me the contents of my bowels.



Ask for my discord/Insta/Tumblr if you want.

#12 SpleenBeGone


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Posted 18 April 2015 - 08:13 AM

I haven't traveled anywhere in a long time, I need to change that. I've been all over Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico, and quite a few border towns in Mexico. 


#13 Aster1391



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Posted 18 April 2015 - 08:37 AM

I've never been out of Europe, but my best travels have definitely been the two I've made to Ireland...I just love that country, I'm planning to finish my studies there and to live there too, if it's possible ^^

Dublin is definitely a cool city, but my best stay in Ireland was in Ennis on the western part. The people are just so incredibly nice and friendly, everyone we met made their best to make us build awesome memories. I was traveling with two friends of mine and the mother of one of them was acquainted with a nun who lived in this town. She found a hostel for us and when we arrived she and other nuns welcomed with tea and cupcakes and loaded us with tons of homemade sweets. A woman who was about 70-80 years old drove us by car all the way (roughly 4 hours) to the Cliffs of Moher, stopping wherever we wanted. The nature is so incredibly cool there. I know there are many other places in Ireland which are awesome, but it was a lifetime I wanted to see those cliffs! In the evenings, after the second time we'd been in the same pub they saved the table for us and gave us extra food and beer. All of this surrounded by tons of Irish nature, live music and culture, which is my cup of tea, my chocolate piece before going to sleep and the cream on my cappuccino ;) go there if you have the chance and you won't regret it!

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#14 fae



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Posted 18 April 2015 - 09:24 AM

Uh I like this topic..


I've traveled quite a bit till now. But there is still much more to see.

I've been to most of Europe though I haven't seen very much of eastern Europe. I also lived in Cornwall, England for a bit. Then I've also been to Egypt (loved to valley of the kings and luxor temple) and Tunisia. I've also seen a bit o SE Asia. I visited Singapore and lived in Bangkok for a while. I haven't been to America (South or North) but I plan to change this soon, possibly this year :)

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#15 Affray


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Posted 18 April 2015 - 11:04 AM

Other than traversing the wooded areas of a decent portion of my province, I haven't travelled much.


I crossed the border to Murika not too long ago to go to Cabella's with some friends, but it was within 100km of the border so it wasn't a huge trip.

I learned that Americans are confused by how Canadians tip at restaurants, if you order an iced tea you will get a big glass of un-sugared bullshit, and that the ability to drive in the snow stops at the border crossing. I went during the worst winter we had for like thirty years, no traction, no visibility, shit storm. Canada side there were two cars in the ditch on the 401 between my town and the border (about 150km or so) and the second we crossed in to Michigan there was a car/transport truck/firetruck/snowplough in the ditch every fifty feet. There were people wandering the highway and cars on fire. Those guys get the same winter as us every year, why they are not able to drive in it is beyond me. 


I also went to Jamaica for a friend's wedding two years ago.

Most of my time was spent on a resort, which was pretty sweet.

I did do a trip to Bob Marley's house on April 20th because even though I am not a practitioner of the weedy arts I can appreciate the neatness of going there on that particular day. Whilst there I ate a brownie and on the way back I tripped so hard I thought I was going to die. Which was partially thanks to the drugs, and mostly thanks to the fact that we were on a bus on top of a mountain that nearly took a tumble down said mountain to what surely would have been our deaths.

It is perfectly acceptable to fear and admire a being you could not possibly understand.

#16 flcl_grim



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Posted 18 April 2015 - 07:10 PM

Affray has the right idea in mind; many people are of the firm delusion that traveling is about distance from your current location.  Better phrased, traveling is about the mindset--you do not have to get in a car, hop on a plane, smuggle yourself onto a boat, or anything more than step outside and look around as if you were looking for the first time to find something interesting.  Go explore a mountain, a riverbed, a wooded area, or anywhere that sparks your interest.  You will always be surprised at what you will find--I have discovered completely tucked away marshes in the middle of a city, breathtaking vantage points tens of feet from the edge of a suburb, and so much more that people outright ignore because "there's nothing to do around here" mentalities poison their drive to experience.

#17 AliceInTheHoleWithRabbits



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Posted 18 April 2015 - 07:55 PM

Trojan removal now $6., on 18 Apr 2015 - 07:01, said:
Okay so here's my (slightly belated) story, hope you're all sitting comfortably kiddies!

So I was on a flight into St. Louis, interchanging at Chicago O'Hare (great fucking airport by the way). I landed and had about a 50 minute window to connect so I fucking ran to the border controls, scribbled out as much info as I could on the little sheet they gave me where you have to put where you're staying, your name, home address bla bla bla. Any way long story short, the information I gave was both insufficient and apparently shady. A border policemen dude guy bro who wanted to make it very clear he had a gun (for real, he wouldn't take his hand off his pistol holster, I'm like...guy I'm 18 what am I and the little Indian guy next to me going to do to you?) escorted me to a small room filled with non-English speaking foreigners and where the only sounds where those of people being interrogated, people crying and stern faced conservative news anchors on the one TV in the room. They cut my stay a month short which cost me £500 and made my miss my flight which cost me the contents of my bowels.


Almost traumatic, I guess.

Affray, on 18 Apr 2015 - 14:07, said:
I also went to Jamaica for a friend's wedding two years ago.
Most of my time was spent on a resort, which was pretty sweet.
I did do a trip to Bob Marley's house on April 20th because even though I am not a practitioner of the weedy arts I can appreciate the neatness of going there on that particular day. Whilst there I ate a brownie and on the way back I tripped so hard I thought I was going to die. Which was partially thanks to the drugs, and mostly thanks to the fact that we were on a bus on top of a mountain that nearly took a tumble down said mountain to what surely would have been our deaths.

Since you mentioned that (Jamaica/weedy arts/trippy places), Haight-Ashbury seems like a nice place. Or at least used to be.

flcl_grim, on 18 Apr 2015 - 22:13, said:
Affray has the right idea in mind; many people are of the firm delusion that traveling is about distance from your current location. Better phrased, traveling is about the mindset--you do not have to get in a car, hop on a plane, smuggle yourself onto a boat, or anything more than step outside and look around as if you were looking for the first time to find something interesting. Go explore a mountain, a riverbed, a wooded area, or anywhere that sparks your interest. You will always be surprised at what you will find--I have discovered completely tucked away marshes in the middle of a city, breathtaking vantage points tens of feet from the edge of a suburb, and so much more that people outright ignore because "there's nothing to do around here" mentalities poison their drive to experience.

I didn't mean to say that travelling is about distance or whatsoever, but I agree with you. I don't live in the capital, but I enjoy going there and to towns nearby.

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see