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#321 Photography Raptor

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Posted 17 March 2016 - 04:48 AM

I ended up reverting back to my old UI. Lol. My eyes could not adjust to LUI. I dig the whole Starcraft thing they got going on but I don't like the recount, player/target frames. And especially dislike Grid. This was the third time I gave Grid a go and I just can't get a handle on it.


Z-Perl is just too amazing. Haha, I never noticed the Sparkles option before so now when I put HoTs on people their nameplates in raid sparkle and glow. It's actually really useful. With my druid and monk I never know when it's a good time to pop my Genesis or Uplift.


Well, the druid finished her Timewalking weekly. 50% there for my Ironbound Warcharger. I thought about doing the weekly on another toon as well and farming the toys on them -- but I don't want to burn out. TW can get boring fast since the loot is so...useless. Who knows, I might get the itch. Toys are pretty amazing. I have so few...I think all I got is the 50 achievement.


Warrior and Lock are still both stuck on the final fight of Brawler's Pub. I suck :( I need a mushan beast for my collection.


I still need my goats too. Anyone know how long it takes to get exalted with the Tillers? If it's like two months of dailies, then, screw you goats!


Eagerly awaiting BG bonus event so I can farm up a pvp set for my druid and convert my priest to pvp disc.


Saving up my elixirs of the ..expansive mind? whatever they are called and then I'll use those to finish my shaman and rogue to 100. Not terribly priced on the AH but we're still far off from Legion. Got plenty of time.

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Posted 17 March 2016 - 05:54 AM

Hey, I can dig it.
I used to use X-perl, it's very good, just not everything I'm looking for.

I've only done the BC timewalking so far because those are the ones I was super comfortable with on all the fights.
I can do those in my sleep.
I'll have to see what this week's is, I have a quest for 5 of them.

I think I'm up to around 170 toys.
I had a shitton that were packed away in my banks, it was nice to learn them and delete duplicates.
I just got the one off Warleader Tome last night.
That guy is a pain in the ass. >.>
Got a really fun group for him tho.

Oh my god I forgot about Brawler's Pub. <___<
I just got my ach and pet.. and then stopped.. haha

Oh man, the Tillers?
I think it's not so good, mangs.
Cause with their faction, there's like 6 or 7 of them you have to become best friends with through random dailies..
Only my lock has it because I mained her in MOP.
Maybe I'm mistaken, and maybe they changed it, but I remember it being a huge pain in the ass.

We should trade bloody coin kills over time maybe.
That way we could both get that mount!
We'd have to figure out how to be on the same server tho. >.>

I haven't pvp'd since I got my arena mount.
I'll have to gear up my shammy one day and go again on her.
That raptor mount is pimp.

Oh, I sell those.
I got a bunch with the mop expansion and every time someone ran me I died and lost the buff.
They're just monies to me now like the legion medallions.



#323 Photography Raptor

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Posted 18 March 2016 - 11:09 AM

Ugh, I came close to an arena mount before I went on hiatus. I left at the end of s1 and didn't return until s3. I should have pugged matches and finished it off.


We did really good in 3s. Frost Mage, BM Hunter, Disc Priest. Our first night we won 17 games out of like 27? It wasn't bad at all. We were on fire. The next week we went in and just got counter-comps like crazy and went like 3-7. Disbanded shortly after and I didn't put much effort into finding a new 3s comp. I'm too lazy to find arena partners and I never liked arena much to begin with. I'd like it more if it was less LoS kite fighting and more objective like BGs are. But really, any comp with a hunter is a winner lol. This expansion might as well be Hunters of Draenor. They are all around pretty sick right now.


Speaking of, just this morning I started gearing up my priest some more and got put in an Alterac Valley where we actually won, lol. Alliance usually own that one. I love AV. Anyways, I defended with 3 hunters at the gate leading to Horde boss. I levitated down on top of it and was, for the most part, completely ignored lol. Those 3 burned all Alliance coming through. Eventually we got overrun. The best time I had on my priest (and I feel like I mentioned it before) was defending IBT with an arms warrior and affliction warlock. This was back in season 3 I believe. I remember having full s1 farmed through honor. Dude, us 3 combined died maybe 4 times. I was two of those deaths. The Warlock went like 34-1 and the warrior went like 38-1 and I went like 7-2. I don't remember the exact numbers now, but it was freakin' brutal. Waves after waves of Alliance.


I'm curious. What's everyone's favorite zones? Or better yet here --


Favorite Zone: pre-Cata Azshara. Why? I loved the cliffs, beach and especially the autumnal look and feel of the whole area. The mystery behind the buried and dead Highborn civilization to which I still know little about. I need to order the WoW trilogies. I think only the pre-Cata Azshara shows it (not sure) but there was originally going to be another 40m battleground but it got cancelled because AV needed more support and players. I love AV but I imagine if they had a BG set in Azshara I would most certainly love that one more.


Favorite Music: Ashenvale without question. No matter what race I made, I quested in Ashenvale. Many long nights at 2 am, questing around and absorbing the music and drinking in the scenery and getting ganked on the road. That place was heavy with 'highwaymen'.


Favorite Battleground: Alterac Valley for sure. I love 40m bgs. Isle of Conquest is cool but I hate vehicles so it loses cool points there. I have too many fond memories of AV. I lost all the screenshots in an old computer crash but when my mage was 60, I once went 60-0. It was like an 1 1/2 match. It was amazing.


Favorite Raid: this is really tough. I want to say Karazhan because of it's haunting lore and flavor. It's a sweet place. The idea of a massive ancient tower filled with crumbling bookshelves, mad men, ghosts, and demons is pretty freakin' awesome. I never had a chance to progress it when it was viable. It's location is grim too. It feels like Sleepy Hollow meets Hogwartz. I think Ulduar is my winner. Though not by much. I hated the vehicles in the beginning, but they became fun. The lore behind these strongholds is rich and the place itself is amazing in design. This was my glory days as a end-game raider. Very short lived, but enjoyed greatly. And Algalon is still one of the most awesomest fights.


Favorite Dungeon: this is even tougher than raids, seeing as how there are more dungeons! I don't think I can decide, really. I'll try my best. I really liked Temple of Atal' Hakkar in Swamp of Sorrows. The whole submerged troll temple that was a haven for the green dragonflight. Loved the damp eerie feel of it and long moss and vegetation. I honestly, from quests, don't remember much lore about it but it's design is awesome.


Favorite Event: Pfft. Hollow's End hands down. I did so many BGs with my costume wands, long before toy collection came along. Halloween ftw. They really need to add more cosmetic items related to this event. I mean anything would be nice.


Favorite Expansion: Burning Crusade. Still my favorite mounts (Netherdrakes and original Talbuks for the win!), still my favorite tabards... still my favorite world pvp.


Favorite Pet: Undecided. I can't make a decision on this one, I put out pets depending on my spec and tmog. My Worgen female druid always has the Lil' Bad Wolf out, because it's cute that it looks like he's chasing her around (and they called it...puppy lovvvvveeeee). My gnome warlock has Abyssius out because it's funny he's as big as her. And a pretty sweet coloring of the infernal. I don't really take pets out on my other toons that often unless I use a specific mount that matches a currently equiped xmog, then I will bring out the matching pet to it.


Favorite Mount: Lifebinder's Handmaiden, which I still don't have lol. I got the Blazing though! Just as good!


Don't know what else to list. Any ideas? Feel free to share! I'm curious.

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Posted 18 March 2016 - 01:01 PM

Favorite Zone: Zangramarsh. The blue and purple vortex above coilfang is one of my all time favorite places to be at in game. Apart from that, Nagrand (old) would be my second choice. Waterfalls in midair and crystal blue skies ftw.

Favorite Music: Grizzly Hills without a doubt. Immediately calms and relaxes me. Lament of The Highborne is my favorite song in game tho. I adore Sylvanas.

Favorite Battleground: I don't care for pvp. Arathi Basin when it rains is beautiful tho.

Favorite Raid: I was never really a raider. If I had to live out my wow days in a raid tho, it'd probably be with all the concubines and succbi in Black Temple.

Favorite Dungeon: I dunno.. I've run them all so much they've become not very fun anymore. Even the mechanics that should be.

Favorite Event: Hallow's End hands down. I started playing during BC's first Hallow's End, and when I stop playing for good, I imagine it'll be the same holiday I shoot for.

Favorite Expansion: Wrath Of The Lich King, if only for the opening event that took place.

Favorite Pet: Hunter pet? That's rough.. I love Arcturis and Loque.. I really like Terrorpene and Chromaggus.. But the one pet I always keep no matter what is Snarler from Feralas. I've had him since my hunter could tame him.
As far as tiny pets? No idea. But I love the new baby wolves and the pandaria elementals.

Favorite Mount: Lootable from a dungeon/raid? Definitely Fiery Warhorse. I really really dig the corehound mount tho. It was done exceptionally well both skinned and animated. Definitely a top 5 for me. The mount I love the most that I've resigned myself not to get is HH mount.



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Posted 20 March 2016 - 06:13 PM

I found a fucktruck of 30 slot bags for under 1k today so I bought ten and passed them around my bitches.

They replaced 22 slotters on my dk. >_>

My poor poor sexy dk..

Also, I got my lock to 100 yesterday, already ilevel 650.

And I got my last jungle mount today on my hunter.



#326 Photography Raptor

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Posted 20 March 2016 - 06:39 PM


Also, I can't live without bags. I'm loaded with 30 slotters. I think my warrior and mage even have them in all bank slots too. Easy to make.

Priest is almost 700. Been getting crap Ashran groups.

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Posted 20 March 2016 - 07:37 PM


I also was waiting by the tlpd spawns while I was doing the dungeons I needed.

Missed him by two minutes and thirty feet.



#328 Photography Raptor

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Posted 21 March 2016 - 03:13 AM

Damn. We'll both get him eventually. I just go out at odd times like 5 a.m. and hope for the best.

Did you get the Sunhide Gronnling yet? I'm missing that and the dark star one you have for Draenor.

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Posted 21 March 2016 - 03:45 AM

Yeah, that was the second draenor one I got.

I knew how many people were camping it, so I whispered a random lock in Org.
Told her to make an announcement and come meet me where I was.

This bitch had no idea what I was talking about, or about the mount, made no announcement and came to where I was.
She kept insisting on inviting me to group and putting it on masterloot.
I told her five times it's a shared drop, as long as you tag it, you get it.

She "invited people" who subsequently not only never showed up, but never answered my tells.
And when he was down she immediately dropped group when she saw that she had loot.

Legit the worst mistake I made was choosing her, my only thought being, Org is probably most populated right now (I hadn't gotten to Tanaan Jungle yet), and we would only need one more person after her to summon.

The only saving grace was this super sweet ally druid that came along and got their mount as well.
They even waited while she was pretending to invite more people.
After dumbass lock left they mounted up with me and we /cheered eachother and pranced around like fools.

Fuck that lock, for real.

And yeah, 5-6:30 am is when I've gotten literally all of the draenor mounts apart from the caged ones and the piggy in the horde starting area.



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Posted 21 March 2016 - 09:09 PM

After talking about the mounts with you I decided to check the blue thingy I was missing and found it.

I compiled the ss I have of all the mounts from WOD sans the cage one, those aren't as exciting.

For some reason I don't have the piggy..

Maybe I was too nervous cause he'd already been pulledto half health when I got there by a dwarf, I may have forgotten.


Lizeth is the dumb cunt warlock I was talking about.

It looks like a teeny gnome got the sunhide too tho, that makes me happy.

Fuck that lock tho, right in her ear.

But yeah, check the time on all of them.

Pretty consistent timing imo.



#331 Photography Raptor

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Posted 22 March 2016 - 12:16 AM

Oh shit I forgot about Nakk. I need him too. My lock found the elekk, pig, river beast, and path just questing. I was late on a Sunhide pull, thought I was being trolled but went on another toon to investigate. Someone in my guild announced he just got it and he was hanging out there. I was pretty bummed. Next time I believe people when they whisper rare mount drops are spawned!

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Posted 22 March 2016 - 05:17 AM

Yeah, Nakk I forgot to get an after picture of. I made a cross realm group and a dk came and got the mount with me. Unfortunately that's not always the best idea for rare spawns because if more people are from the same server than various servers, it'll hop to theirs. Learned that on a terror pull.

Nakk is fucking HUGE.

I use him on my Tauren, cause fuck it, not like I was fitting in any doors before.

My daughter wanted to play yesterday while she was at home sick, so I put her on an old server I used to putz around on that had a level 20 hunter she could use.

It also had these two cute tiny female Taurens.

They are the thing of nightmares now, holy shit.



#333 Photography Raptor

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Posted 24 March 2016 - 06:27 AM

You ever get stuck in a 2v2 Ashran? Well, I did. It was really slow... but OMG I had fun.


It's exactly what I needed after a rough 12 and winter storm. So I was on my Horde priest, and paired with an Arms warrior.


Mines is ready. I go there, but we get owned. I got there too late to bring him back to full health and got CC'd to high heaven. We're up against a mage and DK. So we let them have it. Then AoA pops. We owned them. Then ABG pops. We own them, and this is where I nearly fell off my chair laughing. While the DK and warrior and butting heads the mage is locking me down with CC, none of us touch her...she dies the exact same time as the warrior. An ogre starts beating on me and we're both going wtf.


LOL the fuckin' mage died from ogre aggro the whole time. Elites ftl.


So the mage and DK leave and we're up against a new DK and a lock. We own them at BR twice in a row. With both of us going "wtf why didn't we come here for shields earlier /shrug" own them again at AoA and hunted them down apparently trying to 2-man RoC. The DK leaves, and the Lock gets a druid. Mines is up and they actually ninja it from us for a big LOL. Kitty stealth FTW! Then MQ pops and we take portal there and that druid AGAIN ninjas FTW! Damn druids and there better flight in Ashran!!! *shakes fist*


Then Ashran glitched and like 4 more Ally got in and it was still just us 2. Fun was over. :(

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Posted 24 March 2016 - 09:17 AM

I've never run Ashran.



#335 Photography Raptor

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Posted 24 March 2016 - 11:21 PM

Ashran is like AV in a sense of, it's a lot better in the early seasons of an expansion. When WoD first came out Ashran was pretty solid. Elites mattered. Epic scrolls mattered. Now that everyone throws out 100k + crits on most stuff and has 600k life it's EZ. The strats are all the same and very simple.


You ever run Isle of Conquest when everyone is still fresh max level and in blues? You get owned by vehicles something fierce. Have to form a strat and find a way around it instead of the usual shoot first. That's the kind of pvp I really enjoy. I also like objectives that keep people focused and working together, that's what pvp should be.


Now's the time to run Ashran, it's double honor week. 450 per event. Can easily get capped with a good group in an hour. I farmed full 700 on my monk, pally, warrior in one weekend.


If you're up late or can't sleep I'll more than likely be online after Midnight this weekend until late in the morning. We can do xmogs or pvp.

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Posted 25 March 2016 - 05:22 PM

Eh, I have a bit going on right now I'm dealing with, not really up for wow atm.

I'm only logging in to try to sell shit and build up gold for the next token I have to buy, they're over 40k now.

But for in the future, I really really dislike pvp.

So it'll never be that. Sorry.



#337 Photography Raptor

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Posted 26 March 2016 - 12:27 AM

Truthfully I'm getting bored of it again and might have to go on hiatus. I'm not really ready to make a return to my other games either. Eh, no saying. I run out of stuff to do at night.


Haha, got like 150 games on Steam and never in the mood to play them.


I really need to sign a first shift position and get back to having a normal life.

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Posted 26 March 2016 - 08:26 AM

Ah, yeah I get like that sometimes.

Yeah I have quite a few steam games I never play. Not 150, but enough.

I'm actually hoping to get a second job soon so I might not be able to play anything at all for a while.

What's so great about being normal?



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Posted 26 March 2016 - 05:00 PM


Do you know what this little guy is called?

The way I have my ui setup he gets covered by some static addons and I want to move him.



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Posted 27 March 2016 - 09:20 AM

So how do Alliance feel about Jaina?

Like, are y'all aware that she's a walking tampon, or do you guys ignore her Walking Dead Loriness?

Like as far as Horde go, when Vol'Jin was appointed warchief I legit got chills, when Cairne died I was super duper bummed out..I will always love Sylvie and Thrall..

I literally know nothing about the belf king.
Don't even know his name.

He's pretty unremarkable.

What about your leaders?

Also, Jaina is a tampon.

I just want to reiterate that.

