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#1 Epic?OhYes



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Posted 26 September 2013 - 04:08 PM

I just kind of need to rant. You know when you are really into something and then there are no opportunities to do anything fun with it? Legit I speak French and I really want it to get better and stuff.... I have been there a lot when I was younger since it isn't that far from England. Sadly here there is literally no where to go, Yeah I speak it with my sister.. but it is so annoying... I talk to people online and that's about it. My French Teacher honestly isn't that great and she only teaches grammar, plus French club.. we haven't done anything and it really ticks me off. Dx Any suggestions of what I can do? I don't know. *rages


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#2 Mister Sympa

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Posted 26 September 2013 - 05:43 PM

Tu a ce dit quand?

Je JUST pensai a ce sujet! J'ai une dégrée première (Bachelor's) en Francais, et c'est absolutement inutile. J'ai une amie en vie réale qui le parle, et j'ai deux autres sur Facebook.

C'est tout.

Rien dans ma famille, et rien d'autres.


Donc... Ce que je veux dire est que je te sens, mec. Nous sommes peu. J'suis american, et tu peux imaginer combien des gens je vois chaque jour qui parle francais.


C'est zero.


#3 SushiKitten


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Posted 26 September 2013 - 06:54 PM

I could understand some of that! Those six years forced to learn french in school worked! ... Somewhat.


I guess I have a somewhat similar problem? I've been studying Japanese in my spare time for 9 months now, but I've focused too much on reading and writing. Now I really think I could benefit from some speaking and listening practice but I'm much too shy to go looking for a Japanese friend to speak to, and too afraid to even try speaking for fear of failing badly. I'm assuming I'll get over it eventually when my desire to get better overcomes that fear.


I have a friend in my class who speaks English, Spanish, and French. He once told me his English and Spanish are great, but he's really rusty at French because he only really uses it with his neighbours at home. If you don't use it, you lose it, I guess.

#4 Mister Sympa

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Posted 26 September 2013 - 07:01 PM

It's totally true.


I used to be pretty fluent. I have issues remembering basic things sometimes now.


And with the Japanese, it sounds weird, but talk to yourself. Out loud. Seriously. Either monologue or have a conversation with yourself. Don't worry about being super-correct, just talk.


#5 Epic?OhYes



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Posted 26 September 2013 - 08:02 PM

Tu a ce dit quand?

Je JUST pensai a ce sujet! J'ai une dégrée première (Bachelor's) en Francais, et c'est absolutement inutile. J'ai une amie en vie réale qui le parle, et j'ai deux autres sur Facebook.

C'est tout.

Rien dans ma famille, et rien d'autres.


Donc... Ce que je veux dire est que je te sens, mec. Nous sommes peu. J'suis american, et tu peux imaginer combien des gens je vois chaque jour qui parle francais.


C'est zero.

Je suis americain engalement et j'aime beaucoup francaise . Ma soeur a une degree en Francaise aussi. Elle veut enseigner a l'etranger.

Votre username c'est en francaise. P: Sympaaaa!! 

I could understand some of that! Those six years forced to learn french in school worked! ... Somewhat.


I guess I have a somewhat similar problem? I've been studying Japanese in my spare time for 9 months now, but I've focused too much on reading and writing. Now I really think I could benefit from some speaking and listening practice but I'm much too shy to go looking for a Japanese friend to speak to, and too afraid to even try speaking for fear of failing badly. I'm assuming I'll get over it eventually when my desire to get better overcomes that fear.


I have a friend in my class who speaks English, Spanish, and French. He once told me his English and Spanish are great, but he's really rusty at French because he only really uses it with his neighbours at home. If you don't use it, you lose it, I guess.

Haha, yeah it kind of sucks.


^ My future Wife


#6 Mister Sympa

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Posted 26 September 2013 - 08:07 PM

Oui, c'est vrai. C'est une blague sur le chanson "Mister Simple" par le groupe "Super Junior". Je cherchai quelquechose comme "nice guy", et il a marché parfaitment. C'est très obscure, mais je l'aime, et c'est tout d'importance.


T'est american? T'es ou?


#7 Epic?OhYes



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Posted 26 September 2013 - 08:16 PM

Oui, c'est vrai. C'est une blague sur le chanson "Mister Simple" par le groupe "Super Junior". Je cherchai quelquechose comme "nice guy", et il a marché parfaitment. C'est très obscure, mais je l'aime, et c'est tout d'importance.


T'est american? T'es ou?

Oui , Oui!! Je sais que Super Junior! Je ecoute a la Kpop musique. ( a la ou le? Je ne sais pas. <.< ) Oui, je habite en Ohio. Et toi? Je beaucoup voyage, ma mere est anglaise. ;~; J'ai dormir. Bonne nuit. Pm moi pour demain? 


^ My future Wife


#8 Mister Sympa

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Posted 26 September 2013 - 08:25 PM

Ce serai pas demain. Je vais ici pas souvent (seulement quand je fais les vetements).


Pas mal, j'habite a NH.


(Et c'est "ecouter a la musique Kpop," mais bah. Qui s'occupe?)


Message-moi si te veux, je te cherchera.


#9 Silver_rose



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Posted 27 September 2013 - 05:52 AM

I dunno, have you ever considered joining a french forum, asking to talk to them on skype (or some other fucking IM where you can be on call or someshit) and getting them to tell you where you go wrong?

Just an idea, I want to do it when I've learnt German better but I'm so lazy about it.

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#10 Calvary



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Posted 28 September 2013 - 03:56 AM

You could look for an exchange programme near where you live so you can go to France for a little while and experience the culture.


Just don't go to the north. The north is bad, Dieppe is gross and Normandy is turrible once you've seen the beaches.

Ask for my discord/Insta/Tumblr if you want.

#11 Mister Sympa

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 04:12 PM

Yeah, but Rennes is all right. I was there for five months-ish abroad for school, and it was pretty cool. Smallest metro in the world.


#12 Epic?OhYes



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Posted 30 September 2013 - 04:15 PM

My mom isn't going to let me study abroad since I am still young, I have traveled in France a lot and I am being sent there during next summer.. but still. .. and I don't mean a French forum, I want something in real life. 


^ My future Wife


#13 Mister Sympa

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Posted 30 September 2013 - 04:18 PM

Real life? Uhh... Maybe a Yahoo! Group that meets in real life or something?


Put up a flier in the town library for a group meeting, or with your contact information to try to coordinate.


Or pen pal? Like, pen-and-paper.


#14 Affray


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Posted 30 September 2013 - 05:21 PM

My mom isn't going to let me study abroad since I am still young, I have traveled in France a lot and I am being sent there during next summer.. but still. .. and I don't mean a French forum, I want something in real life. 

Perhaps instead of studying abroad, try studying several broads, French ones.

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#15 Sethre



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Posted 30 September 2013 - 05:23 PM

Perhaps instead of studying abroad, try studying several broads, French ones.

Don't mind if I do.


#16 SpleenBeGone


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Posted 01 October 2013 - 09:31 AM

I'm so disappointed by the lack of fries in this thread. >.>



Also, on WoW, the server I was on previously had a ton of french speakers. Maybe look into games?


#17 Calvary



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Posted 01 October 2013 - 10:42 AM

And kisses, Spleen. And kisses.
You should read Confessions by Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the mother tongue.

Ask for my discord/Insta/Tumblr if you want.

#18 Affray


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Posted 01 October 2013 - 12:48 PM

I'm so disappointed by the lack of fries in this thread. >.>



Also, on WoW, the server I was on previously had a ton of french speakers. Maybe look into games?

I only associate fries with French Canadians, not actual factual French people.

I associate pastries and such with the people of France.

Flakey, and a little bit gay.


I agree on the gaming front.

Even on xbox live I run into a shit tonne of French people, most of which speak at least some English.

That would be a good place to learn too.

You already know the terms of the game generally, then you can associate the French version in your head ans learn much faster.

Plus, you will learn how to swear and be vulgar in the language almost immediately, which is a must.


I can read/hear French and generally understand what is being said with some ease.

Speaking/writing is a bit tougher, but I can still manage.

What I did in high school was watch The Simpsons and Futurama in French to hone my understanding.

I already knew almost every line by memory (especially from The Simpsons) so I just played the English version in my head and identified which words meant what in the French version in front of me.


Also, try watching Sesame Street in French.

If it can teach toddlers to count and spell, it can teach you.

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#19 Silver_rose



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Posted 02 October 2013 - 05:14 AM

Flakey, and a little bit gay.


Gotta love croissants

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#20 Mister Sympa

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 12:22 PM

Affray, find me Sesame Street in French on the internet, and I will bake you cookies and mail them to you. I have been looking for like, three years.
