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#1381 Noir



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Posted 29 September 2016 - 11:34 AM

Once my Dad and I went to New York, and some guy barged into him and snarled at him with a stereotypical "I'm walkin' HERE."

I loved it. 


'Cause I know, 
I'll kill my enemies,
When they come.



#1382 fae



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Posted 29 September 2016 - 01:21 PM

New York is fucking terrible.

Don't go.

Fuck New Jersey too.

New Mexico, you cool.

Haha okay i'll remember that.
I mean i do want to go to NY at some point but i refuse to sit on a plane for 8 hours just to do some shopping
Also there are plenty of awesome places to go in Europe. I really don't see what's wrong with Berlin or London.

Et j'aime la nuit écouter les étoiles. C'est comme cinq cent millions de grelots. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

#1383 (V) (`m`) (V) ︵ ┻━┻

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 01:36 PM

Europe has some of the most phenomenal shopping there is.


Yes please.



#1384 fae



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Posted 29 September 2016 - 01:43 PM

But my friend is angry with me now because i refused to go to New York with her..

Et j'aime la nuit écouter les étoiles. C'est comme cinq cent millions de grelots. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

#1385 (V) (`m`) (V) ︵ ┻━┻

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 03:55 PM

Pfft, whatevs.

Her loss.



#1386 Noir



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Posted 30 September 2016 - 02:33 AM

I mean, on the off chance you do go, you gotta find Ray's Pizza. None of your poor imitation Ray's Pizza. I mean the REAL Ray's Pizza. 


'Cause I know, 
I'll kill my enemies,
When they come.



#1387 ทหารราบ



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Posted 01 October 2016 - 07:41 PM

It seems like there are few people on this website who like any of the threads that I post. I know I posted that I thought no one liked me before, but can everyone be a little more constructive? It's depressing the hell out of me and I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.

#1388 (V) (`m`) (V) ︵ ┻━┻

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Posted 01 October 2016 - 08:17 PM

I'm going to speak to you how I explain stuff to my son, so I don't know how you'll take it , but here it goes.

When you're on the spectrum for autism, one of the more difficult obstacles to overcome is socialization.
I know nothing of your background, or when you were diagnosed, but it seems to me that this may not have fully been addressed for you.

Your brain just works different than some other peoples, and some of the synapses are just not there.
It's not always necessarily a bad thing, it's just a different thing, and something that you need to be aware of, and figure out what works best for you.

A huge aspect of that, is humor.
My son didn't tell a joke/understand humor till around 4th grade, and the teacher and I about fainted cause it was something he just didn't get.

While humor is subjective, there are still lines of "offensive" and you seem to almost relish in joking in this way.

A lot of us do in our own ways as well, but you come across, through possibly no fault of your own/not really realizing as somewhat serious with your dark humor.

For example, I and quite a few others evidently, didn't really find too much humor in you bragging about giving children medicine for treats.
There are some pretty fucked up people in the world, and one of your jobs as a parent is to make your kids aware of that fact, and try to protect them from it.
While laxatives are mild, they are a part of one of the reasons why I go through their trick or treat candy EVERY year before they open any.
People actually do put rocks, or blades, or opened treats in there.. and it's not funny to me, it's actually pretty disheartening.

I am only referencing this topic, because it seems to be the more recent one to which you may be referring.

Apart from that, I know there was an issue with spamming, and I know there's other issues that have come up.
A lot of it is just going to be you trying to be more self aware as to how it all looks from a different view point.
Unfortunately, sometimes when on the spectrum, that becomes extraordinarily difficult, if not impossible.

Everyone has their strengths and shortcomings tho.

And you really do initiate and start discussions, so if you look at the positives and try to be more aware of the negatives, maybe that will help you.

So, yeah..

Dunno if any of that helps, but there it is.



#1389 Photography Raptor

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Posted 01 October 2016 - 09:44 PM

First one of my friends loses his leg in a motorcycle accident.

Now another gets a brain tumor.

Jeez 2016 can fuck off and leave my friends alone.

They both have/are recovering so that's good but fuck.

Not cool.

And you're goddamn right I use peg leg pirate jokes and Arnold memes. Because it is a toomah.

#1390 3raser



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Posted 01 October 2016 - 10:12 PM

Wait. He has autism? That would explain why his threads are so crazy, but I would suspect some form of antisocial disorder too. Perhaps Asperger Syndrome? Anyway, as Flippy said, your humor goes too far on the dark humor/shock comedy scale. In fact it is not just cruel, it is boderline... sadistic. You post these weird threads with weird titles and content that usually end in people ranting about them. I do applaud you for not ranting back in the Halloween thread this time. People have actually liked you in the past for your contributions to other threads not created by you. My advice is to either stop posting threads or just post them less often. Also, try not to use dark humor if you are using any humor at all.


 Älä kokeile toista kepponen lasten kolmekymmentä ensin.

#1391 Noir



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Posted 02 October 2016 - 05:08 AM

You've definitely stirred the hornet's nest with some of your comments lately. I think the first strike was verbally attacking one of the members here - I can't remember what set you off, but I believe it was something to do with you randomly bringing up feminism, and then when someone asked why you brought it up in that topic, you just got really angry and make some uncalled for comments about her. Said person isn't even a feminist, if she's who I think she is. If anything, I was the one who was pretty up in arms about the thing. But that means we have differing views. Doesn't have to mean I hate you. 


The second strike for me was the laxative comments. Doing that is pretty questionable man - you gotta know that's  drugging children who are having a good time, and you're making them sick for giggles. Flippy has kids, and it's because of stuff like that, she has to look through the candy. Maybe there are worse things a parent can find in candy. But poisoning kids is pretty fucked up. You doing things like that are why parents need to keep an eye out for their kids. It's not just Halloween, but all year round. You've made some kids sick, and probably ruined their Halloween for good. I need you to consider what a parent would probably do if they realised someone had slipped laxative into their kid's chocolate. They'd probably refuse to let them go out the following year. And that just isn't fair man. Do us all a favour - do not lace chocolate with anything this year. If you do that, we're all right as rain. 


Honestly man, aside from those 2 key areas, I don't have any real problems with you. In fact, I do appreciate the topics you make. Sure, they're a bit weirdly titled, but they're bringing in areas of discussion. In the Marijuana thread, I think you took my response a bit too negatively in that you felt the need to change what was actually a pretty clever title, so now I look like I'm pretty insane in the topic now:




But that's the thing - sometimes it's hard to gauge what the topic is about before clicking. You're certainly catching the eye in some cases, but take examples like this:




I still don't know the correlation between the title and discussion. Normally a lot of places allow a description where you can write something like that, but I don't believe Nerd Forum does. Why not try writing the actual topic first, then a smart comment if you're so desperate to do so. Like:


"Marijuana - Joint Custody"


That way we do get a rough idea of what you're trying to say. 


That's the best I can say constructively. Yes, you have said and done things I disagree with. No, I don't hate you. 


'Cause I know, 
I'll kill my enemies,
When they come.



#1392 fae



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Posted 02 October 2016 - 11:49 PM

I find mondays quite depressing. I always keep thinking. Here goes another weekend i didn't use to it's full potential..

Et j'aime la nuit écouter les étoiles. C'est comme cinq cent millions de grelots. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

#1393 fae



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Posted 02 October 2016 - 11:49 PM

I think my phone app is broken..

Et j'aime la nuit écouter les étoiles. C'est comme cinq cent millions de grelots. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

#1394 Bowsette



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Posted 03 October 2016 - 01:53 AM

I'm going to speak to you how I explain stuff to my son, so I don't know how you'll take it , but here it goes.

When you're on the spectrum for autism, one of the more difficult obstacles to overcome is socialization.
I know nothing of your background, or when you were diagnosed, but it seems to me that this may not have fully been addressed for you.

Your brain just works different than some other peoples, and some of the synapses are just not there.
It's not always necessarily a bad thing, it's just a different thing, and something that you need to be aware of, and figure out what works best for you.

A huge aspect of that, is humor.
My son didn't tell a joke/understand humor till around 4th grade, and the teacher and I about fainted cause it was something he just didn't get.

While humor is subjective, there are still lines of "offensive" and you seem to almost relish in joking in this way.

A lot of us do in our own ways as well, but you come across, through possibly no fault of your own/not really realizing as somewhat serious with your dark humor.

For example, I and quite a few others evidently, didn't really find too much humor in you bragging about giving children medicine for treats.
There are some pretty fucked up people in the world, and one of your jobs as a parent is to make your kids aware of that fact, and try to protect them from it.
While laxatives are mild, they are a part of one of the reasons why I go through their trick or treat candy EVERY year before they open any.
People actually do put rocks, or blades, or opened treats in there.. and it's not funny to me, it's actually pretty disheartening.

I am only referencing this topic, because it seems to be the more recent one to which you may be referring.

Apart from that, I know there was an issue with spamming, and I know there's other issues that have come up.
A lot of it is just going to be you trying to be more self aware as to how it all looks from a different view point.
Unfortunately, sometimes when on the spectrum, that becomes extraordinarily difficult, if not impossible.

Everyone has their strengths and shortcomings tho.

And you really do initiate and start discussions, so if you look at the positives and try to be more aware of the negatives, maybe that will help you.

So, yeah..

Dunno if any of that helps, but there it is.

I'd like to attach some of my own feelings to this. Of course we all have our own forms of humour, some darker than others, but there are definitely lines that should not be crossed. Claiming something is a prank, when it is literally something that could kill an innocent child, just because you think it might be fit for a giggle? Unacceptable. As a parent myself, especially with Halloween looming, all shit like that does is attach more fears onto a holiday that is already filled with stupidity. I won't go into how the present concept is effectively robbery (give us something good or we'll do something bad to you), but it's definitely the kind of time that, if you have children, you are going to want to protect them. And frankly, some random, piece of shit that isn't even worth calling human finding mirth in drugging children is exactly the kind of thing people would find deplorable.


Another thing I'd mention, is regarding a thread that Spleen actually had to clean up due to insults being bandied around (admittedly, some from myself. I stand by them.) In the thread in question, Noir and myself were quite happily conducting a conversation about one of the bands I had seen live, specifically a band which later broke up after one of its members was charged with child abuse/sex crimes. Ragtime proceeded to divert the topic multiple times, first to feminism and 'rape is ok if it's female on male' (????? ?? ?????) to 'I shouldn't have to stop listening to a band just because they do illegal things' (Again, ??? ?????? ???). When I happened to point out that the only person who said that was him, I received a tumult of abuse, culminating in his proclaiming that my problems with him were due to my being a woman ('are you on your period?')


So in short, Ragtime. You do yourself no favours, and you earn yourself no love, by throwing tantrums, saying idiotic things, and shitposting (which you were temp-banned for recently, I believe?) I don't care if you have medical issues, or if you're a special snowflake whose mind works differently than others. There are lines that should not be crossed, and you crossed them. I don't believe you're beyond help. I think if you take a serious look at yourself and see the things that people take issue with, you'll be able to change and stop being the solitary, lonely student you claim to be. But the only person who can fix these problems is yourself, and if you don't, if you take this as just a bundle of insults (Most of it is I'll admit, but they're meant well... kind of) then that's fine. You'll continue to rub people the wrong way, and you'll either stay lonely, or you'll wind up with other people who share your quirks. There's probably a few mysoginist forums out there, so yeah.




I'm slightly displeased regarding my job, as per usual. We lost two staff members a while ago (unsure if I posted about it, I know Gol knows my woes on this) and hired on two uni students who are inflexible, and frankly stupid. Not at all suited for the kind of work we do. To add issue to this, a third member of staff is leaving this coming Sunday. The week after that, the supervisor is on vacation and another member of staff is having a hernia operation which will keep her off for around a month. In short, there's 90+ hours to be covered, effectively by two or three people. The students can't do it because lol gotta get degrees because why not? and most of the other staff already work the shifts that require cover.


Now I don't really take issue with the workload, so much as I do the principle of it. I'm pretty flush with cash as it is due to working so many extra hours, in addition to my insurance payout from my motorcycle getting utterly demolished by a drunk driver or some shit. But I don't have the time to enjoy the money, nor do I have the time to enjoy time with my family. It's just so irritating, but because I'm a big old softie I keep agreeing to help out. I hate myself for it.


“Shimatta! Bare… nan no koto kashira?”

#1395 fae



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Posted 03 October 2016 - 03:49 AM

I'm slightly displeased regarding my job, as per usual. We lost two staff members a while ago (unsure if I posted about it, I know Gol knows my woes on this) and hired on two uni students who are inflexible, and frankly stupid. Not at all suited for the kind of work we do. To add issue to this, a third member of staff is leaving this coming Sunday. The week after that, the supervisor is on vacation and another member of staff is having a hernia operation which will keep her off for around a month. In short, there's 90+ hours to be covered, effectively by two or three people. The students can't do it because lol gotta get degrees because why not? and most of the other staff already work the shifts that require cover.


Now I don't really take issue with the workload, so much as I do the principle of it. I'm pretty flush with cash as it is due to working so many extra hours, in addition to my insurance payout from my motorcycle getting utterly demolished by a drunk driver or some shit. But I don't have the time to enjoy the money, nor do I have the time to enjoy time with my family. It's just so irritating, but because I'm a big old softie I keep agreeing to help out. I hate myself for it.


I guess there are a lot of students that think the world owes them something just because of the fact that they are "intelligent" enough to go to uni. In my oppinion (and I'm saying this even though I actually used to be a student) you don't really owe them anything. I mean if they're are not interested to learn anything and invest themselves then they are in the wrong place and you may as well tell them so.


And also, I'm sure I'm not the first person to say this but if you take issue with the fact that you don't have enough free time you need to learn to say no to people. I mean I don't know what kind of job you have and what kind of responsibilities come with it but in my opinion you should work to live and not live to work.


edit: After reading this again I realize it sounds kinda rude, sorry for that. But i guess the truth is not always pretty

Et j'aime la nuit écouter les étoiles. C'est comme cinq cent millions de grelots. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

#1396 Bowsette



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Posted 03 October 2016 - 07:59 AM

I guess there are a lot of students that think the world owes them something just because of the fact that they are "intelligent" enough to go to uni. In my oppinion (and I'm saying this even though I actually used to be a student) you don't really owe them anything. I mean if they're are not interested to learn anything and invest themselves then they are in the wrong place and you may as well tell them so.


And also, I'm sure I'm not the first person to say this but if you take issue with the fact that you don't have enough free time you need to learn to say no to people. I mean I don't know what kind of job you have and what kind of responsibilities come with it but in my opinion you should work to live and not live to work.


edit: After reading this again I realize it sounds kinda rude, sorry for that. But i guess the truth is not always pretty

No, you're right. I've said it myself in the past, I'm too much of a people-pleaser. My job isn't important per sé, but people seem to rely on me because I'm one of the few people willing to work night shifts. So it often feels as though I'm brow-beaten into agreeing to cover other shifts because of stupid reasons like 'you only work night shifts, everyone else works varying ones' or 'nobody else can do it'.


I definitely need to train myself to say no. I'm getting there. Boss wanted me to work a 14-hour on my only day off, said no. Victory. Waiting to see if he comes back on Tuesday (the shift in question is Wednesday) with the whole 'no-one else will cover' stuff.


“Shimatta! Bare… nan no koto kashira?”

#1397 fae



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Posted 03 October 2016 - 08:25 AM

Good for you
But i guess now the question is wether you will cave if your boss asks you again.
I mean i'm not sure how the work laws are where you are from but where i live there are 2 options if i do more than the 42 hours specified in my contract. Either i get time off or they have to pay for the extra hours with a bonus for overtime.
So i generally make a habit of telling my boss that i don't mind doing overtime but that i will claim the time as extra time off.
I can understand it's harder if you suddenly have to say no where you always said yes before but you just need to teach everyone that you don't want to be the go to person anymore.
And maybe don't say that to your boss. But in my opinion it is not your problem if he doesn't have enough people to cover all shifts. You have the right to get your free time. ;)

Et j'aime la nuit écouter les étoiles. C'est comme cinq cent millions de grelots. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

#1398 Calvary



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Posted 03 October 2016 - 10:21 AM

Good for you
But i guess now the question is wether you will cave if your boss asks you again.
I mean i'm not sure how the work laws are where you are from but where i live there are 2 options if i do more than the 42 hours specified in my contract. Either i get time off or they have to pay for the extra hours with a bonus for overtime.
So i generally make a habit of telling my boss that i don't mind doing overtime but that i will claim the time as extra time off.
I can understand it's harder if you suddenly have to say no where you always said yes before but you just need to teach everyone that you don't want to be the go to person anymore.
And maybe don't say that to your boss. But in my opinion it is not your problem if he doesn't have enough people to cover all shifts. You have the right to get your free time. ;)


God damn that's some fiery Socialism. :')

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#1399 ทหารราบ



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Posted 03 October 2016 - 10:51 AM

@Mira Yurikazi

First of all, I was not banned for your ignorance. I was banned for another reason entirely. I did not want your opinion. I can tell that you hate me. Ecspecially after saying that I can't even be considered a human being and that I am a piece of shit. Spleen should ban YOU for that and you should be ashamed of all that fucked up shit you just said. There are plenty of things I could come up with that would have you crying after reading them, but I think we would both be banned from it. My suggestion is to hit "ignore" under your settings on my name.

#1400 fae



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Posted 03 October 2016 - 11:06 AM

God damn that's some fiery Socialism. :')

What is?

Et j'aime la nuit écouter les étoiles. C'est comme cinq cent millions de grelots. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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