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#1 The Robstar

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 07:13 AM

Man the human race have become a bunch of hunched anti social computer freaks who spend the majority of their time on their computers!!!!

I am guilty of spending at least 60% of my time on the internet everyday.... When did we get sooooo lazy??? Even my mates prefer to stay at home on the net instead of going out drinking to get rejected by some ladies....

I was spending time with my family today, I was on my laptop.... I looked up, my mother was on hers, my brother was on his, my 4 year old niece was on hers, shit, even my 76 year old granny was on the desktop computer looking up old relatives of hers..... 5 people in 1 room, and it was completely silent..... well hot damn!!!!!

I actually had to go for a run up the hill and feel the wind in my hair.... It was kinda liberating..... Reminded me of the old days when we played our own game of Halo with $2 cap guns, our grenades were water balloons and the sheep on our farm were the enemies.....

We are becoming like those people on the movie Surrogates starring Bruce Willis.... Vampires.... Recluse hermits....

Is the internet an addiction???? Be honest with yourself... How long can you go without the net??? Admittedly I start to have withdraws after about a day.... If the net is playing up at night.... I go to bed early.... If my net is slow or playing up, the people at telecom have to endure my verbal wrath... Like a junkie needing his fix.... A smoker craving a cigarette.... A sex addict who needs his relief..... You get the point.....

I love the net, but I despise the idea of being a recluse.... I love having access to any answer at the click of a google search.... but I have also seen some fucked up shit on here....

What would we do without the internet????? I'll tell you... BORED!!!! Repopulating.... Drugs.... Crime....

Ok, I'm going to snort a line of Cerebii.net (Pokemon Site) now....

#2 SushiKitten


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 07:55 AM


Sad that I know to correct that.

I know I'm addicted to the internet. It's not as bad as it was during high school. High school, it was get off school, internet, sleep, go to school, etc. I actually socialize more now that I'm in university.

The university just put up posters though, warning people to start looking where they're walking rather than looking at their phone. Reminds me of the documentary we watched in class last semester, Are we Digital Dummies?

The internet is definitely a great place for information, fast communication, productivity, but it's also easy to get sucked in and surf NerdForum all day instead of doing work. The key is taking control of your own life, you own the internet, the internet does not own you! Or something. I'm going back to Tumblr.

#3 Affray


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 09:23 AM


Sad that I know to correct that.

I know I'm addicted to the internet. It's not as bad as it was during high school. High school, it was get off school, internet, sleep, go to school, etc. I actually socialize more now that I'm in university.

The university just put up posters though, warning people to start looking where they're walking rather than looking at their phone. Reminds me of the documentary we watched in class last semester, Are we Digital Dummies?

The internet is definitely a great place for information, fast communication, productivity, but it's also easy to get sucked in and surf NerdForum all day instead of doing work. The key is taking control of your own life, you own the internet, the internet does not own you! Or something. I'm going back to Tumblr.

Any time I see a teeny bopper wandering through the mall relentlessly texting everyone she knows in rapid succession instead of watching where she is walking I shake my head a little.
If the teeny bopper happens to to be directly in my path and it is up to me to move out of the way, I simply do not.
Some may see this as cruel, I see it as a 200lb brick wall of lesson.
Watch where you are walking and I will be courteous, we all have to share some spaces.
Walk around with your head up your ass and I will show you no mercy as far as courtesy goes.

I apologize after a small person bounces off of me, mostly because I am Canadian, but the message still sticks.

As for the internet being misused, I whole heartedly agree that it is.
We are a generation that literally has all of the information that the entire planet has to offer, past, present and sometimes future, at our finger tips and the vast majority of us use this fantastically magnificent tool to watch other people have sex and look at pictures of cats.

Way to go human race.

It is perfectly acceptable to fear and admire a being you could not possibly understand.

#4 SIlhouette



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Posted 27 February 2013 - 09:25 AM

Internet Addiction not for me... I can go months without the internet and have done recently, I was working an IT job in the outback and I didn't bring my laptop, only had a 6 year old computer that I had to get running on the internet as part of my job, and when I am working I don't really use the internet anyways.

Video Game addiction yes very much so. I deliberately don't play WoW since I know my life would end, I can get sucked into a video game in extreme ways until I reach its conclusion. I wasted 4 years of my life getting "nearly" the highest level in runescape and that meant years 7-10 I didn't do any homework. One day I logged off though and never logged back in. Reading I find is my biggest addiction though, with video games I can do a run of maybe 7 hours straight or more, reading I can last over 24 hours before I just collapse.

After reading a lot of Neurology books I won't look at porn for its addiction is huge and does massive damage to your prefrontal lobe which is the part of the brain that manages restrain. It is developed at around the ages of 6 - 22 and is what makes you say "I have had enough chocolate today" or "I need this money for rent not cigarettes". I like my brain how it is and I definitely enjoy being able to restrain myself. In the case of Sex Addicts the final stages are extreme delusions and rationalization. Quite a horrific thing to watch when you see documentaries of it with rapists in jail and stuff like that.

Every addiction damages your frontal lobe its just porn, heroin, meth and crack damage it at a crazy fast speed. Also I will quit smoking eventually I swear >.<

#5 Calvary



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Posted 27 February 2013 - 10:29 AM

Aww, you got Cystal Meth? All I have is this shitty Crystal Meth, wanna trade? =D

Most of my friends are anti-social any way so internet or not we'd be stuck doing something boring or another. I'm just waiting to get a well paying job so I can travel all over the place, then the internet won't have to take precedence. Thing is, when you live in a small town with not much to do it's so easy to slip into the habit of going home and browsing the internet for hours.

Ask for my discord/Insta/Tumblr if you want.

#6 SushiKitten


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 10:38 AM

Aww, you got Cystal Meth? All I have is this shitty Crystal Meth, wanna trade? =D

Most of my friends are anti-social any way so internet or not we'd be stuck doing something boring or another. I'm just waiting to get a well paying job so I can travel all over the place, then the internet won't have to take precedence. Thing is, when you live in a small town with not much to do it's so easy to slip into the habit of going home and browsing the internet for hours.

I definitely agree! Going from a small farming town where all my friends live a 30min drive away to a city where I have friends in the same apartment building has definitely changed how much time I spend on the internet.

#7 Guest_ElatedOwl_*

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 11:06 AM

This is going to make me sound like a complete pessimist/depressed asshole but (close) friendship is generally a disappointing thing. The expectations we set for people close to us and the expectations set of us are more often than not unrealistic and just lead to stupid drama that isn't worth dealing with.

On the internet it's a lot easier to not get so close to people that those expectations get ridiculous, and, in the event they do, it's a lot easier to deal with over the internet.

This isn't to say I don't have close friends irl or that I don't go out (I definitely do) but for 6/7th of my week I'd rather kick it on the computer.

#8 Bowsette



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Posted 27 February 2013 - 11:24 AM

This is going to make me sound like a complete pessimist/depressed asshole but (close) friendship is generally a disappointing thing. The expectations we set for people close to us and the expectations set of us are more often than not unrealistic and just lead to stupid drama that isn't worth dealing with.

On the internet it's a lot easier to not get so close to people that those expectations get ridiculous, and, in the event they do, it's a lot easier to deal with over the internet.

This isn't to say I don't have close friends irl or that I don't go out (I definitely do) but for 6/7th of my week I'd rather kick it on the computer.

I'm the same way for the most part. I only have a few close friends, because I've found that in general people hurt you a lot, so it's safer to avoid it entirely and only hang out with people you completely trust and know.


“Shimatta! Bare… nan no koto kashira?”

#9 Affray


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 12:20 PM

Aww, you got Cystal Meth? All I have is this shitty Crystal Meth, wanna trade? =D

Most of my friends are anti-social any way so internet or not we'd be stuck doing something boring or another. I'm just waiting to get a well paying job so I can travel all over the place, then the internet won't have to take precedence. Thing is, when you live in a small town with not much to do it's so easy to slip into the habit of going home and browsing the internet for hours.

I know the small town blues.
The population in my hometown is about 1400, and everyone is either middle aged or elderly.
I have one or two good friends that I have had since kindergarten, but that is about it.
The internet is also just so damn vast and accessible.

I'm the same way for the most part. I only have a few close friends, because I've found that in general people hurt you a lot, so it's safer to avoid it entirely and only hang out with people you completely trust and know.

The people that hurt you in the end usually end up miserable themselves, because they tend to be shitty people.
Also, being hurt by someone you consider a close friend only makes you tougher emotionally.
If you can get over a close friend jabbing you emotionally, what damage could anyone else possibly do that you can't handle.

Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue.
You just have to wear it like armour.

It is perfectly acceptable to fear and admire a being you could not possibly understand.

#10 No-Danico


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 01:00 PM

The internet is also just so damn vast and accessible.

Posted Image

'The net is vast and infinite.'

We are so close, Kurzweil-sama.

Also, for those without the patience for The Singularity is Near, there's this.


My first novel, Seeds of Magic- Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, Sony Store


#11 The Robstar

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 04:54 PM

This is going to make me sound like a complete pessimist/depressed asshole but (close) friendship is generally a disappointing thing. The expectations we set for people close to us and the expectations set of us are more often than not unrealistic and just lead to stupid drama that isn't worth dealing with.

On the internet it's a lot easier to not get so close to people that those expectations get ridiculous, and, in the event they do, it's a lot easier to deal with over the internet.

This isn't to say I don't have close friends irl or that I don't go out (I definitely do) but for 6/7th of my week I'd rather kick it on the computer.

I really like that. They do hurt or disappoint you. But I have a few people that I can trust and rely on no matter what. I've separated the crap from the legitimate friends a long time ago. Some were only users, some changed (for the worse) and some of them went crazy.

It's kinda funny coz the only drama I see/hear about nowadays is the raging on Facebook. hahaha

But the internet is a good way to make friends, heck, most of my musical collaborations have been online, most of my friends are too self conscious about their voices, so I have to seek people from Chicago and New Orleans. But the negatives on the net are not knowing if the person is real or not, you guys might not know it but I am a 55 year old man..... ;) Ok I'm not, but I could be though... People can be whoever they want to be on the net, they can fabricate their own life to whatever they want..... Kinda weird.... We've become a real life Second Life..... SKYNET IS APPROACHING!!!!!!

#12 Thought Crime

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Posted 04 April 2013 - 12:31 AM

I would not say that I am "addicted", but Internet Acess is a neccessity for what I need to accomplish. I am definitely not someone who always has a smartphone in their hand. I don't even have a smartphone. I'm glad I don't. For one, I rarely have a conversation over the phone. I prefer the communication method of sending text messages. It is short, simple - and to the point. It also cuts down on awkward silence type of moments. A pre-paid mobile phone suits me best. And why would I want to pay ludicrous monthy bills that come with smartphone?


I do have a mobile device that's not a phone that I use to get updates, keep me on schedule and has WiFi access when needed and It isn't in my hand 24/7. So. No - I'm not addicted.

Ugh . . .

#13 Bowsette



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Posted 04 April 2013 - 04:31 AM

I have a prepaid smartphone. :3


“Shimatta! Bare… nan no koto kashira?”

#14 SushiKitten


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Posted 04 April 2013 - 05:48 AM

I own a smartphone but I rarely use it for internet access, the wifi receiver is pretty weak and unless I'm relatively near the router, it won't work well anyway. I'd rather just use my laptop. 

#15 Wolf



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Posted 04 April 2013 - 09:54 AM

Robstar sounds like Forth Right MC


"One day everything seems normal. The next day you live inside a computer.


Don't trust that technology, ya'll. Only trust old-school hip-hop."

#16 MrSandman



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Posted 04 April 2013 - 01:21 PM

Well i'm not that addicted. I love to be outside atleast in the summers because they are pretty short over here. maybe a couple of hours a day. The smartphone has become the new anti-social thing I think. On lunch break on work 8/10 don't talk just sit with the phone, and i'm one of them some times.

#17 Thought Crime

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Posted 04 April 2013 - 06:31 PM

Lately, the Internet has managed to not impress me. There's just so much that disinterests me to the point that it does not make surfing enjoyable. However, I enjoy forums for the reasons that I do not enjoy spoken conversations as much because so much can get lost in oral communication. I am no more socialble on the Internet than I am in my non-Internet time which has me spending more time on the Internet. It is a vicious cycle. But I'm not on YouTube, I'm not searching Wikipedia, I'm not reading the news because news is usually crap. I give a minimal amount of my attention to certain newstories. Those of which I have to pay attention to is because it is related to my career field.


And the term, "social network(ing)" . . . I hate it. I don't have any intention of being socialable on the Internet for the same reasons I'm not socialable when off the Internet.

Ugh . . .