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Urban Legends

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#1 cassXgoesXmeow



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Posted 18 September 2014 - 08:08 PM

So I learned today that apparently the lake I live next to is home to a lake monster named "Bessie." A friend of mine claims to have witnessed this monster in the lake last week. I had no clue that this was even a thing and now I am obsessed. 




Lake Erie is the shallowest of the 5 Great Lakes, yet it contains one of the least known Lake Monsters in the world. Unless you grew up on the shores of Lake Erie, like I did, I doubt you heard much, if anything, about ‘Bessie’. She is said to be a snake like creature, 30-40 feet in length, approximately a foot in diameter and grey/blue in color. ‘Bessie’ is most often seen in the Western Basin and was first witnessed in 1817.

There are many skeptics around, they believe that ‘Bessie’ is large lake Sturgeon, which are common fish in Lake Erie. The Sturgeon can reach sizes of 20 feet in length and over 300 pounds. Many believers refute this, stating that what they saw was much larger than a sturgeon and looked like a sea serpent.


Anyone else's home area have any crazy stories??????

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#2 Guest_ElatedOwl_*

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Posted 18 September 2014 - 08:35 PM

I live where John Deere (you know, the guy who made the plow and is now on half the farm equipment you see in the US) lived. One of the deceased relatives had a huge statue of an angel guarding over them. I've heard stories multiple ways ranging from the statue moving, the statue turning people to stone, etc.


Anyway, it got vandalized enough that they moved it out of the graveyard.


(on an unrelated tangent, they do tours of Deere's house sometimes, place is wicked cool. had one of the first elevators in a residential house and just like the super grand style of architecture)


There's also "Crybaby Ridge" (this one isn't exclusive to here) where if you go on a bridge with your car and put it in neutral, the ghosts of children who died in a bus crash will push it forward. The bridge appears level, but you're also moving forward very, very slowly so it's no big thang.

#3 cassXgoesXmeow



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Posted 18 September 2014 - 08:41 PM

I live where John Deere (you know, the guy who made the plow and is now on half the farm equipment you see in the US) lived. One of the deceased relatives had a huge statue of an angel guarding over them. I've heard stories multiple ways ranging from the statue moving, the statue turning people to stone, etc.


It's like your place had their very own Weeping Angel. Very awesome.

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#4 Bowsette



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Posted 18 September 2014 - 08:49 PM

Well, quite local to me is a place known as Kitty Jay's Grave. It's the resting place of a girl who committed suicide in the 1800s, and supposedly fresh flowers appear at the site every day. Not just any flowers, though. Out of season flowers, flowers that don't grow in this country, etc.


There's also the Devil's Footprints, which is basically the same as the Jersey Devil.


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#5 Affray


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Posted 18 September 2014 - 10:21 PM

My house is a ten minute drive from Lake Erie, so I have known about Bessie since childhood and even did a few class projects on it.

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#6 No-Danico


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Posted 18 September 2014 - 10:45 PM

Chickamauga battlefield is near my place. It's an American civil war battlefield that was made into a park filled with bike paths and huge statues. Supposedly, the ghost of a soldier or a widow or a native American monster haunts the place. It's called Green Eyes or Red Eyes or one of a couple more names. Read here.


The eyes follow people around the park if you take a walk late at night. Drunk people seem to run into it right before they wreck. It was a pretty common story when I was a kid. TV stations talked about it. Radio DJs loved to explore the park. It was about as well known as the Read hotel, the giant death fish that sinks boats at the foot of the mountain, or that boat that's haunted that I can't remember the name of. Point is, people know about it around here.


Anywho, me and a couple of buddies decided to check it out about two Halloweens back. Pizza was brought along because why the fuck not. We take two cars to carry seven people. We stop by the visitor's center around midnight, our first stop before we walk around and look for ghosts. We plan to drive back down the road and start with the most haunted place.


The other car instantly gets lost. My buddy parks on the side of the main fucking highway and we watch for thirty minutes as our buddies drive back and forth. It was too funny for us to do anything about it, plus we had pizza. They wouldn't answer any of their phones, so we have no way of getting in touch with them.


I'd like to say we saw something, but that would be a lie. The extent of spooks that night came down to a single howl from an animal none of us could identify. I may not be the most worldly when it comes to country sounds, dogs and deer and such, but the pair with me wasn't sure what it was either and they were country as shit. It was like a high, gravely howl. My best guess was a bobcat, they sound like women screaming, but the story is more interesting if it was a spook.


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#7 cassXgoesXmeow



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Posted 18 September 2014 - 11:40 PM

My house is a ten minute drive from Lake Erie, so I have known about Bessie since childhood and even did a few class projects on it.

Can't let the Scots have all the fun.

How have I seriously never heard of Bessie. I have lived here all my life... and I am at the lake front CONSTANTLY.... I feel like a piece was missing from my childhood now. -.-

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#8 The Seldom Seen Kid

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Posted 19 September 2014 - 01:53 AM

The closest I can relate to this is just the array of paedophiles in and around the area in which I live.

#9 Hal



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Posted 19 September 2014 - 03:55 AM

Okay, first of all - this isn´t exacly an "urban legend" it´s more like the typical european ghost story.


So, from 1618 - 1648 the "thirty years´War" http://en.wikipedia....irty_Years'_War raged in Germany and devastated wide areas. Like many others, the town where I grew up was completely depopulated. The special condition about my home town is the large system of red sandstone caves running all underneath it - those caves where used during wartimes as shelter for the population. During the thirty years´War, however they had been used as an amunition depot. The legend tells, that a huge amount of the stored ammuntion there went off, burying lots of people. After the war, the caves were forgotten for several centuries - until theyr rediscovery in the late 19th century. During WWII they were -once again- used as a shelter or bunker system. Many of the people seeking shelter during the last War told storys of strangly antiquated clothed people they saw in the caves wandering around and suddenly dissapear from one moment to the other. About 10 years ago, the caves were renovated and closed off parts were reopened for visitors. During the works a part was reopened, that apparently had been closed off during a large scaled structural collapse ... the workers didn´t believe their eyes when the found the remains of almost 60 corpses - all from the time of the thirty years´War.


Im sorry if my English might be a bit "shaky" in this post ^^

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#10 cassXgoesXmeow



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Posted 19 September 2014 - 08:21 AM

The closest I can relate to this is just the array of paedophiles in and around the area in which I live.

I'm sure you get offered lots of candy.

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#11 Calvary



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Posted 19 September 2014 - 09:43 AM

He and I both have been offered lifts when we were wee. 


I don't think there's anything remotely interesting that happened near where I live. I live in a small town in a fairly agrarian county. I guess Jack the Ripper was nearish but they've worked out who he actually was now which kinda ruins the enigma.

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#12 The Seldom Seen Kid

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Posted 19 September 2014 - 01:45 PM

I'm sure you get offered lots of candy.

What can I say? Paedophiles love me. But like seriously in primary we were warned like once every 2 weeks of strange cars and unknown men parking nearby. We must have been the HAWTEST kids around. Bur hey when I was offered a 'lift' from a beardy weirdy man I chose to take it as a compliment. Hey I may not get girls but 65 year old men sure do want a piece of this arse.

#13 cassXgoesXmeow



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Posted 19 September 2014 - 02:02 PM

Getting girls is easy..... getting interest from a pedo takes skill so take pride.

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