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I`m moss, your moss, animals are moss-but we all look different

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#1 NervousNerd



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Posted 31 January 2013 - 05:40 PM

So today i had a ok day,was in a good but moany mood lol, but it was nice for my brain to feel like it was operating at it nerd level again-been a long time since i felt like it was.
Anyway a question that i couldn`t figger out popped back into my head again today.Scientists say all animals evolved from a bacteria which was/is in moss.If that`s the case why are we different from animals,and how come animals differ? i mean you have birds and then you have cats,bat etc, why isn`t there just one species?
I can`t see how one type of bacteria and make many different species,and if that`s the case that we evolved from moss,how is it even possible, there`s no food for us,no parents to help us etc.

P.S I haven`t posted in a while because i haven`t been in the nerdy type of mood, been feeling rather crappy.

#2 SushiKitten


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 06:02 PM

Human beings and monkeys are cousins, we both come from the same ancestor. The difference is some adapted to live in the trees while others adapted to working with their hands and making tools. It's all about the great tree of life. Natural selection causes different species.

#3 Diabolical_Jazz



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Posted 31 January 2013 - 06:22 PM

Posted Image
I don't think he needs to be immortal. I think all he needs to do is to write the right story. Because some stories do live forever.

#4 Affray


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 06:37 PM

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Im glad that I am not the only one that thought of him immediately.

It is perfectly acceptable to fear and admire a being you could not possibly understand.

#5 NervousNerd



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Posted 31 January 2013 - 07:15 PM

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What`s that suppose to mean?

#6 Diabolical_Jazz



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Posted 31 January 2013 - 08:04 PM

I'm tempted to not-explain...

But it's a character from a show called the IT Crowd.
The characters name is Maurice Moss.
I don't think he needs to be immortal. I think all he needs to do is to write the right story. Because some stories do live forever.

#7 DaRatmastah


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 08:30 PM

Okidokey, I'll bite.

So instead of bacteria, let's simplify even further. Circles. Gray circles. These circles sit in one place, and absorb sunlight and minerals. They are at the mercy of their environment because they can't move. They can, however, breed. So the sun bombards them with rays every day, and they convert some of this energy bombardment to energy they can use, but they also can't use some of it. One day, when new circles were being born, they got hit by enough radiation that their DNA got altered slightly, so some popped out green, and some popped out purple, in addition to gray circles still being born(maybe because some circles were shielded from excess radiation by rocks).

Now we have three different types of circles. The new, green circles still can't move, but they've become slightly better at absorbing sunlight energy. The purple circles, on the other hand, don't absorb sunlight any better, but they can move around slightly. Meanwhile, the other gray circles that are left, stay the same.

Fast forward a bit, and the purple circles were able to migrate to new areas, and continue to reproduce, again dividing and mutating over time. At the same time, the green circles, through chance, managed to get moved via environmental changes(rain, tectonics, etc) to a new area, where less sunlight hits. Gray circles can't survive here, but the green circles can since they're better at absorbing nutrients from what little sun there is. And the gray circles, meanwhile, are still existing just fine in their original niche, since they were pretty damn well adapted for it in the first place.

Gray Circles = Bacterium, single-celled creatures.
Green Circles = Flora of all kinds(moss, trees, plants, etc)
Purple Circles = Fauna of all kinds(animals, people)

But they're all still circles, so they are still the same basic building blocks.

That's kind of an oversimplified version of how it works.

#8 No-Danico


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 09:59 PM

It's weird how DarwinBots can explain something so completely, so simply.

This, but skip ahead to about 00:32


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#9 Silver_rose



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Posted 01 February 2013 - 01:58 AM

So instead of bacteria, let's simplify even further. Circles. Gray circles. These circles sit in one place, and absorb sunlight and minerals. They are at the mercy of their environment because they can't move. They can, however, breed. So the sun bombards them with rays every day, and they convert some of this energy bombardment to energy they can use, but they also can't use some of it. One day, when new circles were being born, they got hit by enough radiation that their DNA got altered slightly, so some popped out green, and some popped out purple, in addition to gray circles still being born

While this is very over simplified, it's pretty much bang on the mark...
However I feel I must point out that it's not necessarily radiation that alters DNA there are other factors involved.
Radiation is a big one, but there are environment factors, age factors and I am sure there are more than those.
By age I mean - In a singled cell organism, when they begin to breed, (depending on the organism) DNA and RNA is copied over and over and over again, through each generation, once it gets to a certain number of copies, inconsistancies occur. The organells (ribosomes) which are meant to find and delete these inconsistancies, sometimes overlook these inconsistancies, due to a few reasons and they, in a sense, allow these genetic mutations to happen. These small inconsistancies that were once over looked, now just become part of the genetic structure and the process begins again, eventuating in more noticable differences.

The very way that natural selection works is quite random and more often than not, when a genetic mutation occurs it causes the organism with the mutation to die, due to a myriad of reasons; one being that the species is sterile(unable to produce offspring), another is that they are - I guess you could say, tastier - to more preditory species, or they're just simply inadiquate to survive because whatever they consume for survival is no longer consumable. These are just a few examples.
This is why it is a long, slow process.

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#10 Calvary



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Posted 01 February 2013 - 06:38 AM

I think you're all forgetting that God made everything and evolution doesn't exist.

Dinosaur bones were made by the Devil to tempt us away from the Lord.

*tin foil hat*

Ask for my discord/Insta/Tumblr if you want.

#11 Silver_rose



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Posted 01 February 2013 - 07:36 AM

I think you're all forgetting that God made everything and evolution doesn't exist.

Dinosaur bones were made by the Bible to tempt us away from the Lord.

*tin foil hat*

The tin foil hat is a nice touch, very fashionable

Because I can...

#12 Calvary



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Posted 01 February 2013 - 09:34 AM

Thank you very much. I bought one from a super-secret organisation. The government actually puts brain-reading aluminium in tin-foil from the shops. It's true I tells yah.

Ask for my discord/Insta/Tumblr if you want.

#13 DaRatmastah


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Posted 01 February 2013 - 11:26 AM

While this is very over simplified, it's pretty much bang on the mark...
However I feel I must point out that it's not necessarily radiation that alters DNA there are other factors involved.
Radiation is a big one, but there are environment factors, age factors and I am sure there are more than those.
By age I mean - In a singled cell organism, when they begin to breed, (depending on the organism) DNA and RNA is copied over and over and over again, through each generation, once it gets to a certain number of copies, inconsistancies occur. The organells (ribosomes) which are meant to find and delete these inconsistancies, sometimes overlook these inconsistancies, due to a few reasons and they, in a sense, allow these genetic mutations to happen. These small inconsistancies that were once over looked, now just become part of the genetic structure and the process begins again, eventuating in more noticable differences.

The very way that natural selection works is quite random and more often than not, when a genetic mutation occurs it causes the organism with the mutation to die, due to a myriad of reasons; one being that the species is sterile(unable to produce offspring), another is that they are - I guess you could say, tastier - to more preditory species, or they're just simply inadiquate to survive because whatever they consume for survival is no longer consumable. These are just a few examples.
This is why it is a long, slow process.

You are absolutely correct on the mutation process =) I was just thinking of the most likely frequent cause in an early-earth kind of situation, but you're right.

#14 Matty_poo



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Posted 01 February 2013 - 11:51 AM

While this is very over simplified, it's pretty much bang on the mark...
However I feel I must point out that it's not necessarily radiation that alters DNA there are other factors involved.
Radiation is a big one, but there are environment factors, age factors and I am sure there are more than those.

I'd like to thank you for pointing that out, I've been arguing with a "friend" (dude just won't leave me alone) that keeps stating that evolution has been proven false because animals who've been bombarded with radiation mutated in not so beneficial ways. All logic provided as to why this doesn't disprove evolution are lost on him.

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#15 No-Danico


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Posted 01 February 2013 - 02:29 PM

I've heard that one before, living in the bible belt and all.
Most of the mutations in life lead to the creature in question dying, it just wasn’t meant to be. For every kick ass Wolverine, you get fifteen Wallflower, creatures with stupid or fatal mutations. They just don’t pass on their genes and the useless trait is lost.


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#16 Affray


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Posted 01 February 2013 - 02:39 PM

I'd like to thank you for pointing that out, I've been arguing with a "friend" (dude just won't leave me alone) that keeps stating that evolution has been proven false because animals who've been bombarded with radiation mutated in not so beneficial ways. All logic provided as to why this doesn't disprove evolution are lost on him.

That kid needs a sit down and a talking to.
Or a good hard slap in the head in hopes of knocking something in to place.

It is perfectly acceptable to fear and admire a being you could not possibly understand.

#17 Diabolical_Jazz



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Posted 01 February 2013 - 06:10 PM

Or start telling him more interesting lies than 'creation science.'

That way he'll at least be more interesting.

"So listen, the truth is that the light from the moon has been slowly causing tiny lunar-powered robots in our bloodstreams to alter our fundamental physiology, but because it's moon-powered and not solar-powered it's really inefficient, so they work really slowly, over the course of many generations."
I don't think he needs to be immortal. I think all he needs to do is to write the right story. Because some stories do live forever.

#18 Matty_poo



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Posted 01 February 2013 - 06:16 PM

Or start telling him more interesting lies than 'creation science.'

That way he'll at least be more interesting.

"So listen, the truth is that the light from the moon has been slowly causing tiny lunar-powered robots in our bloodstreams to alter our fundamental physiology, but because it's moon-powered and not solar-powered it's really inefficient, so they work really slowly, over the course of many generations."

I actually want this to be true so much.

That kid needs a sit down and a talking to.
Or a good hard slap in the head in hopes of knocking something in to place.

Won't work, dude is hardcore. I mean I have my faith, but I also allow science into my life. I might be weird, but I don't see why they must be exclusive.

Mighty horse rocks, he rocks the fat ass. 




#19 Diabolical_Jazz



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Posted 01 February 2013 - 06:33 PM

I might be weird, but I don't see why they must be exclusive.

[Don't feel weird. I feel the same way.]
I don't think he needs to be immortal. I think all he needs to do is to write the right story. Because some stories do live forever.

#20 Affray


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Posted 01 February 2013 - 08:07 PM

Won't work, dude is hardcore. I mean I have my faith, but I also allow science into my life. I might be weird, but I don't see why they must be exclusive.

Blind faith is the worst kind of faith.
If you choose to believe in something, don't neglect all other sources of inspiration.
That is how you end up in the dark ages again.

No need to feel weird by the by.
For every person around you that thinks you are odd there are just as many that either don't care, or share your views.

It is perfectly acceptable to fear and admire a being you could not possibly understand.