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What do you do for a living?

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#1 DaRatmastah


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 10:26 PM

Title.  =D  Not sure if we have one of these threads or not, but a cursory glance didn't reveal one, so I figured I'd ask!  I'm currently considering trying other professions out, so I'm seeing what people I know do, and whether or not they'd recommend it! =D

#2 SIlhouette



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Posted 18 July 2013 - 11:29 PM

lol ok short rundown.


I used to work in a general store and cafe, then I went overseas and lived in a community doing date picking and sorting as well as cooking in the communal kitchen and working in the dairy (Making cheese). Came back to Australia and got an Audio Engineering degree and recorded maybe 10-15 bands and mixed and mastered a lot of work also. I then went to University doing standard engineering which I hope will become a software engineering degree but I may get distracted and it could turn into an anything degree. I took a break from university and went into the outback, there I was asked to fix about 4 Office computers in the native title office and set up a projector that was controlled from another room, I also fixed about 7 printers and fixed 2 faxes and redid their internet line. They were impressed since I did this in 1 month so they asked if I would work admin for them. I worked for about 3 months until some angry aboriginal started getting very violent towards me because I couldnt "Print money" like he thought all western people could. After that I came back to the coast and am currently seeking employment.

#3 HemoGoblin



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Posted 19 July 2013 - 12:20 AM

I sort plastic parts for a tiny, private company. I make $9 an hour, it's not bad but I can't move out on it. I am seeking a Bachelors-level degree in some form of Computer Science, but experiencing issues because the closest school to me is also the most expensive in the state. The next respectable institution is half an hour up the road, and my car DRINKS gas. 

Before that I did fast food. 1/10 would not recommend.


#4 Silver_rose



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Posted 19 July 2013 - 01:23 AM

Nothing, I'm a bum







But really, I'm in university studying to be a nurse.

Because I can...

#5 SushiKitten


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 03:52 AM

I think most people here already know I'm in university studying computer engineering. What they probably don't know is I'm also studying to become a professional bum as well. 


lol ok short rundown.


I used to work in a general store and cafe, then I went overseas and lived in a community doing date picking and sorting as well as cooking in the communal kitchen and working in the dairy (Making cheese). Came back to Australia and got an Audio Engineering degree and recorded maybe 10-15 bands and mixed and mastered a lot of work also. I then went to University doing standard engineering which I hope will become a software engineering degree but I may get distracted and it could turn into an anything degree. I took a break from university and went into the outback, there I was asked to fix about 4 Office computers in the native title office and set up a projector that was controlled from another room, I also fixed about 7 printers and fixed 2 faxes and redid their internet line. They were impressed since I did this in 1 month so they asked if I would work admin for them. I worked for about 3 months until some angry aboriginal started getting very violent towards me because I couldnt "Print money" like he thought all western people could. After that I came back to the coast and am currently seeking employment.


I think you've got a really cool job history on the go. You've done a lot of cool sounding jobs, especially as an audio engineer. 

#6 Grolli



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Posted 19 July 2013 - 06:10 AM

Have had my degree in Electronic Engineering for a while, utilized for 22 years in the military, I now work on computers as a hobby, work part time fixing phones for prisons, and sell/fix campers full time.

#7 idk



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Posted 19 July 2013 - 07:55 AM

my car DRINKS gas. 

sell car. get more fuel efficient car with what your car is worth. (IE: pick up a cheap civic/corolla for $1,000)


Don't even bother with a dealership, go Craigslist/Kijiji/newspaper/whatever is popular where you live. 


I see people going on those sites all the time for trades, so you might luck out. 


#8 Benihime



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Posted 19 July 2013 - 08:12 AM

My first job was in my fathers auto parts store. (Should have stuck with that)
Then it was the marine corps. (Discipline yes, equality no)
Then it was wife & mother. (Thankless & long hours)
Then came a string of jobs starting with convenience store clerk. (Meh)
Stripper in various clubs. (5 years of horny ugly fukkerz)
Then was the 9 years as an overnight stocker at Wal mart. (Thankless, repetitive, and doing everybody else's job)
Now a truck driver; have been for almost 5yrs. Long hours, have seen most of America and Canada. It's a really cool job, but there are drawbacks -like being stuck in Austin for almost a week because my co truck has been broken down. Otherwise it's really neat if you can handle it. Long hours, away from your family, no set schedule, not much for facilities most of the time, asshole/drunken drivers.
I had a mechanic tell me one time that its more of a lifestyle than just a job.
He's right.

#9 Calvary



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Posted 19 July 2013 - 11:27 AM

I work in a warehouse. We put things in boxes, stack boxes on shelves and take boxes off shelves to give to other people.


It's so great.

Ask for my discord/Insta/Tumblr if you want.

#10 twa


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 12:29 PM

I've never worked a day in my life.









Nobody wants to hire a transgender homogay faget. Ever. 



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#11 SpleenBeGone


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 12:57 PM

My cards say "Information Technology" 

Basically, I build computers, fix computers, maintain the security system, install and maintain security cameras, fix phones, laptops, tablets, cameras, car stereos and anything else that might possibly have electricity running though it. Along with most things that don't, like doors, gates, trailers, and fancy pens. Basically, I sit at work for 10 hours a day, reading reddit until someone comes to me and says "This is broke, can you fix it?"


#12 Affray


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 07:40 PM

I swear there is already a thread for this, someswheres rounds theses partses.


There are a few newish faces around here so for their benefit I will state my profession.

I am an embroiderer, a legend of stitch, a guru of fabric, a patch master, a heaping handful of hero and an all round pretty cool guy.

And those are just my paying jobs.

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#13 Bowsette



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Posted 19 July 2013 - 07:51 PM

I am unemployed. Currently looking for work and failing. In a few months I may well be moving though, which should widen my area of search.


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#14 Calvary



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Posted 20 July 2013 - 04:23 AM

Move to London! =D

Ask for my discord/Insta/Tumblr if you want.

#15 Kori



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Posted 20 July 2013 - 06:54 AM

lol ok short rundown.


I used to work in a general store and cafe, then I went overseas and lived in a community doing date picking and sorting as well as cooking in the communal kitchen and working in the dairy (Making cheese). Came back to Australia and got an Audio Engineering degree and recorded maybe 10-15 bands and mixed and mastered a lot of work also. I then went to University doing standard engineering which I hope will become a software engineering degree but I may get distracted and it could turn into an anything degree. I took a break from university and went into the outback, there I was asked to fix about 4 Office computers in the native title office and set up a projector that was controlled from another room, I also fixed about 7 printers and fixed 2 faxes and redid their internet line. They were impressed since I did this in 1 month so they asked if I would work admin for them. I worked for about 3 months until some angry aboriginal started getting very violent towards me because I couldnt "Print money" like he thought all western people could. After that I came back to the coast and am currently seeking employment.


Sounds like an impressive work background! And fun, too, with all that traveling and meeting new people haha.


Currrrrently, I'm working at my university's gym belaying people at the rock wall, hoping to get more hours in the fall so I can have some kind of income while studying. This is actually one of the most stable and not-so-odd jobs I've had since around 2009. I'd work on and off at this carnival (yay, carneys!) in the summers until like 2012. I worked in a couple of factories, but kept quitting 'cause of the lack of customer interaction, then worked as a waitress for almost 10 months and worked in retail for like, two of those ten--fortunately, I had really awesome coworkers and it made working retail bearable, buuuuut it still sucked. But that's about the extense of my actual work history, being physically on a payroll and whatnot. When I was a kid, my brother and I used to go to work with my dad, sometimes every weekend or every other, doing mechanical work and just helping out. I think my very first work-accomplishment then, back in '98, was when my brother and I helped my dad put in a pretty big duct work system. We signed our initials in it and evaraythang. :D

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#16 Bowsette



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Posted 20 July 2013 - 10:03 AM

Move to London! =D

London sucks


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#17 Calvary



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Posted 21 July 2013 - 05:19 AM

You suck. In a bad way. =(

Ask for my discord/Insta/Tumblr if you want.

#18 SpleenBeGone


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Posted 21 July 2013 - 12:44 PM

I am unemployed. Currently looking for work and failing. In a few months I may well be moving though, which should widen my area of search.

What happened to being a firefighter? 


#19 Bowsette



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Posted 21 July 2013 - 12:48 PM

What happened to being a firefighter? 

Well for one thing it wasn't a full training course. Fulltime training lasts for two years, mine lasted 2 weeks :P Plus they're making cutbacks as it is, they're not hiring at all.


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#20 SpleenBeGone


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Posted 21 July 2013 - 12:59 PM

Ah, so just for fun?
