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s-men days of future past

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#1 The Robstar

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Posted 31 May 2014 - 01:58 AM



Just saw it. What did I think? 




It didn't really explain why Captain Picard was still alive. No real villain. Storm aka Halle Berry was also terrible. If I remembered correctly she only had a few lines.


It was however better then X-Men The Last Stand but not as Good as The Wolverine or even Captain America.


Good special effects and the dude who plays young Magneto was pretty dope. The young Prof X was also pretty hilarious. 




I don't have much to say about it but I recommend you wait until it comes out on DVD.


Anyone else have an opinion? Did you like it? Hate it?






#2 Bloodangel



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Posted 31 May 2014 - 10:50 AM

I have to disagree with you, I really liked it and it is best to see it in theatres. Most of the cast was limited but they all made it up with what scenes they had.


Favourite scenes were with Blink and Quicksilver.


They explained Professor X being alive at the end credits of The Last Stand and The Wolverine.


I think the weakest part of the movie was the younger Professor X trying to get Raven back and I think some people will say that there was a little too much Jennifer Lawrence. I was a little disappointed that there was no Master Mold in but hey still a solid movie


There was no real villain in the movie because everyone's motives was justifiable except maybe Trask going to extremes with dissecting mutants.


And man those End Credits......


Movie rating 8.5/10

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#3 The Robstar

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Posted 01 June 2014 - 02:03 AM

I have to disagree with you, I really liked it and it is best to see it in theatres. Most of the cast was limited but they all made it up with what scenes they had.


Favourite scenes were with Blink and Quicksilver.


They explained Professor X being alive at the end credits of The Last Stand and The Wolverine.


I think the weakest part of the movie was the younger Professor X trying to get Raven back and I think some people will say that there was a little too much Jennifer Lawrence. I was a little disappointed that there was no Master Mold in but hey still a solid movie


There was no real villain in the movie because everyone's motives was justifiable except maybe Trask going to extremes with dissecting mutants.


And man those End Credits......


Movie rating 8.5/10

I can respect your opinion. But I strongly disagree with you. Believe me. I really wanted to like this one. I've been an X-Men fanboy since the animated series as a kid in the 90's.


As for the Prof X part. Please enlighten me. I wasn't able to deduce the encryptions at the end of both films (I watched them 3 times each to make sure) It basically just said "Here. here's alive" without giving a reason as to WHY and HOW he came back to life..... even the internet is unable to give me a satisfactory answer. 


But I concur. Quicksilver was pretty epic. Actually all of his scenes were funny. Loved the part when he taped up the security guard in the elevator. 


And yes. I am excited by the prospect of Apocalypse finally making his big screen debut. Should be pretty mean!!!


Thanks for sharing yo.


#4 Bloodangel



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Posted 01 June 2014 - 11:48 AM

I can respect your opinion. But I strongly disagree with you. Believe me. I really wanted to like this one. I've been an X-Men fanboy since the animated series as a kid in the 90's.


As for the Prof X part. Please enlighten me. I wasn't able to deduce the encryptions at the end of both films (I watched them 3 times each to make sure) It basically just said "Here. here's alive" without giving a reason as to WHY and HOW he came back to life..... even the internet is unable to give me a satisfactory answer. 


But I concur. Quicksilver was pretty epic. Actually all of his scenes were funny. Loved the part when he taped up the security guard in the elevator. 


And yes. I am excited by the prospect of Apocalypse finally making his big screen debut. Should be pretty mean!!!


Thanks for sharing yo.


You watched The Last Stand an additional 3 times? I applaud you for braving that fret. Basically Professor Xavier transferred his mind to someone else who was brain dead before Phoenix could kill him. So technically he should look like the guy he transferred his mind to, but doesn't. So it's a combination of Mind Transfer (Captain Gnu) and Hollywood magic.

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#5 Boo



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Posted 03 February 2015 - 07:11 PM

I really enjoyed the first X-Men movie. And X2 was pretty dopetacular too. And then there was the third one. Ugh! Don't get me started. As for the Wolverine movies...meh. It's not that I don't think Hugh Jackman plays a good Wolverine. He really, really does. But I also don't think that he is irreplaceable. The right actor could play Wolverine and make me forget all about Jackman. Patrick Stewart as Professor X is just sheer genius. I don't think he is any more irreplaceable as Jackman as Wolverine but I think they would definitely be bigger shoes to fill. The same thing goes for Magneto. Nightcrawler in X2 was simply amazing and Mystique was bad ass as always.

And then there was First Class. YUCK! What garbage! There was absolutely nothing about that movie that I enjoyed. Nothing. Other than the effects because, you know, Hollywood magic. The only redeeming quality First Class has is that it didn't suck nearly as bad as Last Stand. 

I wanted to like Wolverine Origins but I hated Deadpool with a passion. In fact, I hated him more in that movie than I do in the comics. At least in the comics he is potentially entertaining. I actually rather enjoyed The Wolverine. I don't think it was great or mind blowing. But it was fun and definitely worthy of the X-Men franchise.

And now on to Days of Future Past....I liked it. I think I liked it because from what I can gather, it pretty much null and voids Last Stand and maybe even but not entirely First Class. That's what happens when you start messing with time. Paradoxes galore! 

#6 The Robstar

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Posted 04 February 2015 - 07:40 PM

I really enjoyed the first X-Men movie. And X2 was pretty dopetacular too. And then there was the third one. Ugh! Don't get me started. As for the Wolverine movies...meh. It's not that I don't think Hugh Jackman plays a good Wolverine. He really, really does. But I also don't think that he is irreplaceable. The right actor could play Wolverine and make me forget all about Jackman. Patrick Stewart as Professor X is just sheer genius. I don't think he is any more irreplaceable as Jackman as Wolverine but I think they would definitely be bigger shoes to fill. The same thing goes for Magneto. Nightcrawler in X2 was simply amazing and Mystique was bad ass as always.

Yeah. X2 was the magnum opus of the entire series and stands true even to this day. I remember going to the movies and watching it then bragging about it to my friends. I don't mind Hugh Jackman and I laugh every time I hear him speak because i can hear that Ozzie twang in his speech. Nightcrawler was the bob, specially when he saved Rogue falling from the jet. Epic moment right thur. 

I wanted to like Wolverine Origins but I hated Deadpool with a passion. In fact, I hated him more in that movie than I do in the comics. At least in the comics he is potentially entertaining. I actually rather enjoyed The Wolverine. I don't think it was great or mind blowing. But it was fun and definitely worthy of the X-Men franchise.

Hahaha nobody seemed to like Ryan Reynolds but I totally think he ruled playing Wade Wilson. He was a smartass which is true to the character. But Deadpool with the cyclops beam and the fact that he died in the end was an epic fail. They could have done more. Oh wait..... ;)

And now on to Days of Future Past....I liked it. I think I liked it because from what I can gather, it pretty much null and voids Last Stand and maybe even but not entirely First Class. That's what happens when you start messing with time. Paradoxes galore! 

Maybe I only liked First Class because of Beast who played Tony in Skins? He's the bomb!!!!


#7 Bloodangel



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Posted 06 February 2015 - 06:52 PM

Then get ready to be disappointed Boo, Patrick Stewart wont be in X:Men Apocalypse

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