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Christian, Atheist, Evolutionist, or Other

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#1 Sethre



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Posted 28 August 2013 - 10:22 PM

So I'm actually not even sure if Spleen allows threads like these since sometimes they can become somewhat heated if you go about them in the wrong way. But I'm just wondering what makes you believe what you do? I'm not actually here to impose my beliefs on you (I'm Christian) I just want to collect info for my own database of knowledge on this subject. 


Now if you were to know me in person you would realize pretty fast that I myself am a strong believer in the Bible and Jesus, God, ect. But what I really want to know is what makes you believe what you do? Is it because of the science, what you grew up with, or just plainly what you think is true? So I hope that some of you will take the time to explain to me why you have these beliefs.


Also idk if this is a touchy subject for some people, so if it is I apologize.


#2 idk



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Posted 28 August 2013 - 10:23 PM

This could be come a pretty intense can of worms


I'm simply a non believer.


#3 Sethre



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Posted 28 August 2013 - 10:25 PM

This could be come a pretty intense can of worms


Yeah your right, but I'm hoping we can all keep it civil and not lose our minds over it.


I'm simply a non believer.


I'm simply a non believer.

Care to expound as to why?


#4 DaRatmastah


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 10:28 PM

I'm an atheist, and a strong believer in evidence-based decision making and measurable results.  I see no reason to believe in something if there isn't at least some body of scientific evidence for it, basically.

#5 idk



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Posted 28 August 2013 - 10:29 PM

Yeah your right, but I'm hoping we can all keep it civil and not lose our minds over it.


I'm simply a non believer.


Care to expound as to why?

It's always seemed illogical to me to believe in an invisible man in the sky who nobody can see, nobody can talk to, nobody can hear, but is supposedly there.


Add to that it's claimed he's omnipotent and all-knowing, and the only "proof" of his existence is a book that's gone through thousands of translations since it's first iteration.


Just seems like folly to me.

I will consider belief in some higher power, if ever I come face to face with one.


#6 Sethre



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Posted 28 August 2013 - 10:31 PM

I'm an atheist, and a strong believer in evidence-based decision making and measurable results.  I see no reason to believe in something if there isn't at least some body of scientific evidence for it, basically.

Thats fair enough. I'm pretty sure that people found evidence that their was a man named Jesus from Nazareth though, would that stop and make you think at all since it is evidence, and you are an evidence based believer as you said.


#7 Sethre



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Posted 28 August 2013 - 10:33 PM

It's always seemed illogical to me to believe in an invisible man in the sky who nobody can see, nobody can talk to, nobody can hear, but is supposedly there.


Add to that it's claimed he's omnipotent and all-knowing, and the only "proof" of his existence is a book that's gone through thousands of translations since it's first iteration.


Just seems like folly to me.

I will consider belief in some higher power, if ever I come face to face with one.

I cant really argue with you there because you do have solid reasons that I actually struggled with before I became a Christian myself, but really in the end I cant really argue with someone over things that people have spent thousands of years fighting over, theres no point.


#8 DaRatmastah


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 11:07 PM

Thats fair enough. I'm pretty sure that people found evidence that their was a man named Jesus from Nazareth though, would that stop and make you think at all since it is evidence, and you are an evidence based believer as you said.

Oh yeah, Yehoshuah/Yeshua the man most likely existed.  The level of truth in the stories about him is debatable, but most scholars are in agreement that a man named Yehoshua/Yeshua hailed from somewhere in the area known a "Nazareth."  He probably also wasn't the only man named Yehoshua/Yeshua walking around at the time, either.


That lends no evidence to the stories of his life, though, nor corroboration for the miracles he supposedly performed.

#9 Affray


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 11:09 PM

Growing up I was always given a choice as to what I wanted to believe in as far as religion went.

My dad is rigidly atheist, and my mom believes that there is some sort of higher power, but she doesn't assign herself to a belief system and doesn't think you need to go to church to be square with said higher power.


I have adopted my dad's point of view on organised religion after many years of not really putting much thought in to it.

My town is very small, and very elderly, so it is rife with religious doctrine.

So it isn't like I was never exposed to any religion, it was finely ground in to every organisation and event in my whole damn county.


I am in the same boat as my fellow non believers here.

In order for something to have any validity in my mind, there has to be some sort of tangible evidence of said validity.

Even if you put that aside, and look at the pure and simple concept of a higher power, it misses the mark for me by a long shot.

It is perfectly acceptable to fear and admire a being you could not possibly understand.

#10 Sethre



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Posted 28 August 2013 - 11:11 PM

Oh yeah, Yehoshuah/Yeshua the man most likely existed.  The level of truth in the stories about him is debatable, but most scholars are in agreement that a man named Yehoshua/Yeshua hailed from somewhere in the area known a "Nazareth."  He probably also wasn't the only man named Yehoshua/Yeshua walking around at the time, either.


That lends no evidence to the stories of his life, though, nor corroboration for the miracles he supposedly performed

Fair enough.


#11 Sethre



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Posted 28 August 2013 - 11:14 PM

Growing up I was always given a choice as to what I wanted to believe in as far as religion went.

My dad is rigidly atheist, and my mom believes that there is some sort of higher power, but she doesn't assign herself to a belief system and doesn't think you need to go to church to be square with said higher power.


I have adopted my dad's point of view on organised religion after many years of not really putting much thought in to it.

My town is very small, and very elderly, so it is rife with religious doctrine.

So it isn't like I was never exposed to any religion, it was finely ground in to every organisation and event in my whole damn county.


I am in the same boat as my fellow non believers here.

In order for something to have any validity in my mind, there has to be some sort of tangible evidence of said validity.

Even if you put that aside, and look at the pure and simple concept of a higher power, it misses the mark for me by a long shot.

Well you laid out your views very nicely. I can agree where you guys are coming from, it does seem pretty radical to just believe something without having any tangible evidence. But in my eyes, if you actually believe in something then you also have to believe its real, whether you have evidence or not. 


#12 DaRatmastah


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 11:50 PM

Well you laid out your views very nicely. I can agree where you guys are coming from, it does seem pretty radical to just believe something without having any tangible evidence. But in my eyes, if you actually believe in something then you also have to believe its real, whether you have evidence or not. 

But why believe in it in the first place?

#13 SushiKitten


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Posted 29 August 2013 - 03:30 AM

#14 Bowsette



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Posted 29 August 2013 - 04:58 AM

I don't like religion, mainly because it belittles who I am and claims I'm a bad person. But even before I really understood my own sexuality, I moved away from religion because I just couldn't get my head around the idea of a deity; I read plenty of fantasy novels that had gods, and they're all false, but I'm supposed to accept a god as existing because a /different/ book says so? No ta.


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#15 SpleenBeGone


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Posted 29 August 2013 - 06:05 AM

Just a warning, any argument and this thread disappears. If everyone handles it like an adult, I'll leave it though.


I'm an athiest from a combination of science and world experience. 


#16 The Robstar

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Posted 29 August 2013 - 06:49 AM

I believe we are all just a bunch of monkeys. :)


I'm all for people to believe in whatever makes them happy or whatever gives them hope.


I love talking to my friends about evolution, I love talking to Mormons or Jahovas about my perspective on religion. About 99% of the people are really lovely.


Religious people are always very nice and polite, however I've only had ONE person who I thought was a self righteous douchebag.


Happened last November at the Annual A&P Show, I was walking past a tent with people who were preaching and a 6 foot 4 Jeffery Dalhmer looking dude deliberately cut me off and blocked my way, bible in hand. He said I looked like a boy in need of help. He rambled on and after about 20 seconds I told him that I wasn't interested, YET he continued, I told him once again that I wasn't interested because I wanted a feed. He became really irate and wouldn't let me pass. I felt like he was bullying me into repenting so I straight up told him that I'm getting rather annoyed. He started saying that the devil prospers in young and naive souls who don't know any better.... THE FUCK??? I straight up told him that I had absolutely NOTHING wrong with me, that I believe that god is a symbol of hope for some people, others consider the sun to be their god. He basically told me that if you don't believe in THE God, then you will go to hell. Holy shit, well I never, I had to remind him that religion had killed more people then war. (pre WWI and II)  And told him how corrupt priests were back in the Elizabethan Era. I had to straight up tell him that I respect what he's trying to do, but you have the wrong person. I went to shake his hand and he shook it and squeezed really hard. LOL He wasn't too impressed with me, but whatevers. I speculate that he was a former convict who had reverted while locked up in the clink. But I don't have a negative opinion about religion, as I said, whatever makes you happy :)


#17 Sethre



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Posted 29 August 2013 - 09:47 AM

But why believe in it in the first place?

Well why not? I mean I believe everyone had they're own choice in what to believe. Also, by believing in Christianity I have something to hope in and know (to me) is real. I honestly could never be an Atheist because I would always be wondering if there was something more powerful than me, or some diety that put us all here, and I've found all those answers in Christianity and honestly I do just believe what it says.


#18 Guest_ElatedOwl_*

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Posted 29 August 2013 - 09:54 AM

I guess I'm not entirely sure what I believe nor do I really care. I don't know if there's a life after this, if there's a meaning to all the madness or if there is pure unadulterated nothingness. I guess if there was a god I'm not entirely sure that I'd be happy to meet him; a quote comes to mind from the walls of a concentration camp gas chamber, scratched by nail (into concrete, mind you), something along the lines of "if there is a god he must answer to me".


What I do know, though, is I'm in existence for now and that I should enjoy it while it lasts; the existence or non-existence of a deity doesn't change that. 

#19 Sethre



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Posted 29 August 2013 - 09:55 AM

I believe we are all just a bunch of monkeys. :)


I'm all for people to believe in whatever makes them happy or whatever gives them hope.


I love talking to my friends about evolution, I love talking to Mormons or Jahovas about my perspective on religion. About 99% of the people are really lovely.


Religious people are always very nice and polite, however I've only had ONE person who I thought was a self righteous douchebag.


Happened last November at the Annual A&P Show, I was walking past a tent with people who were preaching and a 6 foot 4 Jeffery Dalhmer looking dude deliberately cut me off and blocked my way, bible in hand. He said I looked like a boy in need of help. He rambled on and after about 20 seconds I told him that I wasn't interested, YET he continued, I told him once again that I wasn't interested because I wanted a feed. He became really irate and wouldn't let me pass. I felt like he was bullying me into repenting so I straight up told him that I'm getting rather annoyed. He started saying that the devil prospers in young and naive souls who don't know any better.... THE FUCK??? I straight up told him that I had absolutely NOTHING wrong with me, that I believe that god is a symbol of hope for some people, others consider the sun to be their god. He basically told me that if you don't believe in THE God, then you will go to hell. Holy shit, well I never, I had to remind him that religion had killed more people then war. (pre WWI and II)  And told him how corrupt priests were back in the Elizabethan Era. I had to straight up tell him that I respect what he's trying to do, but you have the wrong person. I went to shake his hand and he shook it and squeezed really hard. LOL He wasn't too impressed with me, but whatevers. I speculate that he was a former convict who had reverted while locked up in the clink. But I don't have a negative opinion about religion, as I said, whatever makes you happy :)

I agree about all religious people being nice and friendly (for the most part).


That guys just sounds like he was more intent on saving someone to get the credit for it, than actually trying to show you why he believes what he does and thinks its true. You cant make someone conform to your religion because you force it on them, like he was doing. So yeah I agree he was a douchebag about it.


#20 Calvary



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Posted 29 August 2013 - 09:59 AM

I used to be a Catholic.


Now I'm an atheist.


I disagree with organised religion, think it's all a big sham and a whole load of brain-washing that does more harm than good.

Ask for my discord/Insta/Tumblr if you want.